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The Gillard Government

With a few acres of fertile ground on the rainbelt of the tropics you could give me a team of a dozen and we would prosper.

Go for it plod, Jools will give you a MILLION if you tell her you are a rusted on supporter.

She is still borrowing $100,000,000 each day so it would be easy to get $1,000,000.

I dare you to try.
Watched the celebrations in Britain after Thatchers death, astonishing really, champagne in the streets and so on then realised we'll probably see the same thing here on Sept 14th.
With a few acres of fertile ground on the rainbelt of the tropics you could give me a team of a dozen and we would prosper.
You don't have to be in the tropics, explod. How about putting your hand up for having a few asylum seekers in your present countryside situation?
I'm sure the government could come up with a few caravans and you could take it from there.
Watched the celebrations in Britain after Thatchers death, astonishing really, champagne in the streets and so on then realised we'll probably see the same thing here on Sept 14th.
The situation is quite different. Ms Gillard is still very much alive. It's therefore not in bad taste if anyone were to celebrate her losing government, if that's what happens.
Totally different when someone dies.
The situation is quite different. Ms Gillard is still very much alive. It's therefore not in bad taste if anyone were to celebrate her losing government, if that's what happens.
Totally different when someone dies.

What I was getting at was people will be glad she's out, some might even celebrate.
Support now below 30% can't post more as on iPhone but that says it all really Labor are in caretaker mode and should do nothing until the election
They have no mandate left at all
The latest Nielsen poll has the Gillard government falling below 30% for the first time.

Above from ABC Radio.

I'm surprised. Judging by most reaction to both parties' NBN plans and the apparently successful trip to China, I thought she'd get a lift in opinion.
Perhaps the Coalition's more realistic and conservative approach to spending money is more appealing to the electorate?
Support now below 30% can't post more as on iPhone but that says it all really Labor are in caretaker mode and should do nothing until the election
They have no mandate left at all

Below 30% - who would have thought!

It's time for Labor to stab someone in the back again.
I am not surprised Julia, as said, I dont know anyone that will be voting for them.
Alot are concerned.
I think it will be a landslide come September, my opinion.

I was also glad to hear Howard is going to the funeral...
I've said it before and I'll say it again, just saw Gillard on Ch9, she laughs off the polls just laughs them off, she's flipped, I really think she's a bit crazy. No normal person could brush that aside.
The lataest polls just show what we've been saying for ages, most people are fed up to their back teeth, with this self serving lot.
The biggest stuff up was going down the path of demonising the middle class, dumb 'pommie politics, that doesn't cut it in an aspirational society.
The polls will get progressively worse. IMO The main reason is her percieved contempt for middle Australia, which just happens to be where most want to get to.
This is the thing in Australia, most people who want to work hard and sacrifice, can attain a good standard of living.
This doesn't happen in the U.K because everyone is stuck in their 'box' and the system doesn't let them get out.IMO
McTernan has blown Gillards feet off. Unfortunately her support of the middle class attack shows how out oftouch she is. Dumb

Relying on welfare recipients and unionist votes to win an election, won't work.
It is the same as if Libs tried to win an election, by pandering to the elite at the expense of the middle class. They will get hammered, as was proven when Howard was thrown out over work choices.

IMO She's toast, 'dead man walking' the more she attacks peoples dreams and aspirations the more she goes down the toilet.
What I was getting at was people will be glad she's out, some might even celebrate.

I'll be one of them. My neighbor down the road makes a mean home brew white rum....we're planning on sinking a few to celebrate the departure of Gillard and her nest of socialist snakes.
In the unlikely event of her winning, well, we'll have a few to drown our sorrows.

Had to smile when I heard the media referring to Gillard's education plans as an 'education revolution'. Reminds me of the Rudd days when he talked about his 'education revolution', then he and Gillard proceeded to blow 20 thousand million dollars on overpriced and mostly unneeded school buildings. And since then our education standards have seriously gone down hill. Some 'revolution' that was!
Now the clowns want to have a second crack at it by gouging unis to the tune of almost 3 billion to fund their grandiose plans.
The dough they wasted on the last attempt would have paid for their current education plans ten times over without needing to raid uni funding.

What a great government we have - always robbing Peter to pay Paul because their reckless spending has run the coffers dry.
Of all their crazy money wasting debacles, the one that annoys me most is their complete stuff up of border protection – not only has it cost many billions of dollars and growing, but it’s also saddled us with many thousands of people whose religions and values and cultures are largely incompatible with our own.
Here’s a short video that sums it up pretty well.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, just saw Gillard on Ch9, she laughs off the polls just laughs them off, she's flipped, I really think she's a bit crazy. No normal person could brush that aside.

No MrBurns, she has to do that, to stop her party turning on her. If she blinks and shows a hint of doubt in herself, they will turn on her like a pack of jackals.IMO
I've said it before and I'll say it again, just saw Gillard on Ch9, she laughs off the polls just laughs them off, she's flipped, I really think she's a bit crazy. No normal person could brush that aside.

No MrBurns, she has to do that, to stop her party turning on her. If she blinks and shows a hint of doubt in herself, they will turn on her like a pack of jackals.IMO

Makes me thing along these lines:

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No MrBurns, she has to do that, to stop her party turning on her. If she blinks and shows a hint of doubt in herself, they will turn on her like a pack of jackals.IMO

I think those behind her are so weak they wouldn't know to replace her any more, she's depleted her front bench to a bunch of eunuchs who hang on her every word.

Watch when she gets cornered, her bottom lip juts out, I think she's unbalanced.
The agreement to hold annual face-to-face meetings with Premier Li Keqiang and a pledge of co-operation on climate change, together with international aid and currency trading, place Australia in the inner circle of China's bilateral relationships.
The Chinese are pragmatists. They know that Gillard is "dead man walking" and that any bilateral deal they made will only come into fruition under a Coalition government.

They do not deal with losers.

Obviously the electorate knows this...hence her bad polling.
I just received a letter from my old mate Cicero. Postal services from Italy are a bit slow, but after 2068 years, it's finally been delivered. As not everybody is still fluent in Latin, I've taken the liberty to translate it:

Seems we've learned sfa in 200 years...

Classic pixel.

I'll 2nd that!

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