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The Gillard Government

No not Smith someone who "knows" people.

This might have been what Smith was alluding to in earlier posts on his site about "exciting" news.
Michael Smith's latest,

No new actual information in the audio that I could tell, just more thoughts on Gillard's word vs Blewitt's word.

I would have thought that if she was about to be charged, there would be a tap on the shoulder from within the Labor Party first, but these are strange political times. I wonder how many in the caucus itself want to see something happen, just so she finally falls from her perch.

As I said I'll believe it when I see it but apparently QC's are interviewing people involved right now.

You're right drsmith..........if this looked at all threatening she would have to go ASAP.
Could be preparing a case I don't really know
Probably a false lead but we'll find out soon enough

A QC would only be engaged once the DPP has prepared the case. The DPP won't prepare the case until police have, at the very least, charged someone. Otherwise there is no case to answer. I imagine this story would be leaking like the Titanic if it were true.

In a case like this the police would finish preparing the brief and then hand it over to DPP before anyone was charged. It would then be likely for DPP to have any number of QCs examine the brief and provide opinion on the chances of a successful prosecution. If the opinions of the consulted QCs was that there was a reasonable possibility of a successful prosecution police would then be given the green light to proceed with charges.

I stand corrected.
It's starting to sound very much like the Michael Smith story, but Labor would move her out before any charges were laid surely.
I have changed my vote to Gillard.

Thank you Adam Hills for clarifying some of the issues and confirming she is doing a "great job"

I have changed my vote to Gillard.

Thank you Adam Hills for clarifying some of the issues and confirming she is doing a "great job"

Who would take any notice of a pirate with one leg that works for the ABC .
I have changed my vote to Gillard.

Thank you Adam Hills for clarifying some of the issues and confirming she is doing a "great job"

Maybe he wanted a job in the labor party, but to late Hillsy labors already full of comedians.
A political commentary wasn't something the audience was expecting judging by their reaction.

A political commentary wasn't something the audience was expecting judging by their reaction.

Jeez, that's a bit out there, maybe he's hoping for the next Labor parachute. Will it be another captains pick.
I have a feeling this has been posted on ASF before, but still apt.

If not, he's alienated 56% of his potential audience.

It is starting to appear that every body and their dog wants to get a parachute into a Labor position.
Would it be for the pension, or to help the working class people?
Jeez it's becoming a bit obvious, isn't it?
Even the union boys must be getting peeved, by the hand picking of t.v, sports and music personalities, being parachuted in.

The real problem for them is the high profile celebs, have cottoned on.

Why have a union hack ,when you could possibly get a home and away star, they already know how to act and perform for the

As someone has allready said, they have too many comedians already.
Labor up a couple of points and the Coalition down accordingly in today's poll.
Is this perhaps because of Julia Gillard's somewhat improved performance on the international stage?

My impression has been that it has all gone pretty well for her and that she is vastly more comfortable than she once was beyond Australian shores. She has also improved her verbal delivery - it's more flowing, rather than tediously slow.

Other impressions?
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