Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gonski Report

Here is another example of dumb politics.

The projections show that Leinster Primary School in the Goldfields would be a big winner, with each student to get $20,900 within six years, up from $13,700 now

Leinster will be shut down if the resource prices drop. Therefore it will cost nothing.

For example Kambalda a town 300klms south or Leinster with a population of approx 7,000 people.

The main Dampier to Esperance gas pipeline runs right through the town, but they did not reticulate the town.
Everyone still has to buy bottled gas, so much for improving country towns. Sounds more like dig it out and close it up to me.:D

So to talk about Leinster school getting $20,000 is a bloody insult to people's intelligence. The government has no interest in improving anything for these towns.IMO
O'Farrell and Napthine are the Slipper brand of Liberals...they can be bought if the price is right.
I had to have a chuckle today. I read in the 'West' that Carmen Lawrence, was on the Gonski review committe.:D

Does anyone have a list of other members?
What so amused you, sptrawler? Way over here in the East we never saw too much of Carmen Lawrence.
What I did see I found, although way to the Left, pretty intelligent.
Different in her home state?
What so amused you, sptrawler? Way over here in the East we never saw too much of Carmen Lawrence.
What I did see I found, although way to the Left, pretty intelligent.
Different in her home state?

Just interested to see how many left wing labor retirees were on the committe, I haven't been able to find out the makeup of the Gonski group.
Christopher Pyne today on Gonski,

The Coalition believes the so-called Gonski model negotiated by Labor is too complicated, with Mr Pyne describing it as "a complete shambles" and "an incomprehensible mess".

The federal minister is looking to put in place a new system using the same amount of funding promised by Labor over four years.

Mr Pyne says the Government will honour funding for 2014 but beyond that, a new model will be implemented.

He says he remains committed to a needs-based funding system, but he will be putting in place a model that requires less regulation.

"It will be flatter, it will be simpler, it will be fair between the states and territories and it will be equitable for students so that the school funding reaches those who need it the most," Mr Pyne told reporters in Canberra.

"I would say that we are keeping our promises by doing just that.

"We said that we would remove the control and command features from the [former] government's model, that is exactly what we will do.

"We will make the model less prescriptive, less restrictive, with less control from Canberra in what is effectively state government and territory government schools.

"We don't want to try and tell the states how to operate their own responsibilities. We're not going to infantalise the states."

Before the federal election the Coalition promised to meet Labor's Better Schools funding promises.

However, Mr Pyne says when some jurisdictions did not sign up to Labor's plan, the money they rejected was removed from the education budget.

As a result, he says the Commonwealth funding envelope is now $1.6 billion over four years, not $2.8 billion.

Christopher Pyne presser video,
While the main deception here has been that of Labor's in pulling $1.2bn from the Gonski budget, Christopher Pyne's response this week has been poor.

In his presser on Tuesday, he came across as somewhat poorly organised in his thoughts, suggesting the decisions he was taking were not well considered and perhaps very recent. Further evidence of this came yesterday with the back down on his 4-year funding limit of $1.6bn in topping up WA, QLD and the NT in 2014. It was interesting that Tony Abbott was also present with Christopher Pyne on yesterdays update, a clear sign that the PM realised that Pyne has got himself into bother with his public handling of this. Hopefully it's something Pyne realises as well.

Because of Pyne's poor handling of this, I suspect the Coalition may have to back down completely on the 4-year funding envelope and simply wear the egg. To that end, the outcome of tomorrow's meeting of state and federal education ministers will be interesting.

Christopher Pyne strikes me as someone who sees himself as a cut above the rest and very much relishes the theatre of politics. Hopefully this weeks performance will be a salient lesson to him that government is much more than that. He also comes across as untrustworthy which is an obvious problem for a government that wants to portray itself as a better alternative than Labor in that regard.

As for Bill Shorten presser response on Tuesday, he just avoided the question about the $1.2bn Labor stripped from the Gonski budget.

Has labor actually done anything for education in their six years in office except dream up a massively expensive and hotched-potched scheme to make life more difficult for an incoming liberal government?

And they can't blame Abbott for these poor results from 2012. Labor HAS to take responsibility for that one.

Maybe IFocus can enlighten us to labor's achievements in education during their six years in office apart from announcing Gonski only weeks before an election and for which they did not seem to have funding.