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The Gillard Government

Gillard called "liar" twice during QT by spectators.

A poor state of affairs for this to happen in Parliament.
The public have had enough.

An absolute disgrace.

We are blessed with freedom of speech and we can demonstrate in the streets if we like and we can vote. But heckling and yelling within our Parliament is akin to allowing mob rule.

It is well established under the Westminster System that the Parliament is for the exclusive government business of the day on behalf of the people represented. There are many sides and views represented so no person can complain, but for order the business must be done without the interference of hecklers or those without authority under our system to do so.

It is not hard to see Mr Burns, that if given half a chance, you would follow a charge on the doors of the Bastille.
I am neither ALP nor LIB but the extremism coming through from some political followers on the forums is disturbing to those of us who wish peace.

I've never seen this happen before, Gillard is the only leader I've ever seen generate this kind of hatred.
An absolute disgrace.

We are blessed with freedom of speech and we can demonstrate in the streets if we like and we can vote. But heckling and yelling within our Parliament is akin to allowing mob rule.

Don't be a hypocrite. I suppose it was OK when your leader Bob Brown heckled the visiting American President George Bush during a speech he was making in Parliament in October 2003.
It is well established under the Westminster System that the Parliament is for the exclusive government business of the day on behalf of the people represented.

And herein lies the problem. Once they get into power, they decide to do their own thing, which we did not vote for!
Don't be a hypocrite. I suppose it was OK when your leader Bob Brown heckled the visiting American President George Bush during a speech he was making in Parliament in October 2003.

Bob Brown was an elected member of the Parliament. Hecklers are not. Need to check the legalities ole pal before you mouth of with those words.

And in what Bush was up to and had us involved in Bob Brown proved to be one of the great men of all time with the balls to stand up and be counted on and issue of disgrace by the US. They are still looking for the weapons of mass destruction hey; and the Country more ruined that it would have been under Saddam Hussein himself.
Burns you are a joke, you said the exact same thing about Kevin Rudd.

Did I ?

I cant recall, wouldn't suprise me though, the Labor party have a wealth of lying incompetent weasels all worthy of that tag.

Well Bob Brown should have known better but what the hell would he care about what our alies think of us.

He led a disgraceful and useless party until he bailed out and left whats left of it for Milne play with.
And herein lies the problem. Once they get into power, they decide to do their own thing, which we did not vote for!

Yeh, and whilst on the topic; there were a lot of Liberals among the demonstrators against the Irak war which Johnny Howard followed Bush into. Obviously we did not vote for that either.

Parliamentarians do have the right to change their minds as circumstances change like anyone else would. No one has the right to interfere in anyone else s job.
Well Bob Brown should have known better but what the hell would he care about what our alies think of us.

He led a disgraceful and useless party until he bailed out and left whats left of it for Milne play with.

Do you read the content of my posts or just blah blah on anyway.

Bob Brown had every right to speak up on the floor of the Parliament as an elected representative. The public on the other hand have no right to speak as they do not fit the legalities, they are not elected members of the Parliament.
Bob Brown was an elected member of the Parliament. Hecklers are not. Need to check the legalities ole pal before you mouth of with those words..

Never mind about legalities "ole pal". To heckle an invited guest during a speech is sheer bad manners, or in your words "an absolute disgrace".


Bob Brown proved to be one of the great men of all time.

You've got it bad "ole pal".
You've got it bad "ole pal".

Well his getting up your nose indicates a job well done on that count too.

And who cares about embarrassing a murderess tyrant like Bush, in fact if we had proper world council justice Bush should go to the chair for his crimes.
Well his getting up your nose indicates a job well done on that count too.

George Brandis got it right. You picked the right party for people with your views.

How's this for trashing parliament - and Combet was in on it. I hope the righteous indignation over a couple of voters expressing their opinion without violence extends to this horrific and violent attack on parliament:

More here on the violence:

An excerpt:
George Brandis got it right. You picked the right party for people with your views.

Attended the local Greens meeting tonight as a matter of fact and a good turn up of good ordinary Australian's concerned about a fair go for all.

A new member signing on has created a web sight for single mum's. Huge numbers of them left in poverty by their men and the current Government cutting back on them too, and I know Abbot will certainly do the same.

I know where my bread and my conscience is buttered.

So its not just views it is action for the disenfranchised.

What more would you expect of that rabble, thanks for posting this.

Very different to Bob Brown doing his job in a dignified manner as he was elected to do.
The Morgan poll just out suggests that today's Newspoll might be somewhat of an aberration.

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