Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The only thing required for evil to succeed...

Re:post 39
the article I was referring to about everyday Iraqis was shown on Foreign correspondent,not catalyst.Just to clarify :eek:
Prospector said:
Well, I am thinking we should go back to the days when the people forcing these wars on us (ie the Kings of old, the Prime Ministers/Presidents of now) have to actually take part in the battle themselves - like Braveheart for instance leading the charge. Then the physical and brutal impact of the war becomes a reality for them.

These days, it is all so hi-tech that leaders (and the general public too) watch TV showing lights indicating the blowing up buildings on a television screen, like an advanced computer game. They dont see the bodies, the blood, and cant hear the screams of the people anymore so forget that their hitech equipment is actually killing people. It is war by remote control!

Some North American Indian tribes have the right approach, if there can be, to this. Only men go off to battle, but it's the women who decide to go to war or not.
Sorry Julia... cynical it certainly was... this conflict is getting to me.. i take it back... but hope you get my drift...

History is written by the side who wins... and the side who wins are always portrayed as the good guys!

Thats why its important to know both sides of the story before casting judgement on either side... something I have seen happening a lot in the posts on the forum.

Yes, i think if we look beyond the political rhetoric and the power hungry zealots... arab, israeli and american in the 19th/20th century... british in he 17th/18th century... spanish/portuguese before them, etc, etc.... its blatantly obvious that all the common people want is peace...

hmmm, but leaders being held accountable for their actions...
i'd like to see that!
kennas said:
Some North American Indian tribes have the right approach, if there can be, to this. Only men go off to battle, but it's the women who decide to go to war or not.

Kennas,regardless of who decides to go to war,what we are seeing in this latest conflict is the population held hostage.In part so they can be used as innocents victims.And not only that but the media is actually being used to accomplish that.Hesbollah is firing missiles indiscriminately into populated areas yet only about 20 people have been killed ,on the other side hundreds have been killed,even after Israel warned them that they were going to bomb them.So seeing that our first instinct is self preservation,the only explanation that makes sense is that they are not being allowed to leave.
Regardless of is making the decisions that to me is a real sign,that Israel cant afford to lose,becasue than we all become expendable.

I think Israel and the US will fail in the Middle East. Their current approach is galvanising the Muslim and Arab world and the radicals will simply grow in number. There are millions of Muslims diseffected around the world, earning low wages, or unemployed. With poor prospects in this world (but greater in the next of course) they will rise to their cultural brothers aid to wage war against Israel and the US.

A terrorist organisation is one man and a bomb. We can not, and will not, defeat that.

Let's treat the source. First, we have to find it.
Kennas,thats what the Japanese thought
at the end of the day a nuclear strike will be inevitable ,as horrifying as that sounds.Hopefully it will be the good guys striking first.
kennas said:
Some North American Indian tribes have the right approach, if there can be, to this. Only men go off to battle, but it's the women who decide to go to war or not.

And where did this piece of wisdom come from?
visual said:
at the end of the day a nuclear strike will be inevitable ,as horrifying as that sounds.Hopefully it will be the good guys striking first.

I dont know who the good guys are anymore :eek:
visual said:
Hopefully it will be the good guys striking first.

As i said in my previous post...
History is written by the side who wins... and the side who wins are always portrayed as the good guys!

If we are to be remembered as the good guys... We have to win!

I don't think a nuke will solve it.... could possibly make it worse... it will turn moderates into extremists... on both sides.

Taking out the Iranian govt tho might just do the trick!
Rafa said:
Taking out the Iranian govt tho might just do the trick!

And how do you propose that that comes about?Unless Israel bombs their plants,where the nuclear weapons are being worked on.
Prospector said:
I dont know who the good guys are anymore :eek:

Prospector,going by yesterdays interview on lateline,the good guys are people who ultimately can be held accountable.The west is trying to portray Lebanon as being dragged into a war not of its making,yet this government minister all but admitted that hesbollah was a resistance force and doing something good.In my opinion the good guys are the ones who dont hide behind civilians while shooting missiles.
Well without sounding too harsh,but if you allow yourself and your family to be put in that position then obviously you are not a civilian.The lack of a military uniform hardly makes you a civilian if you in fact are there of your own volition.And a good guy who puts on a military uniform and shoots back is only doing his duty.
oh dear... now we are onto duty...
that puts a whole new slant on good vs bad...
now its a questions of pride... a test of mettle... or tikka!

shouldn't have brought that one up vis ;)
visual said:
Well without sounding too harsh,but if you allow yourself and your family to be put in that position then obviously you are not a civilian.The lack of a military uniform hardly makes you a civilian if you in fact are there of your own volition.And a good guy who puts on a military uniform and shoots back is only doing his duty.

Are we talking about the same thing Visual? :confused: The Israelis have so far laid guided missiles on an ambulance, UN station and people's homes. This is their home, where they live and work. Even if they were given warning to evacuate, well, could they do so in time, where could they go and maybe they couldnt afford to anyway - just like the people ahead of Hurricane Katrina. That's who I am talking about, but from your comments I am thinking maybe we are not on the same page?
Prospector said:
Are we talking about the same thing Visual? :confused: The Israelis have so far laid guided missiles on an ambulance, UN station and people's homes. This is their home, where they live and work. Even if they were given warning to evacuate, well, could they do so in time, where could they go and maybe they couldnt afford to anyway - just like the people ahead of Hurricane Katrina. That's who I am talking about, but from your comments I am thinking maybe we are not on the same page?

Prospector,I think we are talking about the same thing ,but you are much nicer than me,
the ambulance thing that was discredited,a missile would have left a much bigger damage,don`t know as I`m not a military person.As for the homes and work places ,even a few days ago the Herald sun published photos clearly showing "civilians"manning a missile launcher,another civilian was keeping an eye out over a particular area,cant remember the importance of this area,but there he stood with this machine gun,in cicilian clothes.
visual said:
Prospector,I think we are talking about the same thing ,but you are much nicer than me,
the ambulance thing that was discredited,a missile would have left a much bigger damage,don`t know as I`m not a military person.As for the homes and work places ,even a few days ago the Herald sun published photos clearly showing "civilians"manning a missile launcher,another civilian was keeping an eye out over a particular area,cant remember the importance of this area,but there he stood with this machine gun,in cicilian clothes.

Sorry Prospector,in a hurry didnt finish what I was saying,
anyway to follow on,
Even the UN admits that hesbollah is using the civilians as cover,shooting from populated areas,so I reiterate my ealier point.The people getting caught are either supporters willing to put not only their families in danger but also themselves or hostages,being held against their will,it may seem not likely but then again we are talking a terorrist organisation.Also according to the government minister interview last night he did`nt seem too worried about the civilians more about defending hesbollah,so obviously the civilians are expendabla in their eyes,and thats why no effort has been made by the lebanese government to get them out.

he he, good one Wayne.

I reckon we'll see something like that in about 20 years when the US and China end up going for it.
how long did it take u to figure out that the UN is the most corrupt governing power in the world. It's all about politics. All bark and no bite. They just send in peacekeepers after the violence.
Now, wouldn't it be interesting if the Lebs were ranked No2 or No3 in OPEC. I think that the US would have said something alot sooner in terms of a ceasefire (let alone letting israel start with the bombings).