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The Gillard Government

I don't know why Goyden doesn't just agree with the coalition and demand that the carbon tax be dumped. Obviously setting the carbon price to what Europe is paying would not put Australia at a disadvantage relative to Europe and at under $4/tonne would have little impact compared to the current $23, but remember the $23 was just a stepping stone to a much higher figure. I think the Greens, not that I would put much credence in what they say, estimated that the price would have to be $50+ before it would have a measurable effect on emissions and that was with most high polluting countries participating. So why not stop the pretence and just send it to the scrap heap. It is just one more Labor party policy implementation failure.
Does anyone think we need a Keating moment "A recession we have to have" Dumbo and the goons won't call it.

But can we keep maintaining, climbing house prices, low interest rates supporting the house prices and the high Aussie$.

Somethings got to give.IMO
Emily’s List would never have chosen Thatcher - Miranda Devine - Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sound familiar, I bet it does to Kevin Rudd.
Paul Kelly insights on the nature of the current relationship between Labor and the unions,
Budget updates from Wayne Swan are never good.

That puts it deep in the red.
Just absolute goons.

No, lets just throw more money at

Jeez it would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

Blind freddy could see the problem we have, a high dollar that the RBA can't control, because if they drop the interest rates, house prices keep climbing.

The Government just stands back and like a bunch of eunuchs and does nothing, absolute FW's
Geeze all those calls that labor would send the country broke back in 2007 are looking closer to the mark then what the labor goon squad was squawking. Budget looks like a steaming pile.
Geeze all those calls that labor would send the country broke back in 2007 are looking closer to the mark then what the labor goon squad was squawking. Budget looks like a steaming pile.
During the election 2010 campaign, someone put up a Youtube video of what Australia would be like in 2020.

It highlighted a series of predictions in the context was one generation apologising to the next for voting Labor in 2010. Some of its predictions were a relationship between Labor and the Greens, a carbon tax and $1 trillion government debt.


The latest Essential Media poll maintains 2PP support as 55/45 in favour of the Coalition.–-voting-intention-160

The response to Labor's school funding package has also been a net negative despite strong support continuing for the Gonski recommendations.
The response to Labor's school funding package has also been a net negative despite strong support continuing for the Gonski recommendations.

People are starting to ask where all the money has gone. It's been like looking at a slow moving train wreck since 2009. Labor has attempted death by a thousand cuts to the economy, that we now have urgently bought forward the need for IR and tax reforms.
Tell you what, you invite labor to the party and the manage to pi$$ off all the guests, drink and eat all the food then $hit in the bed for good measure. Talk about the ability to ruin a good thing.
bad news for the Gillard government. Of course this is only a warning, if S&P take the AAA rating away, expect an even larger landslide this election
Labor started 5 years ago with a surplus of $20Bill, now the AAA rating may be threatened. What have we got to show for it. Against the wall most of it.

A coup d'etat, looting of the treasury, the preaching of hatred and division, these things are the stuff of SBS documentaries, not possible in the Lucky Country, surely?

Like all bad tenants they are deliberately trashing the joint before they are kicked out. They know they are finished. On their way out they will leave a trail of destruction, like economic vandals.
Miranda does it again. Re-read this before you head to the polls in Sept.

Why does this government keep spending money it does not have?

The only reason I can see is that it wants to leave a "scorched earth" scenario to hamper the forthcoming Coalition Government.

This might be good for Labor in the future but is not good for Australia's future.

They just don't care.


Oopsies. OMG says make that -$AU 12 Billion - and counting....

Awwww. Doncha feel sorry for 'em?
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