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The Gillard Government

Even if they were to be in government then, why would one believe a forecast a few years in the future when they can't even get it right for a couple of months in the future.
I do agree with the government, getting rid of the baby bonus.
It is no longer required, the negative population growth has been turned around, by the increase in asylum seekers.
I do agree with the government, getting rid of the baby bonus.
They have only partly got rid of it. People on family tax benefit A still get $2000 for the first child and $1000 for the rest, as I understood the announcement. At least I guess this family benefit is means tested. Does anyone know what the eligibility criteria are?
Yes it all boils back to a dumb government, failed mineral tax, failed carbon tax, incompetent implementation tax.
Lets get back into the tried and true, the tax heartland, the soft underbelly. lol
Gillard 'moved to tears' in parliament again over the NDIS. I am seriously over all these faux tears I will vote for anyone that can guarantee me they will not blubber in parliament.
Gillard 'moved to tears' in parliament again over the NDIS. I am seriously over all these faux tears I will vote for anyone that can guarantee me they will not blubber in parliament.

Genuine or not the voters will see this as a cynical ploy and turn them off even more if that is possible.
Gillard 'moved to tears' in parliament again over the NDIS. I am seriously over all these faux tears I will vote for anyone that can guarantee me they will not blubber in parliament.

Yes, we get enough of that on so-called reality shows about cooking, weight loss and singing competitions. Are we a nation of blubberers? Bob Hawke could turn on the waterworks at the drop of the hat.:bad:

Did you notice last night Swan said he was a cancer survivor?

You wouldn't want to get emotional in Parliament or public life would you ? Not when you have The Hun and its flock of ninnies kicking the ****e out of anything PM Julia Gilliard does. It would spoil a good story wouldn't it ?

Yep this government will lose the next election. But if Julia Gilliard wants to be remembered for one thing its her determination and success in establishing a credible Disability Support scheme that will be properly funded and offer long term support to people who need it the most.

The Disability Care program is a really worthwhile achievement. Being proud of it and emotional about it is tickedy boo as far as I'm concerned.

Her teary episodes coincide funnily with her decline in the polls, she's as cunning as a ****house rat and wouldn't stop at using anyone or any group of people to get sympathy.
What a brilliantly written and entertaining piece by Miranda Devine. One of the best summations of 'New Canberra' you'll ever read.
Her teary episodes coincide funnily with her decline in the polls, she's as cunning as a ****house rat and wouldn't stop at using anyone or any group of people to get sympathy.

Gillard is a nasty piece of work. She is using the disabled to try and wedge Abbott for the Sept. election. That is the only reason she introduced the NDIS.

The tears would be because it was not working. The solution - commit future (LNP) governments to "her" policy.

Abbott will commit to the NDIS, perhaps more on his terms. There is no doubt that this policy will cost much more than Swans so called budget has allocated.

Gillard/Labor is desperate to burden future LNP governments.

Swan's excuse for a $19.4 bn deficit is a joke.
You wouldn't want to get emotional in Parliament or public life would you ? Not when you have The Hun and its flock of ninnies kicking the ****e out of anything PM Julia Gilliard does. It would spoil a good story wouldn't it ?

No you wouldn't, it's not the place for emotions it's the place for leadership. I'm more worried about the flock of ninnies inhabiting parliament house at the moment.

But she's not doing that, it's little more than a thought bubble at the moment. Why didn't she introduce it years ago when she came became PM? Note to Gillard, tears in parliament do not a good policy make.

The Disability Care program is a really worthwhile achievement. Being proud of it and emotional about it is tickedy boo as far as I'm concerned.

Pride and emotion count for nothing in the cold hard light of day. Actions speak loader than words (or tears ).

I am so over this government it's not funny. I was talking to a family member the other day, a rusted on Labor voter and he told me he can't stand Gillard and is sick of making excuses for her. I was shocked, he has never said anything like this to me before knowing that I am a conservative.
Crocodile tears by JG -- Chuck her out with a box of kleenix

Someone should ask her what will she will do when Labor looses the election?
-- my money says she will quite parliament
-- Will not want to be the opposition leader!!

Funny you should mention that.
I did a round of golf today with a group of retired ex workmates, afterwards we had a beer, as you do. Well the talked turned to politics, funnily enough the guys that were ranting against labor and Gillard, were the blue collar guys.
They are really in deep trouble, deeper trouble than they think in my opinion.

I have also met a few people like this.

Rusted on ALP voters. Not anymore. They won't touch Gillard with a barge pole.
She had the whole term of Labor to introduce the disability scheme but chose just before the election all packaged up with tears from a woman who never expresses emotions other than spitting venom - sounds like it is opportunism not genuine concern for others.
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