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The Gillard Government

Om tonight's show, Julia Gillard's former boyfriend adds his 2-bob's worth.
I cannot remember ever seeing such a nervous and uncomfortable interviewee. I'd love to hear Alan Pease's analysis of Mr Wilson's behaviour with its inability to make eye contact with the interviewer, repetitive touching of the nose with index finger etc.

His answers were less than convincing imo, but perhaps he is simply unaccustomed to being in the public spotlight.

This affair becomes more bizarre by the day, with Mr Wilson's suggestion when asked where the money went from the eventual sale of the house, that Ralph Blewitt buried it in the back yard and then later, um, just destroyed that buried money. Oh my goodness.

As an aside, the interview was conducted by a journalist I've not seen before, Caro Meldrum-Hanna . She was very good. Hope we see more of her.
Where is the poll that convincingly says the public think Gillard did it? Can you please link it?

It's a contextless poll question!!!

Yes I think Julie Bishop may use this to effect.
Unless the coalition make some of this stick, they are going to have to make a plan B.
They don't seem to be getting much traction and the press won't help.
I think they would be better served pushing for an inquiry into the running of unions, there is enough grounds, one would think.
Where is the poll that convincingly says the public think Gillard did it? Can you please link it?

It's a contextless poll question!!!
First, the validity of the methodology of such a poll renders it meaningless.
However, I don't understand your question to Calliope. This is what he posted:
Does Bruce Wilson's statement change your thinking on the AWU scandal?
12.31% (174 votes)
87.69% (1239 votes)
Total votes: 1413
No reference whatsoever to the public thinking "Gillard did it". The question was very clear: "Does Bruce Wilson's statement change your thinking on the AWU scandal"?
So why would you ask such a question?
The bit about Wilson having less credibility than Gillard (which infers she has little) and the fact that he has been kissing Liberal **** since I arrived on the forum?

No seriously, forget I asked. I just thought it was a stupid poll to post.
Oh I see what you did there Julia.

You conveniently snipped Calliope's quote to make me look like a fool.

Seriously, screw this forum. That's just low.
Be interested in what you think after you've seen it drsmith
Commenting quickly, he was very nervous to say the least.

After seeing Julie Bishop's well running somewhat dry in parliament today, he's topped it up.
Oh I see what you did there Julia.

You conveniently snipped Calliope's quote to make me look like a fool.

Seriously, screw this forum. That's just low.
What on earth are you on about? I didn't do anything 'to make you look like a fool'.
When quoting Calliope's post (in full below) I eliminated the first sentence asking if you (or anyone) had noticed the poll that came with the CM article because it was redundant to the essence of the topic.

I further eliminated Calliope's OPINION that Wilson has less credibility than Gillard because that also was not essential to your apparent objection. And the comment about Ms Gillard's ex lovers really didn't need any more attention and was imo irrelevant to the question.

Where is the poll that convincingly says the public think Gillard did it? Can you please link it?

It's a contextless poll question!!!

The bit about Wilson having less credibility than Gillard (which infers she has little) and the fact that he has been kissing Liberal **** since I arrived on the forum?
Do you disagree that Wilson has less credibility than Gillard?
And how is that relevant to the so called poll?

Maybe just read through the last several posts again, Ves, before you accuse anyone of attempting to paint you as other than you are.
Maybe just read through the last several posts again, Ves, before you accuse anyone of attempting to paint you as other than you are.
I don't think you understand my question in the slightest.

The edited part is my main objection, because he is using the results of a contextless poll to represent an opinion that favourably resonates his own opinion.

It's simple.

The question "Does Bruce Wilson's statement change your thinking on the AWU scandal?" has no context unless you firstly establish a polling basis for the original opinion, before hearing Bruce Wilson's statement, of the poll respondants.

So I again ask - where is the opinion poll that asks whether or not the public think Julia Gilliard did anything wrong in respect of the AWU scandal?

Without this it is impossible to come to any conclusion of the poll.

Do you not agree?
The edited part is my main objection, because he is using the results of a contextless poll to represent an opinion that favourably resonates his own opinion.

Never mind Ves, you will get over it If it makes you happy I will concede that Gillard, Blewitt and Wilson have equal credibility - i.e. nil.

I can understand your frustration.

The bit about Wilson having less credibility than Gillard (which infers she has little) and the fact that he has been kissing Liberal **** since I arrived on the forum?

To use your crude terminology - you have been kissing Gillard **** since you arrived on the forum.
The transcript of Bruce Wilson's ABC interview is now available.

With regard to the naming of the so-called slush fund, Bruce Wilson seems to plonk Julia Gillard right in it.

And there's this,

Caught out big time here, and his body language showed it.
So Gillard knew long before Rudd got the axe she would get his job from union heavies then lied about it

Carbon tax lie.

Aboriginal tent embassy setup

Her sexist rant then backing Slipper

Vilification of Abbotts personal character at every chance then hypocritically pointing at Abbott as personally attacking her.

I'm sure there is more, but it is painting a picture of her after a short time as PM.
The fact she will do what it takes to be in power speaks volumes.
I still prefer Gillard over Rudd but that's no praise.

Labor can not run policy full stop. It's beyond the joke at this point and they have run out of coalition surplus to save their a$$ in what is shaping up to be a recession next year. Labor has whittled away enough policy that worked for it's own bumbling schemes. They have created a bad business environment and will no doubt madly scramble to change policy when it finally clicks. I'm just sick of being told how AUS has never had it so good. Labor needs to face reality.

I have noted the number of times Julie Bishop has attempted to table documents at Question time refering to her allegations and they are always refused by the leader of the house Albanesee.

Gillard repeatedly dodged the questions by referring to the press interview just before question time.

"I have already answered that".

The reason why she won't answer in parliament is because she may be found out to be misleading parliament.

She has been lucky so far but she has got to slip up sooner or later.
People who may still need to answer questions and brought to account where necessary:

Theiss – bribery
Woodside – bribery
Blewitt – bribery , misappropriation of Union funds, fraud
Wilson - bribery , misappropriation of Union funds , fraud
Gillard – fraud, misappropriation of Union funds, professional misconduct
Slater & Gordon – professional misconduct
Roxon – obstruction of justice for AWU members
Shorten – obstruction of justice for AWU members
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