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The Nostradamus Thread

This sounds like a wind up to me, so it requires fact checking:

So, what's your astute and cunning prediction of where the world will be in 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, 1000 years?

Give or take a few years.

1 Years - One or more EU country leave the Union. Australian property down 5-10% from current levels.

10 Years - Apple share price ~$200 per share. Facebook no longer exists. Australian property around same level as now. China growth normalised to 0-3% p.a.

100 Years - 20% of Africa becomes first world countries. USA split into several countries after a bitter civil war. China expanded its territory into Siberia. Japan is no longer relevant on the global economy. And zombies controled by Google Glass Mk VI control half the planet.

1000 Years - More than 50% of the average human body is synthetic / mechanical. Human encounters extra terrestrial beings but they are mostly only inferior to us. Moon's real estate price crash never recovered.
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