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The Gillard Government

Get a load of this Nick Styant Brown is talking, must watch Lateline tonight, I missed the 7:30 report.
Fairfax exclusive.
Get a load of this Nick Styant Brown is talking, must watch Lateline tonight, I missed the 7:30 report.
Essentially Nick Styant Brown asserted that Ms Gillard had knowledge of the matter, including arranging the mortgage insurance, in 1993, whereas she claims she knew nothing about it until 1995.
In substantiation, a copy of a letter to Julia Gillard from the CBA in 1993 seems to prove his point, i.e. that she has been untruthful.

Presumably she will now just claim faulty memory.

Claiming she didn't see the fax even though it was marked for her attention, and that the union guy actually handled all that and was the contact person with the CBA.

Somewhat plausible.
Get a load of this Nick Styant Brown is talking, must watch Lateline tonight, I missed the 7:30 report.

As Townsville has the 7.30 report an hour later than the south, I made sure I watched the interview.

Nick has proof that Gillard has lied about the timing of events in 1993 and 1995. Of course we all know what a compulsive liar she is and has been in the past. So what is new with this Prime Minister of ours.
Although Gillard claimed today that she never saw the letter from the Commonwealth Bank, the contents of the letter indicate that she was involved. Note this in the letter (my emphasis):

"In accordance with your request, we advise the building/s are insured for $200,000 with the Commonwealth Bank Insurance Scheme and the policy is renewed until 18th March 1994,"

So even though she may deny she saw the response, the letter clearly states that it was Gillard who requested the insurance status.

I wonder if CBA keeps all correspondence on file so that Gillard's request can be unearthed. I'm sure the response letter must have some reference number linking back to Gillard's request letter (assuming it wasn't verbal), even if it just a date.
Since this most recent revelation is being aired on the 7:30 Report, does that mean the ABC are now taking up the matter after ignoring it for weeks?
Since this most recent revelation is being aired on the 7:30 Report, does that mean the ABC are now taking up the matter after ignoring it for weeks?

I don't think the ABC had any alternative but to pursue it. They would have shown deliberate political bias had they not mentioned it.
Claiming she didn't see the fax even though it was marked for her attention, and that the union guy actually handled all that and was the contact person with the CBA.

Somewhat plausible.

Yep, very much like, someone borrowed my union funded credit card for bedroom gymnastics.LOL
Unless she can substantially discredit this, she's finished as PM. Her fingerprints have been identified on the cookie jar.

The editors of the major papers will be working double time to get their commentary out for the Friday issue. I can't imagine there will be much sleep amongst Labor's senior ranks tonight either.
I don't think the ABC had any alternative but to pursue it. They would have shown deliberate political bias had they not mentioned it.

Not a mention on Lateline but still headlines on the ABC web site they really need to find the clerk who supposedly handled the matter
In any case I think the Libs now have enough evidence to continue driving the stake in
Get a load of this Nick Styant Brown is talking, must watch Lateline tonight, I missed the 7:30 report.
This got published on the ABC? Might be a few 'Please explains' going around the corridors at Aunty today. 'PM's office on the phone for you' ..gulp.

Kevin Rudd like a Cheshire cat, and who could blame him in the circumstances.

Interview with Bill Shorten, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 21/11/2012
Reporter: Tony Jones

Bill Shorten also known as BS (Bull S**t)
-- is he telling the truth?
-- usually a smart confident speaker
-- this interview very quiet and carefully chosen words with shrt answers!!
Not a mention on Lateline but still headlines on the ABC web site they really need to find the clerk who supposedly handled the matter
The CBA latterhead has her name on it, so she was responsible for more than she was saying.

She can't claim ignorance by her office saying she can't recall the letter. Whether or not she directly handled the paperwork herself or delegated that to a junior within the firm, she accepted responsiblity for it and hence knew what was going on.
Interview with Bill Shorten, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations

-- this interview very quiet and carefully chosen words with shrt answers!!

His responses started out very much like a teenager who didn't want to say too much.
It could be a bad thing for libs if Rudd got back in now. There is still time to turn it around before people remember why he got kicked out in the first place
It could be a bad thing for libs if Rudd got back in now. There is still time to turn it around before people remember why he got kicked out in the first place

I'd like to see Rudd back in and lose anyway, that way Gillard would get what she deserves, and let's face it the Karma train is heading her way at full speed.
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