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The Gillard Government

Question Time has just begun and already Gillard has said " Jobs and Growth and Disability " more than 10 times . She will run a cricket score before the days end

If you listen to question time for too long you risk a brain haemorrhage............all I hear from Labor is
"those opposite this and that" and it goes on for hours.

Good post basilio.

Talking of ‘spiteful and nasty’........if you consider yourself to be a fair-minded person then you should also mention how spiteful and nasty Gillard has been

Gillard has brought all the criticism on herself.
Gillard promised us ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead’.
But in her typical lying style she soon forgot about her promise, and introduced a carbon tax anyway.
And for what? Gillard and the Greens tell us we’re creating catastrophic climate change, and the carbon tax is necessary to address the problem.
This short video tells a different story.

The tax was a money-grab, nothing more and nothing less, and had nothing to do with Gillard supposedly wanting to save the planet.
Those little cash jobs on the side would more than cover that.

There is the temptation, but it's an easy matter for ATO to add up 2 and 2 in my game.

Although it is legal for the ATO to rob me blind, they don't appreciate the reciprocal... and they have the guns.
The following was supposedly written by Peter Costello. I haven't checked if he did in fact write it, but it's pretty well spot on regardless of who wrote it.


What Wayne Swan won't say tonight in his Budget 2013 delivery
by: Peter Costello
From: The Daily Telegraph
May 14, 2013 12:00AM

TWO months ago I suggested Wayne Swan try something different in this year's Budget and tell the truth. I have put together a draft of the speech that might be useful for this purpose. It goes something like this:

Mr Speaker,

I guess by now you have all figured out I don't know what I'm doing. That awful truth has finally dawned on me as well.

I hadn't been too good before, but last year's budget was the one where I totally blew myself up - you remember? It was May 8. I thought I needed a dramatic opening. So I began by saying: "The four years of surpluses I announce tonight ... "

No one heard the rest of the sentence because of the guffaws from the other side. That smart alec Costello called it some of the best stand-up comedy ever delivered in the House of Representatives. But the thing is I really believed it. I'm not good at numbers - of the financial kind. As state secretary of the Queensland ALP I used to run numbers for party ballots. But the outcome was always fixed in advance. I thought that's how you did budgets.

I was just getting into my stride when I declared that Labor's core purpose was: "To share the tremendous benefits of the mining boom."

We were going to do this with a company tax cut starting from July 1 this year but I cancelled that in last year's budget. Also we were going to restore the Liberals' contribution levels for superannuation but I postponed that in last year's budget.

And last year I said we would give $1.8 billion to families in more generous payments from July 1 this year. But I'm cancelling that in this year's Budget. That's the thing about my budgets. I do take up a lot of time cancelling what I've announced before.

Anyway, there are only so many billion-dollar packages that you can fund out of a tax that raises $126 million. That Resources Super Profits Tax (RSPT) has shown me no R-E-S-P-E-C-T. When I announced it, I said it would raise $9 billion in the forthcoming year - whoops! I had high hopes for that tax. I called it "the greatest economic change in our lifetime". Of course I had no idea what I was saying but the Liberals are always going on about GST which raises $50 billion per year so I thought I had better lodge my nomination for the greatest tax "reform" ever.

Last year, I came home with a wet sail declaring: "The deficit years are behind us. The surplus years are here."

Looks like I got the words the wrong way around. I should have said that the surpluses were behind us and the deficit years are here. But I did so want to balance one budget before losing office.

I've been thinking about who to blame. For the first few budgets I blamed the financial crisis. But that was five years ago and we've been through a mining boom since then.

Now I'm blaming the high dollar although someone in the Treasury told me last year's budget forecasts were based on the dollar being just where it is. I'm desperate that people don't think it's my overspending because that is something I could have controlled. So we've been on a media blitz to say it's an unexpected revenue shortfall.

In April, I said the revenue was down $7.5 billion. A week later Julia said it was down $12 billion. Then Penny went out last week to say it was down $17 billion. I leaked out a Treasury briefing on the weekend to say we were $26 billion down.

How do you reconcile all these figures? Well, it beats me and I hope it beats all of you because that is the whole point - to try to cloud the issue.

At least no one in the press ever asks me to explain what these forecasts are "down" against. Because the truth is they are down on the false forecasts I made last year. Get it? I am not the victim of these downgrades, I am the culprit. Every time I downgrade, it just illustrates again how wrong I got it last year.

I know we can always rely on the ABC, but the thing that amazes me about those other guys in the press is they keep writing what I say - as if that is going to happen (LOL). How many times do you have to get it wrong before they start to see there is a pattern?

I want people to think I am cutting costs. I've told you every budget that I am about to do that. But when I see a state premier who is really cutting costs - like Campbell Newman -- I just take cheap shots. That's my default position, to attack expenditure restraint.

As well as cutting expenditure I also want you to think I am increasing it - on NDIS and Gonski. Last year I told you the most important thing for our economy was to balance the budget and this year I am telling you to do so would damage jobs.

So how do I reconcile all this? Well I can't. And I don't have to because on September 14 I'm handing it all over to the Liberals. That's their job: to clean up my mess.

· Peter Costello was federal treasurer from 1996 to 2007
""The default view was ”I just don’t listen to what [Julia] Gillard has to say any more,” Mr Scales said.""

I reckon the vast majority of Australians switch channels whenever Gillard comes on.

To say she is disliked is an understatement. This understandable attitude will result in annihilation in September.

(Good riddance!)
Gillard, Swan and the obnoxious Wong keep harping about a Coalition "black hole". The obvious black holes are in their brain boxes.

Thanks Dutchie
Well the dust is settling from the budget, Swan was insipid, Abbott was commanding.
Today it was a day of hiss and spit from the

All they needed was a misogynist, to bash.
All they needed was a misogynist, to bash.
Well, that little tactic only worked for a short time and has apparently now been consigned to the McTernan dust bin, after being exposed for the tacky confection that it was.

Now, we will all be driven witless by exponential repetition of the phrase "cut to the bone".

Yes I think McTernan has been 'sussed out' Abbott landed several body blows to Labor.
Today in response it comes over as stupid babble about cutting to the bone.
Well, when the idiot government has continually blown the deficit, blind freddy knows it won't be easy to pull it in.

What Labor are saying today is "trust us we can fix it without cutting to the bone" no one believes them.

Everyone is over them and just want them to leave the party, but they have said we aren't going till 3a.m, don't you just hate those sort of
The funny thing is they get louder the longer the night goes on and the more you tell them to sod off, the more they dig in.
Oh well we will just have to wait till 3a.m, then call for a public eviction.
Now, we will all be driven witless by exponential repetition of the phrase "cut to the bone".

I think they should cut to the chase.
Now, we will all be driven witless by exponential repetition of the phrase "cut to the bone".

You're not wrong there, do these people think we are all so stupid that we don't notice these pathetic tactics ?
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