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The Gillard Government

Not a fan of Julia Gillard at all. But I must say she did a very good job on q&a tonight. Acted very much like a prime minister.

And the kids were just fantastic.

Yes the kids were great, that was a free ride and promo courtesy of the ABC, Gillard is at her best toadying to the camera, she didn't look like a Prime Minister to me more like a failed leader of the ALP protected by a soft and biased ABC, with all that's going on we have to listen to how committed Gillard is to education when she's done nothing for it. Gonski ? see you in 2018 ............pathetic.
Never a government to learn from their past mistakes, Labor has now suspended live cattle exports to Egypt on the basis of cruelty to the cattle during the slaughter process.
A similar knee-jerk reaction by them a year or two back effectively wrecked the live cattle export industry to Indonesia, worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually to our economy. Many live cattle exporters across northern Australia have gone broke as a result of that little bit of emotional stupidity and incompetence from the Gillard government.

I’ve been a cattleman all my life. I’m as appalled as anyone by the cruel and stupid Islamic rituals that cattle are sometimes subjected to during slaughter in Muslim countries.
But knee-jerk reactions such as shutting down important export industries overnight are not the way to address the problem. As was shown by further investigation after the Four Corners program on cruelty to slaughter cattle in Indonesia, not all abattoirs in that country treated their cattle badly. If Gillard had consulted with Australian cattlemen, none of whom want to see their cattle mistreated, then a solution to the problem could quite likely have been found without destroying an entire industry.
This incompetent cash-strapped Labor government needs ever dollar it can get. They do themselves no favors by closing down valuable export industries and destroying Australian businesses.

My sympathy goes out to you, but you have to wait three months like the rest of us, before the situation can be sorted.
Not a fan of Julia Gillard at all. But I must say she did a very good job on q&a tonight. Acted very much like a prime minister.

And the kids were just fantastic.

History is littered with leaders who could present well, maybe a career in acting went begging. At least that way their effect on their country would only be fictitious.
Maybe your coment 'acted very much like a prime minister' sums it up perfectly.
My sympathy goes out to you, but you have to wait three months like the rest of us, before the situation can be sorted.

I sold my commercial cattle enterprise years ago and retired early to a hobby farm which runs only a handful of cattle. I no longer rely on cattle for my livelihood, so I’m unaffected by the live cattle export debacle that Gillard created.

Although in reality we’re all affected when governments wipe out industries or even make them less profitable, regardless of whether it’s the cattle industry or any other.
This Labor government has an appalling track record of doing exactly that.
Never a government to learn from their past mistakes, Labor has now suspended live cattle exports to Egypt on the basis of cruelty to the cattle during the slaughter process.

I agree that a government of unionists if not fit to oversight the live cattle export industry. The industry is quite capable of handling this issue by themselves and that is why;

The live export industry suspended trade with Egypt last week after viewing the film on Friday.
Given the number of ****-ups of this Labor government, I’ve often wondered who advises them.
No doubt Gillard and Co consult many qualified and well-credentialed professionals when formulating policy. And yet they still make many poor decisions that produce very different results to what they expected.
I’m wondering if their advisers are impractical and incompetent people despite their qualifications. Or do they give good advice but the government largely ignores them anyway.

From what I’ve read, the downfall of Nazi Germany was that Adolf Hitler usually ignored his generals and other well-qualified people whom he consulted. They strongly advised him not to invade Poland, as it would mean all out war with England and France and their allies. But Hitler went ahead anyway.
They advised him that an invasion of Russia would stretch Germany’s economic and military resources too thin. But Hitler ignored them and went ahead and invaded Russia. The outcome was exactly as his generals had advised him. Nazi Germany was annihilated as a result.

So I have to wonder if Gillard has some of the same behavioral characteristics that Hitler had – that she consults with people who are more qualified and competent than she is, but pride and arrogance cause her to ignore their advice if it happens to disagree with her own opinions.

I understood that it was a government decision to suspend the live cattle trade to Egypt. But from what Calliope has said, it appears that the industry itself voluntarily suspended the trade.
In that case I’m happy to be corrected.
No that it makes me any less disgusted with Gillard for decimating our live cattle export industry by her knee-jerk reaction to the Indonesian abattoir situation.
Typical labor spending money it didn't have on forecasts that were stupidly generous. Funny how everyone but labor saw the slow down. The amount of damage labor has managed to do in six years is criminal.
I sold my commercial cattle enterprise years ago and retired early to a hobby farm which runs only a handful of cattle. I no longer rely on cattle for my livelihood, so I’m unaffected by the live cattle export debacle that Gillard created.
Hello bunyip, when you were involved in a commercial cattle enterprise, assuming you exported them, what measures did you have in place to ensure they were not cruelly treated and abused at their destination?
Hello bunyip, when you were involved in a commercial cattle enterprise, assuming you exported them, what measures did you have in place to ensure they were not cruelly treated and abused at their destination?

I never exported cattle.
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