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The Gillard Government

It might be her voice that makes it worse but it's very annoying that she uses every question to insult the opposition and all without answering the question at all and the spreaker lets her get away with it.
...A day does not go by without at least one insult from the Burns, usually many and unnecessarily vicious and cat like....

LOL - so it's not OK for mrburns to do it, but it's OK for Gillard, who holds the highest office in the land, to sling insults in parliament?

You have to be joking...surely
Well it did not take long for this lieing, cunniving and cheating Prime Minister of ours to come out and blame Abbott for the rabble shouting abuse from the Gallery Parliament yesterday.

If the truth is know she probably stage showed the whole thing herself to try and make Abbott look bad in the eyes of the public just like she stage showed the Aboriginal riot .

Nothing would surprise me with that woman.

Just another example of Gillard underestimating the electorate.

She blames Abbott for the public's lack of respect for her office, obviously she has not studied history.
Respect is given to office, however if that position of office is abused, the plebs
This is Socialism ( Communism) at its best. Close down the media from being able to criticize the Government.

Listen to News ltd CEO Kim Williams view on Conroys legislation which he (Conroy) wants passed by the end of next week.

Gillard is once again sweetning up the independants to assure their vote by throwing more borrowed money into their electorates.

Guess why they want this through next week ?

Oh yes there's an election coming up and we dont want anyone saying bad things about us.

Transparent communists in the Lodge.
Guess why they want this through next week ?

Oh yes there's an election coming up and we dont want anyone saying bad things about us.

Transparent communists in the Lodge.

Communists? Hardly.

Didn't Howard do something very similar with the CSIRO?
Really.......who cares, this is 2013, and yes communists, Gillard is a dictator.

Yeh, and Hitler was a dictator but not a communist.

And in not caring I gather you just shoot from the hip for effect and without knowing too much either.
Yeh, and Hitler was a dictator but not a communist.

And in not caring I gather you just shoot from the hip for effect and without knowing too much either.

No it means I dont use the past to justify the present or excuse poor Govt "because so and so did it decades ago"
So you don't think Abbott is a disciple of Howard ?

I think he is and thats what I like about him.
John Howard was one of our best prime ministers he made mistakes
but he had convictions and stood up for them.
Unlike the rabble we have now who just want to hang onto power for the sake of it
and don't believe in anything except their own interests.
I do find it funny.
What exactly do you find so amusing?

You know Labor have given up when they put Craig Thomson in front of the media to defend the cause.
So Craig Thomson has a go at payback to the government for not supporting him, and they retaliate by putting him back in his box.
Neither action has anything to do with good governance of media and everything to do with their own petty squabbling. Pathetic.


When history is writ in 100 years time, this mob will be harshly judged, and Honest John Howard will be seen as a Menzies of his era.

You know Labor have given up when they put Craig Thomson in front of the media to defend the cause.

Craig is Craig. He never ceases to deliver.

Best point of thread and defines the ALP at present, and my ALP mates are ballistic in anger and shame at the behaviour of the present incumbents, from Gillard to Mathieson, Swan to Conroy, an embarrassment of Labor values.

Labor caught using rubbery figures, what a surprise. I'd say labor is putting out a fair bit of the old rubber numbers. But then Libs are not much better either.

I'm really not looking forward to the next election.

I do find it funny.

Welcome back chops, couldn't resist the lure of reading ASF political rantings in an election year
The SMH quotes an unnamed MP:

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