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The loss of a pet

My oldest daughter lost her best friend and companion on the weekend. He was a long haired Jack Russell that she had since she left home 9 years ago, needless to say tears all round. Fortunatelly she has a beautifull 7month old son to help fill the void. Jeez life is hard.
Tyson, so sorry . I missed your post when I logged on earlier. I understand so much the loss you're feeling. I hope you do get another pet. It isn't a replacement, but can help fill that awful sense of emptiness. It's not in any way 'disloyal' to the departed pet who, after all, would want you to have what comfort you can find.
For a biggish dog to have 12 years is good, and I bet he had the best life with you.

That's all any of us can offer the pets who give us so much. They ask for so little and respond so hugely to our love and care.

So sorry about the cat also.

Really sorry to hear about the Jack Russell, sp. They're personality-filled little dynamos.

And pixel, going away after the loss of a pet sounds like a really good idea.
Isn't it funny how you feel a bit silly admitting how huge a part of your life a pet is, but nearly everyone else who has them feels the same way.

Our old lady's time is very near and we've already shed a good many tears. She sleeps a lot and when she wakes up she doesn't go anyway very fast, but I still sometimes call her Puppy. My former dogs were terriers. This one is at least half Kelpie; much more trainable but also very choosy about who she responds to. The bond is very strong and breaking it hurts even worse than the earlier ones did.
Hope there will be another dog and/or cat, Smurf.
I've presently got a cat, some fish and some mice.

I did sort of have a pet wallaby, unfortunately however it was run over a while ago. It was a wild animal, but it was starting to spend quite a lot of time in the backyard and did poke its nose inside the house a couple of times. It just turned up one evening, and kept coming back. It was quite a shock going to work one morning and seeing it there lying dead on the road...

We had a red healer,working dog, they are so devoted, when you lose them it is tragic.
I keep telling the kids not to get dogs, you get tired of the trauma of losing them.
But it is really hard to give up the unconditional love and devotion a dog gives.

Well Smurf, wallaby or dog or cat etc the loss is just as bad, especially if you have bonded.
Isn't it funny how you feel a bit silly admitting how huge a part of your life a pet is, but nearly everyone else who has them feels the same way.
So true. Equally, people who are not animal lovers think you're bonkers.

I keep telling the kids not to get dogs, you get tired of the trauma of losing them.
But it is really hard to give up the unconditional love and devotion a dog gives.

I do understand the reluctance to again be exposed to that great sense of loss, but - especially if your pet has had its natural lifetime - I think the joy they bring during that 12 or so years far outweighs the pain.

I've found the goodbye is much easier if I've brought a new puppy into the household when I judge the old dog to be around six months away from her end. It has always worked really well: the old dog teaches and disciplines the new puppy and in the process has seemed to get a new lease of life, even while the pup swings on her tail, chews her ears etc.
One of my lasting memories is of one of my old dogs curling herself up tightly in just a corner of the bed she'd had all her life, so that the puppy could sleep stretched out right in the middle. She mothered that pup as if it were her own and it was lovely to watch.

Much more difficult when you lose a pet suddenly. My last two both died suddenly from an acute medical event. Just a few hours after you have a robustly healthy, happy dog, she's dead. So awful.

So, sp, hope you don't discourage your kids from getting more pets. And Ghoti, especially in your current living environment, isn't a dog almost mandatory when this Puppy's time comes?
Tyson and jessie in full flight.



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Mate, as the old saying goes, time heals everything.
Life goes on, but like I told my daughter, at least she had the wonderfull time with her her dog.
By the way they are a couple of great looking dogs, obviuosly you have too much money and feed them well.LOL
It's tough alright.
Addey was my wife's horse of 23 yrs and she had to put her down a few years ago.
The memory and pain fades but never goes away.

And as we grow older our human friends seem to drop like flies!
Through life's journey we took a ride,
The times you spent by my side,
You always were there as my best friend,
But we knew one day, there would be an end.
Heavens doors are open, just walk through the gates,
In this Animal Kingdom sunshine awaits,
To a place you can run free, never grow old,
A world full of freedom, rivers of gold.
Towards the rainbow, you can play and run,
Or in the green fields, you relax in the sun,
Under the trees, just rest in the shade,
As this is the place where dreams are made.
No pain or suffering exists in this place,
Only fields of endless happiness, butterflies you chase.
Beyond the hills you lead your friends,
As my broken heart tries to mend.
When I light a candle and whisper your name,
This shall become forever, an endless flame.
When you look down from pet heaven, see tears on my cheek,
Make me strong please my baby, day by day, week by week.
When I look amongst the stars for you,
I can see you shining in heaven, it's true,
Just wait for me, I'll see you one day,
But now my friend, just relax or play...

Author Unknown.


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They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true.
We never wanted memories, we only wanted you.
A million times we needed you, a million times we cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane,
We'd walk the path to heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

Unknown Author

Max was only 4 years old.
Looks like you were living with them and your sole purpose in life was to feed them
lucky you didn't have to bark for them .. I would be inclined to get another asap that will help take you mind off it all.
Do doubt animals know how to enjoy given the chance,
Very sad to hear when someone loses a pet, its been a long time since I lost one and it breaks your heart.

Gorgeous cat Tyson, the second picture looks alot like my dog, as mentioned in the pet thread, I have a pomeranian.

Hope you are coping OK, take care

Thanks Tink,

Yeah Max was very hairy, He actually got much more hairy than in that photo.

I felt the same way when I lost Fred over 2 years ago, stared at the wall for awhile and just thinking of him as I type makes me well up a bit even now.

After about 12 months I was still very lost and on urging of family got my new dog Max, he is a great fellow too but very different and will never replace Fred but I am so attached now to Max that nothing will replace him either.

The loving attachment of a pet (to me a dog) is something other than human relationships, they have their own special place and space with you and their grin, snort and waging tail is one of the things that makes it great to get up each day.

I am sorry for you loss, the emotion is the love you shared and the good you did for each other. You had a lucky pet and as Julia said to me about my new boy Max, "he is a very lucky dog" I saved him at the lost dogs home. When or if you are ready again it is well worth considering.
When my children were young we had lots of pets. I always felt like such a traitorous murderer when I had to take one of them to the vet for the final time. I would sit there blubbering, sure that the cat knew what I was doing, and then have to come home to face three children in floods of tears..... Still they are worth it. I don't have pets now - for a number of reasons - but would love to. They become such a part of your life, and only another animal lover can really understand the loss.

I know what you're saying. I stayed with my dog until the last moment. He was my best friend. I still think about him. He was so great, I know that he is doing well, no matter the situation he faces. He was kind, loyal, intelligent and had more mental strength to deal with adversity than any and all people I have ever known (all put together) of in this world.
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