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The Gillard Government

"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet".

This part is true:

"The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome fall."

The rest is embellishment which has been doing the rounds for years.

Country Lad
The latest Essential Media poll shows a slight recovery for Labor with 2PP 55/45 in favour of the Coalition.

Interestingly, the response to Labor's proposed super changes was more negative than positive.

The Coalition's NBN plan has gone down like a lead balloon, but that hasn't translated much into 2PP vote for Labor.
"The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome fall."

As they say, some things never change...

Cicero on what was known as Fibre-To-The-Parchment back then said:
for it is the privilege of rhetoricians to exceed the truth of history, that they may have an opportunity of embellishing the fate of their heroes

Latin (42) for the perverse, translation.
I used to think Wayne Swan was Labor's most frenetic spokesperson, but Garrett last night looked and sounded as though he was about to combust! Just awful, awful delivery, never mind the inadequate content.
I used to think Wayne Swan was Labor's most frenetic spokesperson, but Garrett last night looked and sounded as though he was about to combust! Just awful, awful delivery, never mind the inadequate content.

Just another absolute joke, for the first time in my life I feel nauseous just thinking about a government.
Occasionally I used to get anoyed with individual pollies, but I've never felt so much anger toward a whole party before.
It must be how it feels when you live under a regime, that gives you feel despair and hopelesness, anger and frustration just builds up.
Come on September.
I read today Bowen is writing a book, it must be to appologise, for the state his lot have left the Labor Party in.

People say the polls can't get worse, watch this space, my call is they will continue to slide as the divisive manner of Gillard cranks up.
Notice how she is now making quick statements then stepping back, to let ministers wear it. This is the next morph, not long back nobody could get a word in over her.
Obviously McTernan has told her to get behind the barricades.
From Hoax Slayer

Misleading and Inaccurate Diatribe - 'Toning Down' Anzac Day 2015

Bitter and inflammatory political diatribe claims that Australia's Federal government is intent on toning down the Anzac Day 2015 centenary because the event may offend immigrants to Australia.

Brief Analysis
The claims in the message are misleading and inaccurate. A Department of Veterans’ Affairs study to determine community attitudes about Anzac Day raised concerns about inappropriate behaviour among some Anzac Day event participants. It also warned of potential problems resulting from Australia's multicultural makeup. However, Prime Minister Gillard has publicly rejected the report's criticisms.

The Gillard government is not in any way attempting to "tone down" Anzac Day. Nor was the purpose of the study in any way related to questioning the need for having Anzac Day as claimed. Moreover, the message was not written by RAAF Association QLD State President John Carlile as claimed. Mr Carlile has stated that he did not write the piece, nor did he attach his name to it or even forward it. Sending on false and misleading information of this nature is counterproductive and un-Australian.

I have removed the post CL, it looked genuine !
From Hoax Slayer

Misleading and Inaccurate Diatribe - 'Toning Down' Anzac Day 2015

This rubbish arrived in my email inbox a couple of weeks ago. The friend who forwarded it was quickly disabused of its truthfulness.
In the extremely unlikely event something like this did emanate from the government, the news media would be all over it long before it was being widely circulated on the net.

Boggo, if you're going to remove something, just saying you have removed a post seems a bit pointless, doesn't it? Why not just remove it and say nothing or post an explanation of what the message was and why it was removed?
As I've said previously it's a case of the bad tenant trashing the joint before getting kicked out.

As Paul Kelly says on Gonski;

Plus the huge waste being incurred by the inefficient NBN Co. Fortunately the Turnbull plan will mitigate some of this one.
Fortunately the Turnbull plan will mitigate some of this one.
Another article on the NBN from the AFR, this time about the government rejecting recommendations on the deal with Telstra from one its own financial advisors.

I think this is an important issue I may have overlooked in my previous statement about the NBN.

If the purse is empty, how will stuff get done. You can't have a champagne lifestyle on a cask wine budget. The hangover will be terrible. Maybe the Libs NBN approach is the right one to take because the kitty has well and truly been spent.

I'm sure when the actual current accounts are realised, it will be horrendous, I think there may be a huge political backlash.
One wonders if there hasn't been a degree of political supression and that's only from a plebs perspective.

It will be interesting, but the amount of itchy bums wanting to get off the front bench, is a huge worry.

I reckon it's absolutely out of control, just watch the panic if the goons get back in, it would be classic comedy "panic hour".
Doc, IMO this government has been nothing more than economic vandals, whose main driver has been personal.

How long ago were you, smurph and others saying exactly what Goyden is saying.
Also before the goons jump in and say Goyden has a vested interest, yes he actually cares.
Westfarmers are Australian are building on Australia and I wished I had shares in them.
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