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The Gillard Government

One track mind, Macquack? And why do you just pick on Abbott - what are the two guys in the middle photo doing with their hands where we can't see them? What sick thoughts do you read into that?..:disgust:

Loosen up sails, I have not heard you come to the defence of Julia Gillard from the throng of acid tongued vermin who criticise her for her red hair, long ear lobes, fat **** etc.

It is called balanced argument.
Loosen up sails, I have not heard you come to the defence of Julia Gillard from the throng of acid tongued vermin who criticise her for her red hair, long ear lobes, fat **** etc.

It is called balanced argument.

I'm not getting on your case here Macquack, but let's keep it balanced.
Everyone was on Jolly fat @rsed Joe Hockey's case.
So what is your issue with people saying the leader of the country shouldn't project an advert for Maccas.
Every time you saw John Howard he was pumping the pavement, in his late 60's, you need to get out a bit.
Dear oh dear!

It's appropriate she's pictured wearing red.

Bob's already been through "Surviving dying government 101" lol

I would think Gillard and Conroy are writing "Minority Government for Dummies"
It has been a sad experiment.
The situation they have got us in - Ross Greenwood.

extract from article...

First thought: Gillard, Swan, Wong, and before that Rudd, and all of
the Labor Cabinet call these temporary borrowings, a temporary
Remember Those Words : TEMPORARY DEFICIT.
The total Government debt will end up around $200 billion.
So here's a very basic calculation... I used a home loan calculator
to work it out..... it's that simple..
$200 billion is two hundred thousand million dollars.
The current 10 year Government bond rate is 4.67 per cent. I
worked the loanout over a period of 20 years. Now here's where it
gets scary .... really scary.
The repayments on $200 billion come to more than one and a
quarter billion dollars - every month - for 20 years. It works out
that we - as taxpayers - will be repaying $15.4 billion in interest
and principal every year .. $733 for every man woman and child -
every year.
The total interest bill over the 20 years is - get this - $108 billion.
Remember, this is a Government that just 4 years ago had NO
debt. NO debt.
In fact, it had enough money to create the Future Fund, to pay the
future liabilities of public servants' superannuation, and it had
enough to stick $20 billion into the Building Australia Fund .....
A note was sent to me, which explains that the six leading
members of the Government, from Ms Gillard down, have a
collective work experience of 181 years, but only 13 years in the
private sector.
If you take out of those 13 years the number that were spent as
trade union lawyers, 11 years, only two years were spent in the
private sector.
So out of those 181 years:
- no years spent running their own business
- no years spent starting their own business
- no years spent as a director of a family business or a company
- no years as a director of a public company
- no years in a senior position in a public company
- no years in a senior position in a private company
- no years working in corporate finance
- no years in corporate or business restructuring
- no years working in or with a bank
- no years of experience in the capital markets
- no years in a stock-broking firm
- no years in negotiating debt facilities with banks
- no years running a small business
- no years at the World Bank or IMF or OECD
- no years in Treasury or Finance.
But these people have plunged Australia into unprecedented debt.
Well, in a way you can't blame them.
It's clear the electorate did not do their homework, because the
Government is there by right.
Ah, but they are Labor and people vote for them because Labor is
good for the working family - right???
Bob's already been through "Surviving dying government 101" lol

He got his carbon tax, talked about aliens and did a runner.

I would think Gillard and Conroy are writing "Minority Government for Dummies"
It has been a sad experiment.

It will be a long way behind Colin Barnett's edition and I would suggest, Tony Abbott's.

Chapter 1: Don't abandon what you promised under a government you lead.
The problem Labor has now is, it is a bit like a party where it wasn't fun to be at anyway.

Then they say, it folds up in 2hrs time, everyone packs up and f*cks off in the next ten minutes.

Well labor has to live with that for 6 months, thick as

In my opinion there’s no way these Labor socialists will stand by and do nothing while Gillard leads them over a cliff in September.
They dumped Rudd because he was leading them towards the precipice. I think they’ll dump Gillard for the same reason.
My guess is that Rudd will challenge long before September, and he’ll have the numbers to win.
I can well imagine what’s going on behind the scenes in the Labor party.
In the meantime I’m getting immense enjoyment from watching the death throes of the worst government in Australian history.
Perhaps consider that Rudd, returning as the martyred saviour, may well have the numbers ultimately to beat Tony Abbott. I wouldn't be getting too triumphant at this stage.
It is scary to think that our freedom of speech rests in the hands of this motley crew.
Craig Thomson has been in discussion with Stephen Conroy and may weaken on his current stance (ABC radio news).
Perhaps consider that Rudd, returning as the martyred saviour, may well have the numbers ultimately to beat Tony Abbott. I wouldn't be getting too triumphant at this stage.
If Abbott can't defeat Rudd or anyone else Labor puts in charge of its smoking ruins, he doesn't deserve to win.

I'm more of the view that Labor will be defeated at the election, regardless of who leads it. It's much more than its current leader that's on the nose.

I still consider it unlikely that Julia Gillard will go the distance as Labor will want to do something, anything to minimise the carnage at the next election.
As a coalition voter who despises this labor government I hope Gillard continues as PM until she is annihilated in the next election.

As an Australian citizen I hope she goes and an election is called ASAP.....What a conundrum
Perhaps consider that Rudd, returning as the martyred saviour, may well have the numbers ultimately to beat Tony Abbott. I wouldn't be getting too triumphant at this stage.

Yes Julia, I've already considered that in my earlier posts, and for that reason I expressed the hope that they’ll leave Gillard right where she is.

All things considered though, I still think Rudd would lose against Abbot, but he’d come a lot closer to rolling him than Gillard would. So let’s just hope that the incompetent bastard stays away from the Labor leadership, and that Gillard continues to lead them to destruction.
Julia Gillard tries to play the same card twice, this time out of order.

The speaker Anna Bourke actually had to ask the PM to withdraw it twice as the first withdrawal was not without qualification. The second was.

These are the among the final breaths of a PM close to political death.
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