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The Gillard Government

Oh man, the Nova Peris selection is going to backfire big time. People in general believe in fairness and hard work to earn positions, not because you come from a political advantageous polling demographic. Wasn't Rudd dumped for these similar decisions himself?

They're either going to muzzle the senator hard or find a way to keep both of them.

Yes I think the Peter Garret, Maxine McKew parachute jobs, are still fresh in the electorates mind.

Rudd was dumped because he wasn't aligned to a union faction.
Apparently the displaced (or realistically sacked after 15 years) Senator voted for Rudd in the last leadership spill. Taxpayers will be looking after her quite nicely in retirement, I wouldn't be shedding too many tears for her.
"In 2005, she [Peris] sold her Olympic memorabilia to the National Museum of Australia for $140,000.[3] It included her gold medal, hockey stick, Sydney Olympic torch and the running shoes she wore in the Sydney Olympics.[4]" ...Quite the sentimentalist.

Maybe she was short of cash, that's usually why sports people sell their medals etc.
Lets see now..

1. Not a member of the Labor Party.
2. No experience.
3. NT ALP not consulted.
4. Existing member of 15 years not consulted other than "stand down"
5. Ignores pre-selection process.


What an insult to the sitting member. What on earth qualifies Ms Peris for political office?
Julia Gillard has quite wrongly interfered in the preselection process.

Even if I'd seen some genuine value in Ms Peris in the first place, she would have totally lost me with her damn weeping in the news bulletin. It's like an episode of MasterChef where they are overcome by sentimental emotional stuff. Leaves me absolutely cold.

Apparently the displaced (or realistically sacked after 15 years) Senator voted for Rudd in the last leadership spill. Taxpayers will be looking after her quite nicely in retirement, I wouldn't be shedding too many tears for her.
Good. I'm glad to hear it. That doesn't make Gillard's interference in the process right.
Gillard referred to this as a "captains pick" she obviously sees Parliament as her own private playground
I would have thought the best people should be favoured
Gillard referred to this as a "captains pick" she obviously sees Parliament as her own private playground
I would have thought the best people should be favoured

Well if we keep selecting politicians on their media attributes, it won't belong before the government can run a "Live Aid" concert.
Just parachute in a base player, a drummer and a couple of backing singers.
What a way to run a country.LOL

It's a shame Maxine has gone, she could have covered it. Still we have Peter as lead singer, what a circus.
Gillard referred to this as a "captains pick" she obviously sees Parliament as her own private playground
I would have thought the best people should be favoured

She loves sporting analogies, she thinks it makes her sound in touch with the average Aussie, instead she just comes across as a try hard wannabe It's the equivalent of Rudd's 'fair suck of the sauce bottle' stuff. Cringeworthy
She loves sporting analogies, she thinks it makes her sound in touch with the average Aussie, instead she just comes across as a try hard wannabe It's the equivalent of Rudd's 'fair suck of the sauce bottle' stuff. Cringeworthy

If she was in touch with the average sporting Australian, she would do something about the bolt on backside.
Gillard goes from bad to worse to just plain incredibly unbelievably out of touch focused entirely on her own survival
She treats the public as complete fools and now treats the Australian Parliament with contempt by stacking it with those not able to serve us best but those able to serve her own interests best
Peris is obviously a decent person used by Gillard in her endless power play
She will be subjected to ridicule because of this move and she seems like the sort of person that won't handle it well

She (Gillard) is absolutely clueless.

Peris is also clueless. She does not have a clue that this women is just using her.
Andrew Bolt on 2GB Alan Jones show this morning talking about the freedom laws that Nicola Roxon wants to introduce.

Very good interview. What a joke Gillard & Co are.

If the interview gets published, l'll post it.
Peris is also clueless. She does not have a clue that this women is just using her.

I think she will be hurt badly in the end by Gillard, she has no idea she's being used as you say but it will become clear fairly soon, I hope she has the sense to bail early.

Apologies if this has already been posted. I do hope that the people of NT are smarter than they're being given credit for. The sudden removal of Rudd didn't go down particularly well with some Labor voters in Qld did it? This blatant grab for votes may very well backfire - I've a feeling that we won't have too long to wait to find out.
And how the other half view Andrew Bolt.

Screen-shot from reddit, subreddit/r/Australia


BRR - Building Railway Revolution???

Gillard governments freight railway opened on Monday, $700 million over budget and three years late...

I think she will be hurt badly in the end by Gillard, she has no idea she's being used as you say but it will become clear fairly soon, I hope she has the sense to bail early.

This must go down as Gillards dumbest moves ever, she is going to have bite marks all over that big backside of hers.
Is something else starting to wriggle, again ?
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