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The Gillard Government

I agree. If she didn't see it she should have so to deny she has seen it or knew what was going on makes her look sloppy and incompetant...or she is lying. Neither is a good look.
It could be a bad thing for libs if Rudd got back in now. There is still time to turn it around before people remember why he got kicked out in the first place
Yes. Be careful what you wish for. Tony Abbott has a much greater chance of winning against Gillard than against Rudd.

I agree. If she didn't see it she should have so to deny she has seen it or knew what was going on makes her look sloppy and incompetant...or she is lying. Neither is a good look.
Agreed. But I'm not sure that either a 'faulty memory' or sloppy administration nearly 20 years ago before she entered politics would be enough to see her resign or lose the confidence of her colleagues.

There may be more to emerge, however, about this whole affair.
I agree. If she didn't see it she should have so to deny she has seen it or knew what was going on makes her look sloppy and incompetant...or she is lying. Neither is a good look.

It's scary how the ABC culture works. Commentators who should know better, are so inured to Labor/Union skulldruggery that they think Gillard has no case to answer. This applies to Barrie Cassidy, Jon Faine, Leigh Sales, Sabra Lane et al.

What ever happened to investigative journalism?

It will be interesting to see tomorrow if Barrie Cassidy has an epitome.



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The Canberra bureaucracy is being primed for a federal election to be possibly held early next year.

I think its inevitable that an election will be held early next year.Labor can't afford to wait until its mismanagement is truely exposed. i.e......
A mining tax which will be proven to be ineffective.
A budget surplus that never was. etc etc etc:bad:

Yes my take on it, tonque in cheek is, the A.B.C, SMH and AGE reporters will be saying
Reporter to base, "we are recieving a lot of heavy flack, the allegations are coming thick and fast."
Base to reporter, "you must keep the line, if we go down you go down with us" over
Reporter to base"New allegations keep popping up and we have to try and BS to cover up, can you send more BS"over
"Hold the line, we are working on more BS, the pommie spin doctor is looking through his notes, appropriate BS will be forthcoming"
Reporter to base "what happens if the BS doesn't cover the allegations, do we wing it or wait for further directions"?
Base to reporter "What was that? you are breaking up" LOL

On a serious note, I don't think Labor has a hope in hell, if there is an early election, it will be a landslide.
On the other hand, we could have a later election and I think it would be an avalanche.
Time will tell.
Hmm. Perhaps Mr Swan, anticipating Gillard's possible downfall, is paving the way for the return of our Kev?
Suddenly he's not a total b**tard, an impossible psychopath who ran a chaotic government, but the messiah who saved us from the GFC.

Will we see Roxon et al shortly revising their views of Kevvie as well?

Nothing like covering all your bases, just in case.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Also when you see reports like this.

Then take it in context with what is happening with the HSU. Put that on top of union background people are looking after a lot of Australian workers superannuation = OMG. LOL

This gets better and better, what a hoot, "there is none so blind as those who don't want to see".
Never a truer statement. LOL,LOL,LOL
This will be a memorable time in our history, IMO, for all the wrong reasons.

It may be a case of old world thuggery, meets new world transparency.
One thing for sure, telling lies will be your undoing, new world transparency will catch you out.
Did you notice the poll that came with the C-M article?

Does Bruce Wilson's statement change your thinking on the AWU scandal?
12.31% (174 votes)
87.69% (1239 votes)
Total votes: 1413

Wilson has less credibility than Gillard. I'll say one thing for Julia - all her ex-lovers stay loyal.
I also thought Penny Wong, Gillard and the other concerned parties Bob Brown etc were going to sort this out.
The mess of middle class welfare and means testing it on a piecemeal basis

Also while Bob still has some clout in Canberra, he may well answer some of these comments.

No I don't think so, not while he is enjoying himself. Only my opinion of course.
People are easier to rule if they are kept uneducated and poor. Not too poor though, as to invoke civil unrest.
Tony Burke has faith in Bruce Wilson's character reference for Julia Gillard. He shares Barrie Cassidy's belief that she has no case to answer.

Read more:
Om tonight's show, Julia Gillard's former boyfriend adds his 2-bob's worth.

What a dodgy piece of work he was
Wouldn't believe a word he said
The mere fact Gillard was involved with him reflects on her very badly
What a dodgy piece of work he was
Wouldn't believe a word he said
The mere fact Gillard was involved with him reflects on her very badly
I'm yet to see it, but he claims to know where the money (some of it at least) went.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard's former partner Bruce Wilson claims his union sidekick Ralph Blewitt buried in his backyard money held by a legal entity they set up together.

I would have thought that Labor would be discouraging him from engaging in ongoing public comment.
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