Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Great Reset

Classic example is the most recent data dump from pfizer. It unequivocally shows that they lied about the vaccines efficacy, yet the media is either not reporting it or covering it up and most of the punters are in denial about it.

This of course was regarded as a conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.

I remember once upon a time the existence of the Fabian society was considered to be a conspiracy theory, yet they are a registered organisation and have their own website and whatnot.

Some conspiracy theories of course are ridiculous, such as the earth is flat.

Most conspiracy theories are really in effect, cynicism in the true sense. The WEF for instance; they purport to be in the interests of the advancement of civilisation, but the cynical view would be that they're interested in their own political and financial interests.

I ask, which of these things seem more naive?
did you notice their pill failed the phase III trial recently , one must wonder about the rival pill as well now
Classic sign of a conspiracy theorist, they ban and block debate that questions their weak theory. So far I've been put on ignore by at least two cospiracy theorist on this fourm - qfrog and wayneL :happy: fear and madness

i still prefer QUESTION EVERYTHING ( no matter which side the information seems to support )

sometimes the other side gaffes the truth ( or in Pfizer's case leaking it to selected shareholders )

In reality, in all but the most ridiculous cases, allegation of conspiracy theorist is basically and inability to counter with any reasonable arguement.

Of course many things turn out to be untrue and we can discover that by reasonable discussion, rather than puerile mocking. Equally, many things ridiculous conspiracy theories *do turn out to be true.

There is nothing wrong with having a discussion about it and idiots like our friend here in this thread add nothing to that.
Classic sign of a conspiracy theorist, they ban and block debate that questions their weak theory. So far I've been put on ignore by at least two cospiracy theorist on this fourm - qfrog and wayneL :happy: fear and madness

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a conspiracy theorist or a conspirator ??

the conspirator fears understanding of the truth being realized ( look how WEF pulled that wonderful promo , and the narrative 'dream' by the European member of parliament )

for example you would be amazed on how little influence i have on banning or cancelling anyone ( unlike the opposing view which has massive resources )
Methinks, the MSM doth protest overmuch!
having worked for a major media corporation for several years ( decades if you count the sub-contractor days ) , that has been par for the course ( sensationalism is their stock in trade )
This time it will be different?
sadly , i think it will be ( and i can't be sure it will be better in the mid-term )

it would be nice if my family's experiences in the Great Depression , gave me the red carpet advantage , or even my reading of the GFC gave me a little edge ( so i did better than resist losses )

but i see enough bubbles to see the potential of contagion ( a series of financial collapses ) .. yeah we might miss popping one or two , but surely we can't only pop one and miss the rest

i have seen some arguments for instance that housing is NOT in a bubble , ( i think it is ) but lets assume house prices hold strong , the world trade is still a mess bottle-necks , sanctions , peak production in key allies ( when we need MORE ) , inflation is bolting with official interest rates a daylight second the Fed need rates to be NINE percent by December to worry the actual inflation ( not the planned 2.5% ) ,

the Fed is planning to tighten as well as the pathetic rate rises , so where does the GDP fall to ( since Fed printing activities are now included in the GDP .. actually it is the government but the US government is spending way more than it takes in , so you may as well claim the Fed is printing half the US GDP , and cut the complicated maths

now the UK seems to be in the same boat , while Japan just defies explanation and Australia has this wonderful trade surplus UNTIL China bans imports from Australia ( and the Chinese have been tinkering with those for over a decade , wine , wheat , some baby formula , sometimes the coal shipments )

AND we are seeing the EU in full self-mutilation mode ( i can't believe Finland and Sweden would go anywhere NATO or EU membership , but they are )
sadly , i think it will be ( and i can't be sure it will be better in the mid-term )

it would be nice if my family's experiences in the Great Depression , gave me the red carpet advantage , or even my reading of the GFC gave me a little edge ( so i did better than resist losses )

but i see enough bubbles to see the potential of contagion ( a series of financial collapses ) .. yeah we might miss popping one or two , but surely we can't only pop one and miss the rest

i have seen some arguments for instance that housing is NOT in a bubble , ( i think it is ) but lets assume house prices hold strong , the world trade is still a mess bottle-necks , sanctions , peak production in key allies ( when we need MORE ) , inflation is bolting with official interest rates a daylight second the Fed need rates to be NINE percent by December to worry the actual inflation ( not the planned 2.5% ) ,

the Fed is planning to tighten as well as the pathetic rate rises , so where does the GDP fall to ( since Fed printing activities are now included in the GDP .. actually it is the government but the US government is spending way more than it takes in , so you may as well claim the Fed is printing half the US GDP , and cut the complicated maths

now the UK seems to be in the same boat , while Japan just defies explanation and Australia has this wonderful trade surplus UNTIL China bans imports from Australia ( and the Chinese have been tinkering with those for over a decade , wine , wheat , some baby formula , sometimes the coal shipments )

AND we are seeing the EU in full self-mutilation mode ( i can't believe Finland and Sweden would go anywhere NATO or EU membership , but they are )
Spot on my thinking, expressed better than i would ever do, and i do not have your wisdom/ knowledge due to generation difference.
I don't understand what the "reset" is, but I do think China and Russia are trying to wedge the U.S on reserve currency status.
If China/Russia can get enough leverage in the emerging market countries, mainly centred around South East Asia and to a lesser degree Africa and South America, so that they become preferred trading partners rather than the West then just as with the Russian gas they demand their currency as the preferred benchmark.
It would cause a trading war, but the West with a tertiary manufacturing base and limited raw materials, would be at a big disadvantage.

China was left at a huge disadvantage after the GFC, when the U.S debased its currency and left everyone else with an overvalued currency, China's only answer was to keep dropping the value of the Yuan in step with the $U.S, it would have showed China just how exposed they are to the U.S control of exchange rates and they were having to give products away just to keep manufacturing and growth going.
So the U.S showed China that they had them over a barrel, Russia probably already knew that, but Putin has a different agenda IMO.
I can't see how this problem will go away, without either a new negotiated universal reserve currency, or a war. :2twocents
Spot on my thinking, expressed better than i would ever do, and i do not have your wisdom/ knowledge due to generation difference.
my parents DRUMMED in ( bashed in some cases ) certain practices learned from the Great Depression Era

time will tell if they make a difference in harsh times , but the global economy is such a tangled mess this time , it will be hard to pick the perfect strategy ( i might have been better planting a herb/vegie garden than researching stocks for instance , or maybe downloading maintenance manuals for older [ repairable ] machinery and earn extra stuff that way )
I don't understand what the "reset" is, but I do think China and Russia are trying to wedge the U.S on reserve currency status.
If China/Russia can get enough leverage in the emerging market countries, mainly centred around South East Asia and to a lesser degree Africa and South America, so that they become preferred trading partners rather than the West then just as with the Russian gas they demand their currency as the preferred benchmark.
It would cause a trading war, but the West with a tertiary manufacturing base and limited raw materials, would be at a big disadvantage.

China was left at a huge disadvantage after the GFC, when the U.S debased its currency and left everyone else with an overvalued currency, China's only answer was to keep dropping the value of the Yuan in step with the $U.S, it would have showed China just how exposed they are to the U.S control of exchange rates and they were having to give products away just to keep manufacturing and growth going.
So the U.S showed China that they had them over a barrel, Russia probably already knew that, but Putin has a different agenda IMO.
I can't see how this problem will go away, without either a new negotiated universal reserve currency, or a war. :2twocents
yes Japan ( and South Korea ) are perfect examples for your argument , BUT will Russia and China remain technical laggards , sure they may different priorities ( like hyper-sonic missiles in preference to satellite mounted lasers )

now i have no business dealing with Russians ( that i know of ) but in dealing with Chinese being reliable and sticking with the agreed deal is a BIG advantage

i don't see how the Chinese will ever trust the West again ( they still carry a grudge over the Opium Wars/Boxer Rebellion as just one example ) and Russia might easily realize relations with the West is not worth the effort either , so who will prefer the China/Russia sphere over the Western one .. and will a new 'Cold War ' stay cold/cool

something to watch for is the use of EMP weapons used in space ( to neutralize satellites ) i can't guarantee they will be used but would be a logical escalation in the current conflict
I think Putin wants a legacy, re uniting the USSR, he has been in power a long time and all he has to show for it is a smaller less significant and in a lot of ways poorer country. Now he is nearing the end of his road, he may just want to make a point.
Also tying in with China he can readily access better manufacturing and share technology with China, which will accelerate both their development.
How it wont end in conflict, when both sides are chasing the same raw materials, is beyond me.
Our raw materials will make us front and centre in any conflict, whether we like it or not IMO.
Hopefully a negotiated way forward is possible, but now Trump and a strong U.S persona has gone, I cant see China and Russia taking the U.S seriously, with Biden they look impotent a fact that China and Russia are taking advantage of.
well China and Russia can cooperate by developing the 'Stans ' Afghanistan Kazakhstan etc etc , the fact many of these are land-locked is a HUGE advantage to Russia and China ( both willing to lay more rail lines and pipelines ) last i saw Mongolia was under-explored

and am GUESSING China is planning a Moon-base partly as a resupply depot , but surely China would explore it for untapped mineral resources ( mostly doing all this with automation )

BTW stop focusing on Putin the Russian parliament contains another 80 former spies/intelligence ( plus the surprisingly aggressive Medvedev )

Putin stepping aside might only be the start of bigger problems
well China and Russia can cooperate by developing the 'Stans ' Afghanistan Kazakhstan etc etc , the fact many of these are land-locked is a HUGE advantage to Russia and China ( both willing to lay more rail lines and pipelines ) last i saw Mongolia was under-explored

and am GUESSING China is planning a Moon-base partly as a resupply depot , but surely China would explore it for untapped mineral resources ( mostly doing all this with automation )

BTW stop focusing on Putin the Russian parliament contains another 80 former spies/intelligence ( plus the surprisingly aggressive Medvedev )

Putin stepping aside might only be the start of bigger problems
Putin gave the US a chance for mediated outcomes with Trump, not sure if will happen again with any successor especially if the political puppets put in place in the US are so obviously muppets of the deep state.
As noted in above post, Putin is an angel vs some of the other potential leaders.
Lastly, what has Putin done with ex USSR, well it is a shame most here did not actually see that, i visited St Petersburg then NY in a row 5y or so ago, one is stunning,the other falling into decrepitude and a bored old non dynamic old europe style capital city.. and no NY is not shining in the 2020s...
Do not trust the abc, cnn or fox news..get feet on the ground..obviously hard now for either China and Russia.
People has so much outdated view on what overseas actually is.
So de facto we as Australian are in the Reset deep state pseudo democratic group and face the CCP/russia/indian bloc..hum
it's hard to call Putin an angel , but his rivals have desperate problems they are trying to blame on Putin to justify the looting of Russia ( we have seen this all before several times )

let's see if India can stay safely on the sidelines , i expect NOT because Imran Khan has been ousted so expect a flare up between India and Pakistan ( trying to destabilize both NUCLEAR powers )

this is all about trying to distract from the US and EU being as broke as badgers with debts they have little chance of repaying ( you could probably add the UK and Japan as well )
well the Rouble is hinted at being backed by a commodity basket ( instead of the recently announced gold peg )
BUT at least it seems to be backed by something

maybe the Rouble success will start a trend ( of having asset backing )

by the way if the Saudis are flexible with oil payments , Russia is largely excluded , China increasingly reluctant , Europe and UK a train wreck , should we be watching the Mexican peso ??