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The Gillard Government

I agree I don't think we have the population to support it and with airlines flying cheaper as time goes on ...well ???

And frankly I don't trust the Govt's here to do this right, everything they do is half arsed, I don't think I want to be in a train at 300kph built to Australian standards
And frankly I don't trust the Govt's here to do this right, everything they do is half arsed, I don't think I want to be in a train at 300kph built to Australian standards

That goes without saying , not sure I'd even trust a Coalition government to effectively implement it, governments are inherently inefficient at these sort of things (IMO). If the idea had any real legs you can bet some business entepreneur would be doing it, they're not so that sends warning signals to me that it could be a giant white elephant.

Agree, doesn't matter, Lib or Labor you wouldn't get me into anything like that built here.
I'm still worried about the Westgate Bridge going just doesn't feel right, too high too much traffic, moving slowly at that height ???
As part of their agreement with the Greens, Labor agreed to investigate a fast train along the eastern seaboard. Beyond that, I doubt they are serious and have perhaps raised it as a distraction. In highlighting the huge expense in light of our present budget difficulties, I don't think they're chasing specific public support for it.

Of interest in The Australian's article was the small video segment on the fast train service between Rome and Naples. The combined populations of the broader metro areas of these two cities is about 8 million and the distance is 226km (Google maps). A lot less than the distance between our population centres of similar size.

Yes another NBN. Labor makes the pitch on the basis that anything with the description "high-speed" attached to it will be attractive to voters. In Queensland our priorities point North, not South. If we need to spend money on transport, a high speed flood-proof Bruce Highway is our first priority.
In Queensland our priorities point North, not South. If we need to spend money on transport, a high speed flood-proof Bruce Highway is our first priority.
So true. There's probably limited awareness outside of Qld re how many towns are cut off for days any time there is heavy rain = no food in the shops, just as one effect.

How about Labor just getting one single project completed, on time, on budget, and without massive stuff-ups, before they start engaging in more grandiose ideas!

What about with pensioner discounts ?

Thank goodness. There's already a cracker of a hole in the budget.
How about Labor just getting one single project completed, on time, on budget, and without massive stuff-ups, before they start engaging in more grandiose ideas!

If they would have delivered half of their promises well, I don't think the Liberals would have stood a chance. I hope a future government realises this too.


Julia, it is the normal tactics of this inept Green/Labor government to keep diverting the minds of voters away from the real issues of their stuff ups.
Will Wayne Swan raid the RBA again, against the Governor's wishes ?
How about Labor just getting one single project completed, on time, on budget, and without massive stuff-ups, before they start engaging in more grandiose ideas!
This one from the outset is not even expected to run at a profit.

Without ongoing public subsidy ??

Never mind all the capital that would have gone into building it.

Commercial airlines don't make much money either, but they at least aren't on the public purse for their capex.
I'm failing to see the point if costs were to rival airline tickets? Wouldn't you save the time and fly?

Not according to the predictions,

It predicted that by 2065, the train could poach 40 per cent of inter-city air travel and 60 per cent of regional air travel, with an average of 83.6 million passengers a year expected to use it.

If the Greens have their way, airline tickets won't be an option for the comrade class,

High Speed rail is a nation building project that will transform how we move around the country and will be central to the shift to a clean economy.
Wow now we have the minority government support group throwing up the theatrics.

Don't you love how they posture and pose, to try and distance themselves from the result they orchestrated.

These are the same dumb @rse union, that spent heaps of dollars to get rid of Barnett, who was the only one fighting for their jobs.

How can they keep writing this rubbish unabated, do they think everyone else lives in a vacuum?

It just shows the demise of Labor, the demise of the unions and more immediately the end of the greens.

Epitomises conflict of interest, they got what they wanted and everyones a loser.
I think JuLiar wants to create a Legacy To Remember With Fondness. Whether the Fast Train ever eventuates, one thing is for sure. She will claim in her Memoirs that the whole dream was really set in motion under HER watch and HER watch alone.

Stand by for more Grandiose Schemes to be announced by the Labor Rabble before Retributio.....errr.....Election Day rolls around.

Yep, spot on endless crap, as they sit on the balcony watching the sun set over Sydnet harbour.

They just think we can't see it.

IMO this is the dumbest bunch of losers that ever walked on Australian soil.
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