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The Gillard Government


Wake up Australia
Don't forget Tripodi
It took NSW idiot voters forever to dump labor. Realistically liberals couldn't get their act together for a long time which made matters worse.
This is just the tip of the iceberg imo. There is a backlog of corruption that happened in NSW that will simply be covered over.
Anyone seen the front page of the Herald Sun ?

Photo of Tim Mathieson holding a toy dog and looking as gay as anyone I've ever seen.

Interview says he does Gillards hair each morning brings her tea then watches TV, draws her bath and so on.

Are they trying to tell us something because there seems to be a strong message there.

Don't worry about the Herald Sun, it was also a half page in Townsville Daily Bulletin. After he has done Julia's hair every morning for her daily camera shoot, he puts his feet up and watches TV for the rest of the day at tax payers expense.

What a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All perfectly innocent I'm sure Burnsy. In the photo did Tim have a beard.

A brawny, blue-singleted, colourfully spoken builder may equally have claimed the PM's heart, it's just the way these things go.
I thought this guy I knew was gay but then I found out that not only did he have 6 kids and was anything but.
You can't tell, we are all different (i'm not).
All perfectly innocent I'm sure Burnsy. In the photo did Tim have a beard.

A brawny, blue-singleted, colourfully spoken builder may equally have claimed the PM's heart, it's just the way these things go.

Poor clueless bastard must have beem set up, no beard but a big girly grin holding a little toy dog, hilarious really, those Herald Sun people must have a good laugh over it.
Looks more feminine ths John Michael Howson.

People in glass houses Burnsie.

Oh god, so now Ms Gillard is responsible for men who feel sexually inadequate.
I am almost starting to feel sorry for her.
Oh dear as if misogyny was not enough the misandry has started!!
Oh god, so now Ms Gillard is responsible for men who feel sexually inadequate.
I am almost starting to feel sorry for her.

I sympathise, with Timmy, I'm whipped into submission by a cutting tonque constantly.
Oh dear as if misogyny was not enough the misandry has started!!

Good call, Vespuria, I just googled misandry( I should have stayed at school longer). Abbott should jump up next opportunity and repeat Gillards words throwing in misandry instead of misogyny. That would be a real hoot.

I don't know what Julia sees in Tim. I mean to say he's not married!
I don't think The Hun has ever been known for trying to cast Julia Gillard or much else in the ALP in a good light. This piece of fluff on Tim Mathieson falls into that category.

Anyway if was Julia and had to put up with the high powered sxxx she does every day (not to mention the routine abuse ) the thought of coming home to a nice bath and an uncomplicated loving partner would look very attractive.

He's probably very good in the sack...(pure speculation )

And please - lets not pretend any of us haveany idea of the quality and depth of their relationship.

He is actually her prisoner. If he steps out of line as resident hair dresser and bath puller, or looks at his watch when she's talking, she will brand him as a he does with males who get offside with her.

In the old days he would have been called a gigolo.
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