Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The only thing required for evil to succeed...

18 February 2006
I can't sometimes believe what I see on the news,

THE UN ARE A BUNCH OF SACKLESS F**KWITS, who are sitting on the hands saying we are powerless, why don't they ever make a difference, every conflict I can think of, Bosnia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia they never do anything, they just sit back and watch the human slaughter crying we're powerless, we're powerless,

Am I the only one who is so sick and tired of seeing this?

Why do we even have a so called 'United Nations'?

Don't confuse what I'm saying, I am Pro Capitalism big time and Pro Democracy and am an Avid believer that the World needs policing and that Energy Security (ie a stable supply of oil) is essential for the world to operate harmoniously, but even I sometimes stop and think what has the world come to? Why are we just sitting back and doing nothing?

The only reason we in the 'West' ever seem to intervene is when it's in our best interests,

Whats happening right now in the middle east is going to have far reaching consequences for decades to come, this is just the sort of fuel the extremists needed to keep their hatred burning and I don't blame them, when I'm sitting in my nice cosy house watching as a father clutches his dead child I ask myself what would I do were that me?

The answer I would seek revenge on anyone and everyone I felt was responsible, I know thats such a stupid way to feel but its my honest response,

Something has to be done, and done quick or else the world is on a collision course for World War 3,

In looking to the future the following quote echo's through my head,
"The only thing required for evil to succeed, is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
Hi YT,

Sorry about the thread title edit but long thread titles in all capitals distress me. :D

The answer I would seek revenge on anyone and everyone I felt was responsible, I know thats such a stupid way to feel but its my honest response

Unfortunately, as you are well aware, this is the root cause of terrorism. Until those in power recognise this and address it, we are in for a lot more bloodshed. Like yourself many others, myself included, are beginning to feel that peace of any description in the middle-east is indeed a lost cause. :(
you are right on the money. the UN does not do anything at all. they just talk things over but when it comes to getting the job done they are useless. they complain how america and other countries are always in the wars but this is because the UN never does anything or ever gets involved. I mean why do they have a military if they never use it!
Joe Blow said:
Like yourself many others, myself included, are beginning to feel that peace of any description in the middle-east is indeed a lost cause. :(

It makes me so angry and sad when I see how much NEEDLESS suffering there is in the world, especially the images of children suffering
I can't sometimes believe what I see on the news,

THE UN ARE A BUNCH OF SACKLESS F**KWITS, who are sitting on the hands saying we are powerless, why don't they ever make a difference, every conflict I can think of, Bosnia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia they never do anything, they just sit back and watch the human slaughter crying we're powerless, we're powerless,

Am I the only one who is so sick and tired of seeing this?

Why do we even have a so called 'United Nations'?

Don't confuse what I'm saying, I am Pro Capitalism big time and Pro Democracy and am an Avid believer that the World needs policing and that Energy Security (ie a stable supply of oil) is essential for the world to operate harmoniously, but even I sometimes stop and think what has the world come to? Why are we just sitting back and doing nothing?

The only reason we in the 'West' ever seem to intervene is when it's in our best interests,

Whats happening right now in the middle east is going to have far reaching consequences for decades to come, this is just the sort of fuel the extremists needed to keep their hatred burning and I don't blame them, when I'm sitting in my nice cosy house watching as a father clutches his dead child I ask myself what would I do were that me?

The answer I would seek revenge on anyone and everyone I felt was responsible, I know thats such a stupid way to feel but its my honest response,

Something has to be done, and done quick or else the world is on a collision course for World War 3,

In looking to the future the following quote echo's through my head,
"The only thing required for evil to succeed, is for good men to stand by and do nothing"

So do you have any suggestions about exactly what should be done?

The pandemic of vicious events in the middle east will continue.

Why ? because there is no panace'a for religious Hate ! :eek:

Sick isn't it !

bunyip said:
So do you have any suggestions about exactly what should be done?

Number one thing to promote world peace is to move away from reliance on oil IMO. The one thing that much of this conflict has in common is that it is in or near oil-producing countries. And the primary reason for the West becomming involved, and NEEDING to become involved, is oil.

Regardless of whether or not it's running out, we're paying a huge price for our reliance on oil from unstable countries. An environmental price. An economic price. And a human price.

Apart from aviation and petrochemicals, which collectively use about one seventh of world oil supplies, the technology exists to move away from oil as an energy source. Obviously it comes at a cost, not just economically but in terms of wild rivers flooded for hydro dams, wind farms on the coast etc. But hydro, wind and geothermal (or for that matter coal) don't lead to war. And if you count the military cost and put a value on the lives lost then petrol costs a LOT more than $1.40 a litre anyway.

Time for a "man on the moon" type project to end Western dependence on Middle East oil IMO. If it costs a bit of money, floods a few valleys and means we all have to move freight by electric trains instead of diesel trucks then so be it. They are small prices to pay compared to ongoing and escalating conflict.

As it stands now, the Middle East controls the West, not the reverse since they have the oil. A situation which will only worsen if we keep depending on the stuff and sending them increasing amounts of our national, and personal, wealth. Given what's happened in the Middle East in recent times, going back to 90's-style relative peace (well, compared to now there was peace) and cheap oil just doesn't seem likely.

IMO WWIII has already started. Time to put a stop to it while we still can. :2twocents
WWIII hasnt started yet. it only starts when other nations all around the world are involved in the war. so technically WWIII hasnt started yet. its just a another war between rival countries. ;)
Bobby said:
The pandemic of vicious events in the middle east will continue.

Why ? because there is no panace'a for religious Hate ! :eek:

Sick isn't it !


So Karl Marx was right about religion, and a state without religion is a state without hate.
So Karl Marx was right about religion, and a state without religion is a state without hate.

Nice pick up Yelnats, :)

What do you think ?

UN tried to pass a resolution that would have maybe allowed greater involvement by members of the security council but the best buddy of the perceived aggressors intervened and vetoed the resolution.

You know damn well why, to draw in the another member of the axis of evil and justify another war and invasion if they got involved.
The answer I would seek revenge on anyone and everyone I felt was responsible, I know thats such a stupid way to feel but its my honest response,

Mate, its not a stupid way to feel because it is human nature......i'm sorry but if anyone out there takes the moral high ground and says that they would not take absolute revenge on those responsible, they live in fairy land where Santa Claus and the Easter bunny sip tea with is this revenge cycle that will never see peace in the region in our lifetime.....and who can blame them when u see a kid with its head and limbs blown apart :mad:
They have just created themselves thousands more suicide bombers.....Shame on you UN! :cautious:
Back to YTs issue, yes, the UN is a paper tiger in some regards but it also does some good stuff, other than in peacekeeping/making. For eg, UNHCR, UNICEF, and other agencies promoting women's right's.

The most obvious thing we see the UN doing is soldiers on the ground which unfortunately takes an agreement between the five permanent members of the Security Council (read WWII winners) and all these individual sovereign nations have their own agendas. Not that of the rest of the world.

The very unfortunate thing I see around the world atm, is people like us, YES US, who are busy pontificating, playing the stockmarket, counting how many yachts we can ski behind, and are not actually doing anything about it. Me and you and right now sitting on countless wealth compared to millions of people through Asia, Africa and Sth/Central America, and are still being gready.

Perhaps I am speaking for myself, but I am a vey selfish human, looking after myself and family. That coming from someone who HAS served with the UN in peacekeeping/making...

If we really all feel strongly enough about it, give back.
Smurf1976 said:
Number one thing to promote world peace is to move away from reliance on oil IMO. The one thing that much of this conflict has in common is that it is in or near oil-producing countries. And the primary reason for the West becomming involved, and NEEDING to become involved, is oil.

Regardless of whether or not it's running out, we're paying a huge price for our reliance on oil from unstable countries. An environmental price. An economic price. And a human price.

I certainly agree that it would be preferable if we could get rid of our reliance on oil.
But even if we could, I believe that trouble would continue in the middle East trouble spots for the simple reason that they're religious fanatics who hate each other purely on religious grounds.
There's a saying that the only thing an Arab hates more than the west is another Arab.
The situation in Iraq lends some weight to this theory.
All the different tribes and religious factions mean that they'll probably always be at each others throats, same as they've been for thousands of years.

If the Arab nations were to achieve their stated objective of wiping out the Jews, the next thing that would happen is they'd start fighting each other for the right to occupy Israel.

THE UN ARE A BUNCH OF SACKLESS F**KWITS, who are sitting on the hands saying we are powerless, why don't they ever make a difference.
Sadly the UN seems to have been reduced to the proverbial 'Toothless Tiger'. Although it was a good idea at the time, it has failed to deliver on too many occasions for my liking..

Am I the only one who is so sick and tired of seeing this?
Certainly not.. Views similar to yours were expressed 20 (odd) years ago when Iraq wasn't playing nicely.. It’s a view that is shared by many and for quite some time.. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have changed anything..

The only reason we in the 'West' ever seem to intervene is when it's in our best interests.
To be fair that's not entirely correct.. Certainly it comes close when applied to the good ol' US of A, but not for a lot of other 'Western' civilisations..

If you can get hold of this movie it goes a long way to explain the US mentality.. Check it out..

Whats happening right now in the middle east is going to have far reaching consequences for decades to come..
Consider 'What happened decades ago in the Middle East is having far reaching consequences right now'.. and you can see how today’s events may have transpired.. and why they will continue to occur..

I would seek revenge on anyone and everyone I felt was responsible
Again, it's easy to understand how these events continue to occur isn't it. Unfortunately they seem to be self perpetuating.. Granted it all seems bizarre to many of us here, but you must remember that their cultures and beliefs are very very different to ours, and life is extremely cheap in some of these countries..

I agree with the Smurf, removing the reliance on oil would go a long way to reducing the tensions, it would certainly eliminate a number of the larger 'stakeholder' countries from the area..


The UN is toothlesss because it can't act unless all 5 permanent members of the Security Council... US, Russia, China, Britain and France are in agreeance...

And when does that ever happen... Don't blame the UN, blame the 5 countries that hold it ransom!

Same with religion.... religion is just a weapon to motivate people to fight... same as nationalism, racism, etc, etc... Look at USSR... Communist... No Religion, No God... They still caused plenty of wars...

As kennas said in another post... its human nature to want more and conquer and get power... some do it via the tools provided by capitalism, globalisation, gaining huge wealth by explointing other people and lands, some do it with military power... almost all great empires use cheap rhetoric, be it racist rhetoric, religios rhetoric, nationalistic rhetoric to get the common people on side and willing to lay their lives down... FOR NOTHING!!!

And yes, as long as we keep funding Arab states by our lust of oil... Nothing much we can do about it i'm afraid...
Rafa said:
Same with religion.... religion is just a weapon to motivate people to fight... same as nationalism, racism, etc, etc... Look at USSR... Communist... No Religion, No God... They still caused plenty of wars...


Hey Rafa,

Your on direction with the above, The greatest weapon system invented must be religion :(
Sick & weak minds still flock to this poison with its balderdash. )

Bobby said:
Hey Rafa,

Your on direction with the above, The greatest weapon system invented must be religion :(
Sick & weak minds still flock to this poison with its balderdash. )

Hi ya Bob.....sorry but MY religion is NOT a motivation for violence and women and kid killing..... my religion [i do not even call it a religion] which is far from not the root of all this cr#p that is happening today....MAN IS ie ego......
cheerful.... :partyman:
nelly said:
Hi ya Bob.....sorry but MY religion is NOT a motivation for violence and women and kid killing..... my religion [i do not even call it a religion] which is far from not the root of all this cr#p that is happening today....MAN IS ie ego......
cheerful.... :partyman:
Hello Nelly,

Like our words, yep heaps of cr*p happening out there for sure !

Good night
the_godfather4 said:
Mate, its not a stupid way to feel because it is human nature......i'm sorry but if anyone out there takes the moral high ground and says that they would not take absolute revenge on those responsible, they live in fairy land where Santa Claus and the Easter bunny sip tea with is this revenge cycle that will never see peace in the region in our lifetime.....and who can blame them when u see a kid with its head and limbs blown apart :mad:
They have just created themselves thousands more suicide bombers.....Shame on you UN! :cautious:

hi ya... godfather[feel weird sayin that] i agree it is HUMAN nature....!
cheerful always... :D