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The Gillard Government

I agree the comparison isnt really fair, Gillard has only killed a few with the pink batts disaster, she can improve on that but at present she's content with spending every cent we havent got.
I'll refrain from directly attributing anyone to deaths, but don't forget the impact of Labor's policies on boat arrivals, inparticular under Julia Gillard.

There's a comparison in that both are (were in the case of Hitler) driven by power very much above all else. Hitler was obviously far worse, but he ruled exclusively over a dictatorship so Julia Gillard could never descend to that level, even if she is as insane (which I don't think she is).

The images you posted together were a little naughty, but the comparison in body language is interesting.

Enjoy the spanking.

Unfair and objectionable comparisons of Julia Gillard to Hitler are not in my repertoire, and should cease.


I must agree but I spent ages trying to find a suitable picture of Pol Pot or Idi Amin without success so Hitler had to do.

I believe many do blame the Govt for those deaths the way the whole initiative was mishandled, but my initial post was of course tongue in cheek, lost on those with no sense of humour, like the Nazis were I imagine.
Unfair and objectionable comparisons of Julia Gillard to Hitler are not in my repertoire, and should cease.

Neither Burnsie nor I made any comparisons between the two leaders. You and Macquack, very astutely I must say, inferred that the juxtaposition of the two pictures and the similar attitudes of the two leaders attributed totalitarian qualities to the fair Julia, which I am sure she would never stoop to.

I would put it down as a gentle wake-up call to be vigilant.
Now who's taking the free kick? If it had been two rival white gangs rioting there wouldn't have been a peep out of anyone.
No? What about the white bikie gangs killing one another. The media was all over that, and every person with any media presence at all, very much including politicians, had something to say about it.

I don't see that the comparison with any white groups is even relevant. The unrest is happening. It's nasty and requires police presence. That makes it newsworthy. So for any politician to make such a dumb remark is just less than constructive, stupid really.

While the tweet may have been politically unwise, Laming has every right to exercise his freedom of speech. Who did it harm?
It would have harmed the Coalition's chances of winning the election, especially in view of Mr Laming's being the Parliamentary Secretary for Indigenous Health.

The matter of free speech is one about which we should all be concerned. It is, however, entirely separate from whether or not the behaviour of any politician will adversely affect his party's chances of election.

I must say I got suspicious when Brash/Allans went into liquidation someone bought up all the piano wire.
This was traced to a slush fund at Slater and Gordon , Gillard cant remember and the file is missing but I have my suspicions.
No? What about the white bikie gangs killing one another. The media was all over that, and every person with any media presence at all, very much including politicians, had something to say about it.[

I don't remember you or anyone else trying to make political capital out of it.

I see. So speaking the truth is dumb and stupid.

It would have harmed the Coalition's chances of winning the election, especially in view of Mr Laming's being the Parliamentary Secretary for Indigenous Health.


The matter of free speech is one about which we should all be concerned. It is, however, entirely separate from whether or not the behaviour of any politician will adversely affect his party's chances of election.

So freedom of speech is good, but only when it is politically correct? Ms Roxon would agree with you on that.
You seem to be upset over what Laming said because of political repercussions, but I haven't a clue as to what you personally found objectionable in what he said.
Federal Government condemns LNP MP for Bowman Andrew Laming
Laming tweeted;
"Mobs tearing up Logan. Did any of them do a day's work today, or was it business as usual and welfare on tap?"
Laming is rightly condemned. Inappropriate and undisciplined comments from any MP.

Federal Trade Minister Craig Emerson told the ABC Mr Laming's quotes were disgraceful and callous, and inflaming a tense situation for political gain was appalling.
However it isn't disgraceful, callous or apalling at all to tell people who've just lost their homes in a bushfire that their problems are due to man-made global warming. No political gain there. No pious righteousness from Emerson on this.
However it isn't disgraceful, callous or apalling at all to tell people who've just lost their homes in a bushfire that their problems are due to man-made global warming. No political gain there. No pious righteousness from Emerson on this.

Every time Emerson opens his mouth it is for "political gain."

I don't remember this hypocrite condemning the actions of a guy from Gillard's office who just a year ago incited a racial riot at the aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra. Apparently it was for "political gain" when lies were spread with the intention of inciting mob violence against Tony Abbott.

Laming is rightly condemned. Inappropriate and undisciplined comments from any MP

Maybe...but not his right to say it.
Every time Emerson opens his mouth it is for "political gain."

I see Emerson as a complete fool of a man and he holds a front bench seat in this Govt, it's infuriating that we have to pay for idiots like this to do bugger all, we deserve so much better.
I received some information I was unaware of the other day about the UN and Agenda 21. There are to many links to put on here . For those interested Google Agenda 21 and then try other searches such as Gillard Agenda 21 , Carbon Tax Agenda 21 . Very interesting reading to be had . Explains what the UN and Gillard / Greens and the likes are really up to.
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