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The Gillard Government

What more would you expect of that rabble, thanks for posting this.

Very different to Bob Brown doing his job in a dignified manner as he was elected to do.

Brown and Combet were among the ringleaders of the "rabble".
The Morgan poll just out suggests that today's Newspoll might be somewhat of an aberration.
..In mid-March the Morgan Poll shows support for the L-NP is 57.5% (up 3% since February 28-March 3, 2013) cf. ALP 42.5% (down 3%) on a two-party preferred basis..
Those percentages are nearly identical to the WA election result, and sharply contradict Newspoll's latest poll. Newspoll's 'aberrations' seem exquisitely timed. Newspoll seems highly valued by the ALP.
Those percentages are nearly identical to the WA election result, and sharply contradict Newspoll's latest poll. Newspoll's 'aberrations' seem exquisitely timed. Newspoll seems highly valued by the ALP.

lol- it seems the ALP will "value" any poll that gives the illusion they are doing better than the electorate perceive...

Whether that favoured poll is out of whack with the others doesn't matter, but then isn't that also pretty much in line with this government which seemingly won't face reality and blames most, if not all, their mistakes on to someone else?
Those percentages are nearly identical to the WA election result, and sharply contradict Newspoll's latest poll. Newspoll's 'aberrations' seem exquisitely timed. Newspoll seems highly valued by the ALP.
Which is odd, given Newspoll is run exclusively for "The Australian", if we're going to be considering conspiracy theories.
Brown and Combet were among the ringleaders of the "rabble".

Actually noted some media suggesting that the rabble interrupting Parliament yesterday may have been Abbot/party stooges.

Some media ? Interesting ?
What a load of BS

Whilst I was having breakfast and on SBS24.

In fact the way the Libs work (stuff policy, just criticize and blah blah blah) it is most feasible.

And I can take all the BS you can deliver for my vegies.
Just watching QT, Gillard is rude and ignorant , no other way to describe it, every time she's asked a question she fisdtly takes a swipe at the opposition instead of answering the question then assisted by the Speaker she goes on and on without being pulled up without addressing the question at all.

Probably impossible for you Burns'o, but try to forget/divorce yourself for a moment on which party you support and take note of Abbott doing the same thing you describe of Gillard, as he does and as politician's have always done across the floors of Parliaments.

Remember Whitlam and Fraser going toe to toe gangbusters in the good old days.
You're clearly a first time viewer. They all do the very same thing you just described. It's one of the shortcomings of an oppositional system to parliament.
You're clearly a first time viewer. They all do the very same thing you just described. It's one of the shortcomings of an oppositional system to parliament.

No I watch it all the time but never get used to Gillards foul manner.

Burns, are you on a retainer from Tony Abbott?

A day does not go by without at least one insult from the Burns, usually many and unnecessarily vicious and cat like.

Many people come to this forum for reasonable discussion, you are a just a blight on ASF.

You dont come here for discussion, you attack anyone who doesnt like your Juliar, you actually go quite berserk, it's amusing.
Dont tell me you cant see the spiteful nastiness in Gillard that no one else demonstrates ?
I think it just comes out in a different way to the others. Most of them are pointlessly argumentative, childish, off-topic, brash, arrogant, spiteful, nasty or a whole host of other things.

I'm not really disagreeing with you about Gillard - but I don't think she stands out any more than some of the other high profile "heavy hitters" they sit up the front.
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