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The Gillard Government

The polls will give Labor an indication, of how well "reality t.v government" polls with the electorate.
I only saw the faux tears for the first time on "7.30" this evening. I felt quite sick.
Given Ms Gillard's massive failure as Australia's first female PM, she has carefully and cleverly thought out how she can counteract that legacy, and decided it can best be done via heart rending apparent concern for the disabled.
As Mr Burns and others have observed, she had their whole term of government to express this concern and do something about it, but instead she is using it to wedge the Coalition.

To put the words 'emotion' and 'Julia Gillard' in the same sentence seems anomalous to most objective observers.
Perhaps her adviser, McTernan, has suggested her stocks are running so low, a few tears might help.

For me, overriding all her policy and personal political failures, is the fact that she has set the cause for female leaders in our society back decades.
Yes Julia I agree and I don't think shes fooling anyone.
Most comment i've heard today on radio etc has been negative.
Further to my comment above, "7.30" this evening had a segment on the plight of asylum seekers released to live in the community, with emotional representatives from the Salvos and other charities pleading for money to help these people.

There is a huge figure in the Budget for the provision of housing, medical and dental care, psychological services, etc for detainees in our detention centres.
Every time I look at this figure, I think how far it would go toward providing some assistance in housing and similar services for our own homeless Australians, many of whom have contributed to Australian coffers through their time at work, but who are now expected to pay for all their living costs on little more than $38 per day.
I only recently discovered that these people do not even receive concessional public transport.

One would hope that a change of government might reduce the money handed out to asylum seekers, who have all had the financial wherewithal to pay people smugglers, and see this spent on assisting our own homeless people. I shall not, however, be holding my breath.
Yes Julia I agree and I don't think shes fooling anyone.
Most comment i've heard today on radio etc has been negative.

She is a very good actress. Her talents are wasted. Move over Hollywood here I come: the next Nicole Kidman in the making.
that picture says it all about pm gillard, trying to deceive the public with staged tears on camera then reverting to type once out of shot, on some things she can be so thatcher-like, the lady's not for turning, but it all depends on how labor pollsters have advised her on the demographic of the group/s affected by whatever policy she's ramming down our necks, no votes in supporting single mums, so gillard is like a stone when it comes to her policy on cutting their benefits, but potentially election-saving votes in a ndis, so bring on the tears ... sickening stuff
LOL Miss Hale -- agree with all above.
She knows she is out the door and the public have had enough of her, Sept cant come soon enough.
Basilio, she isnt the only one that has been targetted by the media, next you will be saying because she is a woman.
She has dished out enough venom to innocent women aka Abbotts wife and daughters.

If its too hot in the kitchen, get out.
Well why not just burn the witch at the stake (with a slow fire ) before dumping her at sea in chaff bag ?

How about banishing any friends or relations of Julia Gilliard to the South Pole for consorting with the witch ? Have we left anything out ? Can we possibly be any nastier or more spiteful ?

I have put little into this thread because I believed it was just a mindless, hate barrage of a politician who is doing their best as they see it. Unfortunately what everyone left of centre wanted to see was the PM turn up her toes and die. Not doing that seems to have enraged an Opposition leader who was determined to destroy this government rather than allow it to see a full term. And of course starting with Alan Jones, Larry Pickering and every other piece of nasty in the country we have had a hate chorus that seems to have infected millions. Just very troubling in my view.

With regard to the Disability care program and the emotional effect that passing the bill and effectively wedging the Libs to support it in the future. There was a good story in The Age on the circumstances around the PMs introduction of the bill into the house.

See you folks. Keep on bitching... Only a few months to go.

So what? We've all got personal stories to tell. Leading government is not about the personal stories it's about the big picture and implementing things that will be good for Australia as a whole. If Gillard is unable to separate the individual from the general she should not be in the job. Using stories like this to tug at peoples heartstrings for political gains is a low thing to do.

I don't want her burned at the stake, hung drawn and quartered, wish no ill will on her family have never said anything along those line. I just want her out of office as I believe she is incompetent and not leading Australia in the right direction.

She knifed Kevin Rudd, she then destroyed the Labor Party and our finances...........poor Julia ?

I don't think so, she a calculating woman who will let nothing or no one stand in the way of her own ambition, now she sees she can't win the election she wants to leave HER mark on the country by taking credit for the NDIS or anything else she can get her hands on, everything she does now is reported by HER as historic.

She will leave a bitter and traumatic legacy on all Australians as they prepare for the pain of repairing the economic damage.

As John Howard said the first $17B of the stimulus package was justified the next $42B was pure waste.

You cry over the poor misunderstood PM if you like but the rest of us certainly will not.
Basilio, in her attempt at sarcasm, has actually come up with a really great idea.
Basilio, in her attempt at sarcasm, has actually come up with a really great idea.

When, in the years to come, Australia see's what kind of mess this government has led us into, it might be an even better idea.
Basilio, in her attempt at sarcasm, has actually come up with a really great idea.

Yes, she has long been an advocate that we should all meet our ends in fire and brimstone unless we adopt her doctrines of alarmism. Her suggested end for Gillard would be entirely in character.
Question Time has just begun and already Gillard has said " Jobs and Growth and Disability " more than 10 times . She will run a cricket score before the days end
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