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The Gillard Government

Interpol filter scope creep: ASIC ordering unilateral website blocks

ABC Radio have given quite some attention to this over the last couple of days, implying that if Stephen Conroy couldn't get his filter legislation through by conventional means, he seems to be finding a way to nonetheless surreptitiously filter the net.


Abbotts budget spoke volumes, the look on their faces were priceless.
Funny, we said months ago, that everyone has made their minds up to dump Labor and people aren't listening.
Also we suggested, the long election campaign will just make matters worse for Labor.
Now all the newspapers are saying
There you go Joe, you have a cutting edge public opinion forum, rather than a stock
So I take it that people will finally ditch the nonsense about left wing bias in the media then?

No, not at all, it just shows that eventually the truth overides garbage that the reporters want to force feed down the publics throat.
Even they in the end have to report what is actually happening, not what fictional reality they want to perpetuate.

It's a shame it has taken six years for Labor to come up with policies they should have been pushing in the begining.
I just hope that all the criticisms of the current Govt are kept in reserve should they be required for a new Abbott Govt.

I'd love to know how long Abbott should be allowed to blame Labor for all his problems. How long till that excuse is no longer valid?

I'd argue if Abbott hasn't got the budget balanced by June 30 2015 then he's as economically incompetent as Labor. I mean, he will have had 21 months to fix things. Surely a competent economic manager can find cost savings of just 5.5% over nearly 2 years to balance the books??? As everyone on this site argues it's not revenue that's the problem just spending, so a 5.5% cut in spending should be easy peesy eh??
..... so a 5.5% cut in spending should be easy peesy eh??

Should be execept that no-one wants the cuts "to affect me". By all means cut 5.5% so long as its always the other guy who bears the brunt of the cuts.
Should be execept that no-one wants the cuts "to affect me". By all means cut 5.5% so long as its always the other guy who bears the brunt of the cuts.

And there you have it. Once the politics comes into the equation I have no doubt Abbott is going to hold onto his BLAME Labor life preserver for all it's worth.

I'm sure if there's a recession next year it will be Labor to blame as well. It will be quite interesting to see what Chris Pyne says should Tony be faced with recession or increased deficit. Now Mr Pyne says the Libs would have run surpluses right through the GFC, and since he also argue the Govt has plenty of revenue, it will be quite fun to watch the gymnastics and contortionist style moves he will make to try and reconcile the economic reality with his opposition hyperbole rants.
And there you have it. Once the politics comes into the equation I have no doubt Abbott is going to hold onto his BLAME Labor life preserver for all it's worth.

Meanwhile back at the ranch it'a all ABBOTT ABBOTT ABBOTT.


The Libs are positioning themselves as the Austerity Party at a time when other economies, who have had this approach to financial prudence imposed on them, are struggling badly. Loose monetary policy and deficit spending is now being seen by many as the panacea to avoid the dreaded R word.

If the Australian economy goes into recession in 2014/15 it will be interesting to see if the Libs stick to the less government, lower spending mantra they expect to sustain their popularity. Slash and burn politics is not what kept Howard in office, it was reckless generosity trying to out promise Labor with pre-election largess. I suspect that Abbott and Co will sow the seeds for their demise if they adopt the austerity line in response to recessionary pressure.
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