I have a personal very negative view on what is happening but realise how futile resistance is.
Truely astonished by even reasonably intelligent and educated able to be manipulated so easily whereas facts and figures are available for all to see
So how do you/ I navigate this sad new world and avoid becoming an economic casualty, potentially even profiting from it
The pillars of economic wellness:in our new world:
Income: jobkeeper/jobseeker
Knowledge: education:in trading,languages for escape
Investment: silver PM and unseizable assets
Compounding returns..well not in term deposit or bonds
Diversification : well ,have to take that with a grain of salt, but currencies at least
Using other people money:
Loans.. so hard for me to do that.need to unlearn
Last ones: enjoy but do not own
Lease,company or trust structure.
Family stability. Lockdown does not help
What am i missing?