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The Gillard Government

Makes one wonder about the boneheads that run that party, how inept and positively unworthy are the people behind the scenes in there ???

This is what happens when you have Union officials elected to run a country.

No idea on priorities or business/economic sense, and 'spend spend spend' is their mantra.

The piggy bank has been emptied. And topping up of it will be hard to do (ie, MRRT). How the ALP can now go into election mode, and promise new policies with no money (ie, NDIS), goes to show how these people operate.

Nah. Does not She Who Must Be Obeyed allude to
"engage in some moderate borrowing"
in her speech?

Anybody old enough to remember how Gough's Guvmint tried to dig its way out of the financial hole it fell into when the A-rabs decided to hold the World to ransom in 1973-4?

I'm sure JuLiar can find a long-lost rellie of Mr Khemlani somewhere in Paki-stain to do the back room deal?

Problem solvered....
News release by Julia Gillard to the people of Australia:

My fellow Australians, the members of the Australian Labor Party wish to advise you that our team of ex-lawyers and ex-unionists have no idea of how to run a corner store let alone a countries’ economy. We have therefore adopted the policy of just spending (wasting) your money anyhow we want to.

Unfortunately over the last five years or so we have completely mismanaged everything we touched to the extent that we will make the future very tenuous for years to come. That is part of our proud legacy. (I’ll write a book about it later).

Now that the surplus budget that we promised you so fervently is being announced and because we want to be re-elected to serve you up the same ineptitude, it has been pointed out that the little money tree out the back has apparently disappeared and we realise we have spent too much of your money (that you don’t have ha ha).

We have been very busy for a long time announcing policies that we don’t carry out (we might have to learn how to do that at some stage in the future (maybe) and defending all the half backed policies that invariably are botched up) and did not realise that the books were in such a pathetic state.

We now release our brand new policy:

Australia it’s time to pay.

It's the right thing to do.
What happened to labors lines about the economy being so good and that we "have never had it so good". Labor flipped pretty fast
on all things being fantastic. I want to know how swans fudged figures were swallowed for so long. Well at least the finally got caught in an election year.
29 APRIL 2013

“Once again, to break this complex picture down in to a personal story.
Imagine a wage earner, John, employed in the same job throughout the last
20 years.
For a period in 2003 to 2007 every year his employer gave him a sizeable
He was grateful but in his bones knew it wouldn’t last.
The bonuses did stop and John was told that his income would rise by around
five per cent each year over the years to come.
That’s the basis for his financial plans.
Now, very late, John has been told he won’t get those promised increases for
the next few years – but his income will get back up after that to where he was
promised it would be.
What is John’s rational reaction?
To respond to this temporary loss of income by selling his home and car,
dropping his private health insurance, replacing every second evening meal
with two-minute noodles.
Of course not.
A rational response would be to make some responsible savings, to engage in
some moderate borrowing, to get through to the time of higher income with his
family and lifestyle intact and then to use the higher income to pay off the
extra borrowing undertaken in the lean years. “


Well at least she has proven who the economic simpleton
What our clowns said:

You can't run this country if you can't manage its Budget.
- Gillard - April 2011

We're getting back into surplus in three years ... come hell or high water
- Swan - August 2010

I don't think it would be responsible to cut harder or further in 2012-13 to fill a hole in the tax system ... if the worst thing people say is we got the economics right again but fell short on the politics ... so be it.
- Swan - December 2012
If labor is an ASX listed stock and make sort of forecast ...
The stock will be down more than 50% ...Chair woman Gillard and CEO Swan will get kicked out...
If labor is an ASX listed stock and make sort of forecast ...
The stock will be down more than 50% ...Chair woman Gillard and CEO Swan will get kicked out...
It would be a penny dreadful with only die hards and union hacks on the register with it's primary activity being the mining of taxpayer's pockets through the sourcing of government monies to fund itself and its ideological nonsense.
It would be a penny dreadful with only die hards and union hacks on the register with it's primary activity being the mining of taxpayer's pockets through the sourcing of government monies to fund itself and its ideological nonsense.

With the directors giving themselves bonuses, as they run the company into insolvency.
Now, very late, John has been told he won’t get those promised increases for
the next few years – but his income will get back up after that to where he was
promised it would be.
What is John’s rational reaction?

John realises that if the earlier forecast of 5% increase per year was inaccurate, then the forecast that his income will "get back up in a few years" may also be inaccurate. John's rational reaction is to reduce his expenditure to a sustainable level, thus enabling him to ride out the difficult years ahead. John is now prepared for the unexpected and has secured his family's future by ensuring they aren't crippled by heavy debt. Good work John.

Lone Wolf, aren't these goons a hoot. They say take on moderate debt and hope you can pay for it later.

Sounds like a Harvey Norman

I suppose if the government debt just keeps blowing out, to a point we can't cope with. We can do what Greece, Portugal and the rest do and call on someone else to bail us out.
That would probably our neighbors, Indonesia, Malaysia

That analogy has to be the worst one I have ever heard Encouraging people to go into debt when they have a loss of income The government has truly lost the plot. I really wish September wasn't so far away.
That analogy has to be the worst one I have ever heard Encouraging people to go into debt when they have a loss of income The government has truly lost the plot. I really wish September wasn't so far away.

Sadly, it explains the reason they are in the poo.

Also they want to get deeper in
Latest Morgan poll has 2PP at 58%/42% in favour of the Coalition.

This government is getting worse and worse and needs to be put out of it's misery. Now! Not in five months time.

The incompetence displayed by them is mind boggling, you could not write a believable Hollywood script.

Here we are with record, increased revenue and we have a huge deficit and nation destroying debt. And its all Abbott's or China's or "anybody else but them" fault.

They have not got a clue.

If they end up with 2% of the vote I'll be surprised because they don't even deserve that!
....and the Money Train keeps a'rollin' alongggggg......

TAXPAYERS are facing a lavish election-year advertising campaign of up to $50 million to promote Julia Gillard's Gonski school reforms - despite NSW being the only state to embrace the $14.5 billion funding overhaul.

Check the headline photo. Does Bazza look like he has been well and truly shafted or what?

JuLiar looks like the cat licking the cream....
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