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The Gillard Government

Funny you should say that, a lot of my workmates and myself have left work recently.
Now we are all being phoned up to go
Also leaving $180k jobs, the ones who have gone back are on $300k, so much for the young boys comming through. What a hoot.

And that's because it is so difficult to get a start.

Companies just refuse to take on newly skilled workers.

It is a serious problem.
...White men aged 55-65 have probably had it easier than any other demographic that has come before or will come again.
Oh really..affirmative action, gender quotas, family tax benefits, childcare tax breaks, school education allowances...need I go on.

The boomers understood that marriage is a partnership, not a competition.

I worked in the Oil and Gas game, when I retired I was asked to work part time, I get more a day now than I got for a week b4.
I worked in the Oil and Gas game, when I retired I was asked to work part time, I get more a day now than I got for a week b4.

A lot of companies are finding the new generation of workers leave a bit to be desired. My sons a supervisor at a large mine, reckons 90% are precious and want paying for just turning up.
Probably taking the lead from the government.
A lot of companies are finding the new generation of workers leave a bit to be desired. My sons a supervisor at a large mine, reckons 90% are precious and want paying for just turning up.
Probably taking the lead from the government.
Our trouble is all the young ones know every thing that is in the Lap Top, but when it comes to experience they don't have a clue, they hate it when us old farts make them look bad.
I heard last night from a very reliable source that Gillard will be charged with offences relating to the S&G AWU affair before the election.
I heard last night from a very reliable source that Gillard will be charged with offences relating to the S&G affair before the election.

Michael Smith?

Actually I'm not so sure that would be a good thing. It gives Labor a chance to change leaders if it happens soon. I would love to see her arrested a couple of days before polling day.
Michael Smith?

Actually I'm not so sure that would be a good thing. It gives Labor a chance to change leaders if it happens soon. I would love to see her arrested a couple of days before polling day.

No not Smith someone who "knows" people.

This might have been what Smith was alluding to in earlier posts on his site about "exciting" news.
Well so much for Swan's call for less personal attacks.

What an absolute disgrace, airing crap like that overseas.
This from the goon show that shut down an industry after watching a 4 corners show on t.v.

They really do need a dose of self appraisal.

Also she could probably do with a course in statesmanship, running a domestic political campaign, while on a head of state visit to our major trading partner is dumb.
It just demeans her visit and shows her attention is elsewhere, dumb, dumb, dumb and somewhat disrespectfull. IMO
How would the P.M feel if the Chinese came here for talks and just started bad mouthing people in China.

It's also interesting, the frantic sounding "everything is for sale in Australia under this government, come and buy the farm" tone of Emersons pitch.
IMO just sad, very sad.
What an absolute disgrace, airing crap like that overseas.
Agree that she should not bring Australian domestic politics into an international situation.
However, from the article referenced:
Responding to comments made by the Australian Opposition Leader likening Labor's moves to tax high-end superannuation earnings to the bank accounts tax being levied in Cyprus, Ms Gillard's anger was obvious.
For Tony Abbott to make such an absurd comparison deserves a critical response.

This is the sort of hyperbolic, silly criticism that characterises much of Mr Abbott's overall commentary.
It does him no credit imo.
Who trusts Labor on super ?

If you were 50 years old or over, your annual cap for the 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 financial years was $50,000.

Labor reduces the concession cap to $25k for everybody and then offers a small fraction of that back with even harsher age restrictions if where foolish enough to actually vote them back in.

OPPOSITION leader Tony Abbott has refused to commit to a Federal Government plan to lift the tax concessions on superannuation from $25,000 to $35,000 for over 60s.

Lift it ??

I reckon he'll trump it and remind the electorate Labor reduced it from $50k to $25k for over 50's only last year.

It is still dumb to air it on the international stage, makes her look like a nervous, attention seeking P.M that lacks decorum.
I'm sure the head of the IMF would have been stunned, this is the poor down trodden chick she saw on utube, I bet she has worked Julia out pretty quick.

Don't worry doc. most people I've debated on the forum, think $800k in super is filthy

Obviously they think the pension at current levels is a given, because they don't have a clue, as to what is really required to be 'self funded' and not a burden on the welfare(tax) system.

Ask people from U.S, U.K and Europe who are earning 1% or less on bank deposits.
Chuck them figures in your retirement calculator. Then see how much you need to
Don't worry doc. most people I've debated on the forum, think $800k in super is filthy

That's cos it is.

I'm going into semi retirement in a few years with a hell of a lot less, i will never have enough money to even contribute up to the current 25K cap...and there's a heap of people my age in the same boat, dinghy.

The way you guys crap on about money.

Yes and I bet you will be pulling a pension.

The way I crap on about money is because I've worked hard, in crappy conditions in crappy areas and done without.
If you want to compare stories, PM
Another promise broken

Julia Gillard's $10,000 teachers bonus election pledge exposed as a hoax
Samantha Maiden
The Sunday Telegraph
April 07, 201312:00AM

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard's election pledge to deliver $10,000 bonus payments for top teachers has been exposed as a hoax.

Confidential documents prepared by the government confirm that payments to the states under the plan will cease in 2014, the same year thousands of teachers hoped they would finally secure the cash.

It will be up to the states to decide whether to pay teachers the promised bonuses or not.

The Council of Australian Governments funding deal outlines the government's formal offer to the states to implement the so-called Gonski school reforms and includes demands new teachers undergo literacy tests and that children be subjected to "school readiness tests".

The 47-page National Education Reform Agreement outlining the next four-year funding deal for all states confirms that the bonus payments for teachers are no longer guaranteed.

"If a state or territory signs this agreement, payments under the Rewards for Great Teachers National Partnership will cease on 1 January, 2014," the documents say. Teacher unions had opposed the bonus scheme for top teachers, suggesting all should be paid more.

Promised by the Prime Minister during the 2010 election campaign, the Rewards for Great Teachers program pledged to deliver cash bonuses for up to 25,000 teachers.

But the program was quickly gutted in government, with the original $425 million spending cut in half and the number of teachers who could expect bonuses reduced.

Since 2010, not a single single teacher has secured a bonus under the scheme, with the government confirming they will not force the states to implement the program. Education Minister Peter Garrett confirmed it was now up to the states whether the promised scheme is rolled out.

While he hoped the states would offer bonuses next year, the Gillard government would not compel them to do so.

"We want to see great teachers rewarded," a spokesman said. "The states have asked for flexibility to manage the recognition and career structures of their teachers, which is why we have not mandated rewarding teachers in the draft National Education Reform Agreement."

Victoria and Queensland have not signed up reward partnership. Opposition education spokesman Chris Pyne said the broken election promise was disgraceful.

"Teachers have every right to be disappointed but importantly, this is the latest example of Julia Gillard's grotesque delusions about the truth," Mr Pyne said.
It is understood Ms Gillard's partner, Tim Mathieson, who is also on the trip, will meet with China's new first lady Peng Liyuan, a popular singer who has been lauded for her fashion style

It is hoped that Tim can pick up a few hints on fashion style to pass on to Julia.
As a back-up Julia has also taken former live-in lover Craig Emerson along on the trip.
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