Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The lunatic right

Of course there are lunatics on the right as well, Horace. But of course those on the right are usually nationalistic and patriotic, as opposed to those on the left who are the exact opposite and will never be happy until they see the dismantling of our culture.
Of course there are lunatics on the right as well, Horace. But of course those on the right are usually nationalistic and patriotic, as opposed to those on the left who are the exact opposite and will never be happy until they see the dismantling of our culture.

Lunatics on the Right are the ones who take us into unnecessary wars in the name of "nationalism" and "patriotism" killing millions in the process, so if it's a choice between death and destruction and political correctness I know which one I'd prefer to put up with.

But the point is that we don't have to put up with either, if we find sensible centre politicians like Xenophon and vote for them.
Of course there are lunatics on the right as well, Horace. But of course those on the right are usually nationalistic and patriotic, as opposed to those on the left who are the exact opposite and will never be happy until they see the dismantling of our culture.

Capitalism requires consumers. However a polarized class system (like feudalism) has very few people who are consumers. High inequality means there is a meager <1% that can afford your mass produced crap. Which means no profits which tbh sucks. This is why we need welfare. So that the lower classes will keep consuming, keep buying crap and as a result, keep the dividends rolling in.

That's why I am a loonie leftie. Apart from the fact that I want everyone to have a fair go at life.
Of course there are lunatics on the right as well, Horace. But of course those on the right are usually nationalistic and patriotic, as opposed to those on the left who are the exact opposite and will never be happy until they see the dismantling of our culture.
On which side of the left/right dichotomy do you consider the independence movement in India of the 19th and 20th centuries?

Ohhh... what about our 'looney leftie friends in Russia?

I'm struggling to fit these into the neat little boxes of culture preservation/culture destruction exhibited in your post...
On which side of the left/right dichotomy do you consider the independence movement in India of the 19th and 20th centuries?

Ohhh... what about our 'looney leftie friends in Russia?

I'm struggling to fit these into the neat little boxes of culture preservation/culture destruction exhibited in your post...

I remember that idiot who blew up a government building a few years back in the USA. He was from the extreme right. ISIS could be considered right wing.

All extremists are bad. The far left and far right both believe in suppression of rights.
But the point is that we don't have to put up with either, if we find sensible centre politicians like Xenophon and vote for them.

The centrists are not popular, people want their politicians to be tough and steadfast, look how Malcolm was punished at the last election, the hard right voted for Hanson and the other lunatics.

In the US angry white people voted for trump, regardless of the racism and sexism and tax dodging and the fact that he is a reality TV star with zero experience in government, rather than a center left Hillary.
Capitalism requires consumers. However a polarized class system (like feudalism) has very few people who are consumers. High inequality means there is a meager <1% that can afford your mass produced crap. Which means no profits which tbh sucks. This is why we need welfare. So that the lower classes will keep consuming, keep buying crap and as a result, keep the dividends rolling in.

That's why I am a loonie leftie. Apart from the fact that I want everyone to have a fair go at life.

It seems asf is a strange place for you to be then.

Whose mass produced crap are you referring to? All my work is individually hand made from scratch.
On which side of the left/right dichotomy do you consider the independence movement in India of the 19th and 20th centuries?

Ohhh... what about our 'looney leftie friends in Russia?

I'm struggling to fit these into the neat little boxes of culture preservation/culture destruction exhibited in your post...
Dunno Ves, but Dr Stein who prompted this duo of threads, certainly identifies as left.
The centrists are not popular, people want their politicians to be tough and steadfast, look how Malcolm was punished at the last election, the hard right voted for Hanson and the other lunatics.

In the US angry white people voted for trump, regardless of the racism and sexism and tax dodging and the fact that he is a reality TV star with zero experience in government, rather than a center left Hillary.

You could quite possibly be parroting the leftist media view there, especially with the isms.

My analysis is far more nuanced Fwiw
The centrists are not popular, people want their politicians to be tough and steadfast, look how Malcolm was punished at the last election, the hard right voted for Hanson and the other lunatics.

In the US angry white people voted for trump, regardless of the racism and sexism and tax dodging and the fact that he is a reality TV star with zero experience in government, rather than a center left Hillary.

At last look, Hilary Clinton has extended her lead in the popular vote. If not for the antiquated Electoral College system, she would be President Elect.

Trump may be the most unpopularly elected President in history.
At last look, Hilary Clinton has extended her lead in the popular vote. If not for the antiquated Electoral College system, she would be President Elect.

Trump may be the most unpopularly elected President in history.

She's not so popular, and neither is Trump, if we count the 49% or so of eligible voters who couldn't be bothered to turn up to vote.

So this argument of Clinton being more popular is as honest as the Clinton campaign.

I recall watching the BBC's I,Claudius series. Based on Robert Graves novels... he explained how Emperor Claudius chose Nero as his successor so that Nero, being an inept idiot, would ruin the clan's hold on imperial Rome, forcing the Roman to take it back and turn it to a Republic again.

Sure the reign of the Julio-Claudio clan fell with Nero just to be replaced by other dynasty and unending civil wars... but. But have faith in the American public.

The way it's been going the past 3 decades - with great wealth inequality, slowly eroding system of justice where money walks and bs gets five years to life, endless wars all over the globe while half the country are living in poverty while the top 0.1% have as much wealth as the bottom 90%...

So you need a Nero, and a Trump will do... so that such an ugly face is put on the ugly policies that the plebs are scared enough to do something about it - while they still can.

If they decide to do something, the rot might stop. If the media and the intellectuals are clever enough, and the police are brutal enough, that the plebs will just stay quiet... well it'll head in the same direction it's been heading anyway, just a bit faster.
She's not so popular, and neither is Trump, if we count the 49% or so of eligible voters who couldn't be bothered to turn up to vote.

So this argument of Clinton being more popular is as honest as the Clinton campaign.


I think it's valid to say that Clinton is more popular than Trump among those who voted.

We can't say anything about those who didn't bother (or were not allowed to vote).
I think it's valid to say that Clinton is more popular than Trump among those who voted.

We can't say anything about those who didn't bother (or were not allowed to vote).

If it's popularity that counts, then Clinton should have stepped aside for Sanders.

The guy clearly got both Democrats and independent voters, and would have beat Trump like the clown that he is.

But Clinton and her stooges rigged any part of the system that isn't already rigged, put all the DNC's resources behind Clinton and against Sanders (when it's supposed to be neutral).

Sure, Clinton won by the rules and by other means - even though some 4 officers of the DNC were forced to resigned out of corruption for Clinton once the WikiLeak reveal their dealings... So for Clinton or the Democrats to now claim that she won the popular vote and Trump shouldn't be president... well they can go and suck it.

There's no difference between the two parties anyway. Look and see if any Democrats are standing up to the oil companies behind the DAPL. What have Obama done to help anyone the Republican wouldn't help in the first place?

So Obama is silent as the governor and the state begin to issue fines to protestors or businesses bringing protestors food and shelter. Trying to starve and freeze them out. And if the ice and snow aren't enogh, there's fire hoses that'll be use to douse them.

Would Trump be any worst?
Would Trump be any worst?

We'll have to wait and see. Judging by his economic promises ; massive tax cuts + massive infrastructure spending, he could send the USA broke. He may default on debt or he may just print money to pay it back .

Either way the US could become an economic basket case and drag the world down with it.

Be careful what you wish for...
We'll have to wait and see. Judging by his economic promises ; massive tax cuts + massive infrastructure spending, he could send the USA broke. He may default on debt or he may just print money to pay it back .

Either way the US could become an economic basket case and drag the world down with it.

Be careful what you wish for...

A democracy is the best form of gov't as it does not require a God Emperor, no Son of Heaven and no enlightened Prince.

Now that it's obvious to the voters their representative aren't at all representing their interests... they better start protesting and demanding that those servant of theirs do. Gotta work for those welfare cheques, just like how corporations and rich people get the lobbyists to do their biddings.

So yea, it could be good in that it get people politically active again... and sure, it could deteriorate and the next Trump could take US nuclear.

But let's have faith in the common folks. They actually believe in the freedom and liberty stuff, and are willng to fight for it at home.

A group of retired US veterans - currently over 230,000 of them - have signed up to go join the Native American and Environmentalist against DAPL. They've raised some $650K in two weeks from the public and are heading to stand with the greenies this weekend.

Would be interesting to see if the cops and para military would still use water cannons and pepper sprays on US vets.

In terms of tax cuts and infrastructure spending... depends on how he/they devise it. Well he's going to give corp and the top earners more tax cuts... but so has Obama. So no difference.

In term of infrastructure... it could create a great deal of jobs so that's a good thing. But if the gov't (taxpayers) were to fund it then he offloaded to his friends, which tend to happen nowadays.

Really, I don't think any gov't have cut back their overall spending. All they've done is shifted the same piggy bank to friends and patrons. Austerity for social programmes and the poor, more incentives and job creations to the rich.

So if the public is active enough, Trump might end up becoming the most liberal and left leaning US president in its history. Not because he wants to, but because he have to.
We'll have to wait and see. Judging by his economic promises ; massive tax cuts + massive infrastructure spending, he could send the USA broke. He may default on debt or he may just print money to pay it back .

Either way the US could become an economic basket case and drag the world down with it.

Be careful what you wish for...
What is the difference with the current situation: he might print money? And have a debt level which can not be repaid "like" ever??
You mean like NOW?