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The Gillard Government

Maybe she's not as biased after all . Or maybe after interviewing Costello she realises what a fool Swan really is
She was appropriately tough on Swan. He seemed quite shocked.

Costello stood out like a beacon didn't he, like a lighthouse in a storm. It's a bumpy sea atm, and rogue waves.
A wave of nostalgia swept over me watching his interview. How different the political landscape would be today if he were still there. He even had her laughing with him at the end.

And to think that we criticised him because of his smirk.
A wave of nostalgia swept over me watching his interview. How different the political landscape would be today if he were still there. He even had her laughing with him at the end.

And to think that we criticised him because of his smirk.

Australia's loss. I'm still sh!tty with Howard for not standing aside when he should have. :frown:
Australia's loss. I'm still sh!tty with Howard for not standing aside when he should have. :frown:

Fact is he never had the support of the party room.........he was never a real leader, wasn't a stayer and he never had courage Howard probably got it right.
Fact is he never had the support of the party room.........he was never a real leader, wasn't a stayer and he never had courage Howard probably got it right.

+1 had the ability but lacked the guts.
Using disabled people for political gain. How low can she go?

Not only is she incompetent but she's nasty too.

What a complete load of nonsense.

Even your man Tony Abbott agrees with this scheme.

Gillard might be a lot of things, but to say she is "nasty" for trying to deliver the NDIS shows your irrational bias.
Well, I guess that is why Abbott will be the next PM (in a landslide) and not Costello.

That's exactly right, how many knock backs did Howard get?
Barnett in W.A, was taken the pi$$ out of, yet he swallowed his pride and was elected. Then claimed a second term with a landslide.
Costello was a great treasurer and sold out when Rudd offered a him a job on the future fund.IMO
As the old saying goes "one volunteer is worth ten pressed men".
I tend to think Abbott, despite his lack of charisma, has the country at heart.
Unfortunately Labor hasn't been able to engender that feeling.
What a complete load of nonsense.

Even your man Tony Abbott agrees with this scheme.
Gillard might be a lot of things, but to say she is "nasty" for trying to deliver the NDIS shows your irrational bias.

No one disagrees with the scheme it's the motive of Gillard that is in question, she is just bringing this on to try to raise her popularity, using the disabled to be more specific, she's just been trying to get one up on Abbott , she is despicable.
Well, I guess that is why Abbott will be the next PM (in a landslide) and not Costello.

Costello has really disappointed in his media commentary since leaving parliament comes across as quite limited in his depth of insightful intellect unlike Keating.

Costello quite possibly could have been a good PM who knows but he was a known performer unlike Abbott who we really have no idea and at times I don't think he knows either.
No one disagrees with the scheme it's the motive of Gillard that is in question, she is just bringing this on to try to raise her popularity, using the disabled to be more specific, she's just been trying to get one up on Abbott , she is despicable.

Gillard is lower than a rattle snake bellying. She is cold and cruel in the legacy she will leave the Coalitition to sort out after she has gone. She knows full well, the black hole she will leave will be a headache for Abbott. She knows full well what she is doing and it is not in the best interest of the Nation.

I think the last thing that Gillard is worried about, is what people think of her.
IMO she seems to be desperate to leave a legacy that will outlive her. Who knows if it will be favorable.
Being the first female and most unpopular prime minister, probably won't cut it.
Helping run Australia's stellar economy into reckless defecit, not good.
What better, than to make outlandish expenditure commitments, four months before you are going to be chucked out.

Well she need not have any worries about not being remembered. Who will be able to forget that she was the first female PrimeMinister of Australia as well as its worst PrimeMinister.

In fact her epitaph should read, "The First and the Worst".

And let's not forget the coming election. She is likely to go down in history as having delivered the worst ever defeat for a Federal Labor Government.
Brilliant. Gillard is a perfect Headless Chook.

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Brilliant. Gillard is a perfect Headless Chook.

Agree but judging by the comments it's unpleasant viewing for the rusted on Labor supporters.
Guess it cuts too close to the chicken-bone or maybe they were just never born with a sense of humour.
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I wonder what kind of arithmetic Julia Gillard learnt at school.
She reckons she can still win the election!!
It's going to be very interesting to see how the electorate responds to the prospect of the across-the-board Medicare levy increase in the next round of polls. I can't see it being a positive for the current government.

At the end of that Insiders segment, she only said what she had to say. She can hardly front up on national TV and say, "we're doomed", although I do wonder if in her own mind she is deluded enough to think she can win.
It's going to be very interesting to see how the electorate responds to the prospect of the across-the-board Medicare levy increase in the next round of polls.

Levy this
Levy that

When you have no cash in the bank (blown-out budget), it seems like this Government's way of getting some, is to just "introduce another levy".
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