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The Gillard Government

This Government has no balls.

Bend over.....

This has to take the cake, doesn't it?

What a joke, they stuff up the economy when they have treasury and their economic modelling computers.
They shove new taxes down everyones throats, after they blow money on useless initiatives and bad policy decissions.
Now the want to share the guilt, by getting the public to contribute ideas, thereby taking some ownership of Labors deficit problem.
What a bunch of losers, it really is a sad state of affairs.
Next thing Wayne will be down the local pub for some financial guidance, from the lads.
Come to think of it, they may have a better idea than he does.
This has to take the cake, doesn't it?

Yes, with a cherry on top.

Didn't the Government recently have a similar forum about small business (or something similar?), they didn't listen. What's the point.

I know a medium/large sized business owner. He is pretty successful, and very smart.

I asked him about Wayne, he said that Wayne is a class 1 Idiot A$$hole with no idea, and also added Glenn Stevens to the list.

I trust what he has to say about economics more than anyone anyone else, including the Government.
Elections - Japan makes a right turn. Former government's "..failure to keep campaign promises..", now what does that remind me of...

The Gillard government plans to divert 375 million dollars from our foreign aid program to help pay for the increasing costs of the illegal immigrants flooding our country.

That brilliant strategist Rudd, supported by Gillard and the rest of the goon club, got rid of a policy that was working well in stemming the flow of boat people.
Result – total loss of control of our borders.
Cost – many billions of dollars so far, and climbing.
Solution – they have none, or at least none that they have the brains to put in place.

Not that I’m in favor of the billions of dollars we hand out in foreign aid while our own country is desperately short of funding in so many vitally important areas. But to give another 375 million to people who engage in criminal activity to come here, while the government just will not take the hard decisions necessary to stop them, is downright pathetic.

It almost beggars belief that some people will vote for these incompetent clowns at the next election.

Spot on Bunyip.

But the really scary part of your post, for Australia, is your last sentence.
The Gillard government plans to divert 375 million dollars from our foreign aid program to help pay for the increasing costs of the illegal immigrants flooding our country.
Isn't that better than directing new money at it? Of course they should have left in place the arrangement that had pretty much stopped the boats, but as long as they're still pouring in (and why wouldn't they given it's now straight into the community with what to most of them would be a lot of money each week?) wouldn't you rather they didn't e.g. strip funds from hospital or education funding to pay for them, instead reducing the overseas aid budget?
Yet another labor backflip that was not taken to the people? With a labor/green friendly senate and independents to give the numbers in the house of reps, do we have any idea how much legislation Gillard has pushed through that suits her agenda but might not be in the best interests of the country?

Read more:

Gillard lie: There will be no private health insurance cuts under a Government I lead
Isn't that better than directing new money at it?
It is, but to me, that's not the point.

Had they not mismanaged our borders, they would not be cutting other programs to the extent they have.

It's like cutting the baby bonus. A good idea in itself, but bad in a broader context if it is wasted on even less worthy expenditure.
That was in their mid-year financial update.

It won't stop there. The biggie with private health is the medicare levy surcharge. At some point, they'll look to extract that from higher income earners regardless of whether they have private health insurance or not.
Even Blind Freddie would conclude that Gillard has a prima facie case to answer on the AWU Wilson/Blewitt scam. This is a QC's opinion.

Read this and form your own opinion.
Interest rates will always be lower under Labor LOL

Personally I want to see Abbott's / Hockeys fiscal cliff implemented
Interest rates will always be lower under Labor LOL

Personally I want to see Abbott's / Hockeys fiscal cliff implemented

But not interest payments on the massive debts Gillard/Swan have run up in such a short time with very little to show for it. How many more billions will tax payers have to fund to just pay interest on this massive debt?

Even IF interest rates are low, what's the point when people will be hit with higher taxes to pay for Gillard/Swan's massive spendings?

Weren't the highest interest rates of around 18% when labor was in government (around 1988-89)?
Aren't they all kidding themselves. The basis for a surplus/deficit is on China and Japan buying our dirt based on the US and EU buying cheap gadgets from them. It's practically out of any Australian governments control. All they can do is fluff around the edges with expanding or contracting expenditure and taxation which have no real significance.
Another Gillard lie -- No Surplus.

What a surprise.

And what about the timing of this little announcement, less than a week before Christmas when they think people will be too preoccupied with other things to give it too much attention
And what about the timing of this little announcement, less than a week before Christmas when they think people will be too preoccupied with other things to give it too much attention

and Julia is on holidays........"game on" Julia
They had no hope of delivering a surplus so they either lied or are just stupid, either way it's not a good look for them.

Yes and just because interest are low it does not add up to a healthy economy. It means the economy is in bad shape and needs stimualting.
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