Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Harris Presidency

I can't watch it. They're just too much. I'll wait for the clips and memes.
I wonder if the hordes that gather at these almost religious revival events are (a) followers and believers, (b) just having a day out or (c) rent a rabble so as to make it look as if the main character can pull a crowd?
I must agree with @finicky though.
Now they're gonna weasel out of the September 10 debate. It worked for the CCP asset, basement Joe. Half the Anerican public doesn't even need enunciation of policies, just a few cheap slogans and 'excitement'. Like the shill Bill Maher, they just want to win. Still can't believe it has become this moronic and I'm only average I.Q.

Looking grim for the Trump cult followers que howls of outrage... or its rigged.

Renowned elections forecaster Allan Lichtman predicts 'Harris will become the first woman president of the United States'

Looking grim for the Trump cult followers que howls of outrage... or its rigged.

Renowned elections forecaster Allan Lichtman predicts 'Harris will become the first woman president of the United States'

The Trumpet beat Hilary but this lady I feel is a different kettle of fish, so to speak.
When the name calling and disparaging looks, snarls and glares start, The Trumpet will be showing his true colours.
My guess, just from an outside observer is, the Democrats by a landslide with the black american vote and I can't wait to see the mess in 4 years.
The balance of trade has gone on a steep climb in China's favour, since Trump left office and another 4 years will send the U.S into an economic death spiral or a war IMO.
By then the EU (Germany) will be struggling and the U.S dollar will be challenged as the reserve currency.
Time will tell.
My guess, just from an outside observer is, the Democrats by a landslide with the black american vote and I can't wait to see the mess in 4 years.
The balance of trade has gone on a steep climb in China's favour, since Trump left office and another 4 years will send the U.S into an economic death spiral or a war IMO.
By then the EU (Germany) will be struggling and the U.S dollar will be challenged as the reserve currency.
Time will tell.

Nah Trump increased spending and cut taxes lowering revenue raising the debt levels further but did start the return of manufacturing Biden has increased spending mainly aimed at critical areas and manufacturing.

Not a lot of difference and no mention this election cycle on doing anything about debt.
Nah Trump increased spending and cut taxes lowering revenue raising the debt levels further but did start the return of manufacturing Biden has increased spending mainly aimed at critical areas and manufacturing.

Not a lot of difference and no mention this election cycle on doing anything about debt.
Time will tell, we will see in 4 years.
The narrative is wearing thin, on all fronts, keeping saying everythings great isn't cutting it, here or in the U.S.
Time will tell, we will see in 4 years.
The narrative is wearing thin, on all fronts, keeping saying everythings great isn't cutting it, here or in the U.S.

I didn't say things are great (if that's what you meant) I said there is little real difference between the two parties the big issue is debt and that will blow the world up at some stage (bond market will go spastic) no one is talking policy to address it.

Still its the US they are all mad.
I didn't say things are great (if that's what you meant) I said there is little real difference between the two parties the big issue is debt and that will blow the world up at some stage (bond market will go spastic) no one is talking policy to address it.

Still its the US they are all mad.
The underlying issue is that the West is spending more than it is making, because they outsourced nearly all of their manufacturing to China, that was fine while China was in the growing stage and their product was junk.

The West lived on selling its assetts and on inflated currency values, the time isn't far off where China's economy will be as big as the U.S and their currency will be underpinned by a very large industrial base.

Then it will get interesting, the next 4 years will be where the Wests future is decided IMO and even though Trump is an absolute dick, he appears to be the only one who wants to address the issue head on.

It will be an interesting period IMO.
Germany is already feeling the heat of high costs and increasing competition, this is only the beginning, the real fun hasn't started yet, the party is just about over IMO.

Volkswagen chief executive says situation 'alarming,' cuts needed
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The underlying issue is that the West is spending more than it is making, because they outsourced nearly all of their manufacturing to China, that was fine while China was in the growing stage and their product was junk.

The West lived on selling its assetts and on inflated currency values, the time isn't far off where China's economy will be as big as the U.S and their currency will be underpinned by a very large industrial base.

Then it will get interesting, the next 4 years will be where the Wests future is decided IMO and even though Trump is an absolute dick, he appears to be the only one who wants to address the issue head on.

It will be an interesting period IMO.
Germany is already feeling the heat of high costs and increasing competition, this is only the beginning, the real fun hasn't started yet, the party is just about over IMO.

Volkswagen chief executive says situation 'alarming,' cuts needed
As I was alluding to, re Trump and the increasing strength of the Yuan undermining the confidence in the U.S as reserve currency status.
The West needs to get is $hit together and stop picking political parties on feel good BBQ back slapping issues and realise things are getting serious. 😉
