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The Gillard Government

Levy this
Levy that

When you have no cash in the bank (blown-out budget), it seems like this Government's way of getting some, is to just "introduce another levy".

At least, a levy is not a **cringe-nasty word** tax......why, they are spelt different for starters.
The latest Essential Media poll shows 2PP support at 56%/44% in favour of the Coalition.
The numbers are very consistent with Essential Media.

I'm a bit surprised at the answers to "Who would you most trust to handle Australia's economy?":

Q. Who would you trust most to handle Australia’s economy – The Treasurer Wayne Swan or the Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey?
32% for Swan and 35% for Joe Hockey.
And Gillard said on "INSIDERS" yesterday, she could still win the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe she is just not very good with numbers and doesn't understand that 56 is bigger than 44. After all when Julia Gillard was at school there were no Gonski reforms.
Even Michael Pascoe seems to be toning down the rhetoric a bit.

When he is concerned, I'm
For your amusement


Actually, even though I detest the present Labor government, I don't find that ad in the least amusing. I think the electorate are absolutely sick of politicians and their childish antics, as witnessed by that poll released today. If the coalition thinks that running with that ad would be something the electorate would find amusing, they are wrong. The only thing going for the coalition at the moment is that they are slightly less noxious than Labor. Even if they have the election in the bag, I am sure the majority of people want them to act like grown up adults and not some off take of Fast Forward.
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Agree absolutely. The electorate wants to see serious government, not cartoons.
Just an awful advt imo. Not in the least funny.
Agree absolutely. The electorate wants to see serious government, not cartoons.
Just an awful advt imo. Not in the least funny.

No, the electorate want to be able to watch the footy or the cricket, drink beer, go to the beach etc and otherwise be entertained. They couldn't give a rat's brass what any politician has to say anymore. I say give us more headless chicken cartoons - much better than listening to a politician's speech - especially a Gillard speech.
I'm not a fan of the headless chook ad either. I expect the ads will get more serious the closer we get to the election but this one was a waste of time. One of the things the Coalition have going for them is that they are more capable, responsible etc. than this childish/amateurish government, this ad undermines that advantage - stupid!

They should just so some simple ads highlighting the failings of the Labor government (no shortage of material there) and maybe some that highlight the infighting, Steve Gibbons calling Rudd a psychopath etc. That would be much more effective IMO.
Not a fan of Julia Gillard at all. But I must say she did a very good job on q&a tonight. Acted very much like a prime minister.

And the kids were just fantastic.
It looks as though the Indonesians have worked out what to do about securing their food supply.
Just do what China is doing and buy out Australian farms, Labor have done a great job of relaxing foreign ownership rules.

When we have finished shutting down all manufacturing, dug up the minerals and sold off all our agriculture, what then.:1zhelp:

Oh I forgot, we can sit at home on the bling speed internet, doing our new clean technology

Or sit at home watching downloaded or streamed movies and collecting our welfare speedily via internet.
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