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The Gillard Government

Change of heart......

Gov. change of heart?

My guess would be that we will have an election in October, the economy isn't getting any better and unemployment can only get worse. Therefore waiting untill next year will in all probability give labor a worse result, the leadership issue won't go away, the fall out from the carbon tax will have really kicked in and the handouts will have been spent.
IMO there is no upside for labor to wait, that will be why they are gearing up with a dirt file.
Gillards last stand.LOL,LOL Talk about having a total disconnect with the voters, using Pommie political advisers will backfire badly.
Cop this coalition!!:holysheep:

As least the Liberals do it discreetly.

Looks as though Julia agrees with the ploy, after Craig Thompson you would think she needs to clean up her own backyard, before starting on others.LOL,LOL
This is going to backfire something classic, they obviously don't learn from mistakes.LOL
Labor's motto is 'DO ANYTHING TO STAY IN POWER".

They certainlty have not learnt any lessons from Anna Bligh with her dirt file on Campbell Newman in the Queensland state eleections.

How low can the Labor Party go?

Julia doesn't see anything wrong with the tax-payer paying for the collection of dirt on her opponents and operating out of her office.

She is not concerned that her opponents may not be the tax-payers' opponents.
Well just saw the Governments star performer on T.V news, he couldn't get the smile off his face.
He said he was extremely happy with what he had achieved, yep he certainly played a blinder on labor.
Well done Bob.
Bad luck Australia.LOL

My contacts in Sussex St. tell me that a bloke called John McTernan, who is a Pommie, formerly Irish or a Scot, now rules the roost in the PM's office, as Media head honcho.

He worked with Gordon Brown in the UK, so he has plenty of experience in backing a loser in to oblivion.

And he gets paid in the high 200k for the privilege.

The Gillard office certainly spreads the tax payers money around the globe.

Well just saw the Governments star performer on T.V news, he couldn't get the smile off his face.
He said he was extremely happy with what he had achieved, yep he certainly played a blinder on labor.
Well done Bob.
Bad luck Australia.LOL
Um, who are you talking about?
Fuggall compared to a lot of blue collar workers.
Um, who are you talking about?

The guy who is going to sit watching the sunset, hand in hand with his boyfriend.
On a government pension, alongside lots of other Tasmanians, on welfare due to him.
Also to be joined by many Australian mainlanders on government welfare due to him, with the assistance of an inept labor government.

Yep! He's a star performer alright.

He made Tasmania sound like the economic, environmental and social powerhouse of the universe. His glow rubbed off on me until the objective side of my brain reminded me of stte-by-state GDP figures that indicated the Apple Isle was an absolute basket case.

So there, go figure!
Gillard couldn't be that disingenuous surely, or does she see this Departure Tax increase as an extension of her class warfare campaign?

On ABC radio yesterday.

Tourism and Transport Forum chief John Lee, ABC 24, yesterday:

For those unfamiliar with what happened at the last Tasmanian State Election. It went sort of like this the Liberals and Labour polled almost an equal numbers of first preference votes. Neither could win outright. The Liberals refused to form a coalition with the Greens. Labour offered seats in parliament to a few Greens to side with them . The Greens accepted . Labour and the Greens went along to the State Governor General who thought it was a Grand Idea and let the whole thing proceed . The Liberals and the Electorate demanded another Election to get a result . This was denied by the State Governor.
The whole mess has been dragging on since 2010 , The State is now technically in recession and our lovely State leader says please don't use that term and continues to talk up the State Economy . Sound familiar just like The Big Island to the North.
At least there are some sensible people posting on this thread:

You, sir, are a wind power DENIER!

Hi Glen,
Can you please start to put some links into your posts please....

On another note, do I detect a homophobe?

Political beliefs aside, I think Bob deserves a little respect - he's achieved a lot in a particularly un-environmentally orientated country. Although the Greens movement was initiated for the first time globally in Australia (by Bob!), it never really took off here.

Compare that with Germany, where the Greens currently have 68 seats (out of 622 - or 11%) - and yet they manage to be the 4th biggest economy in the world (after losing 2 world wars in the last 100 years)...

Not saying Bob/the Greens deserve your votes, but at least some respect.
On another note, do I detect a homophobe?

No I have walked down Castro St in San Frans,and believe in Gay rights but not gay men raising kids.

My last boy friend was a pain in the butt.

DB will do posting any in particular you are referring to.

Maybe you could explain why they deserve respect?
They represent a small minority of the votes casted in the election, yet get through their policy that impacts on the majority of the voters.
Maybe you can reconcile that but I have difficulty with it.
As for homophobic, no I'm not but then again I am not pushing my views on a national scale. Neither should he be just because he has access to a national platform.
Psalm of Julia . . .


Julia is the shepherd I did not want.

She leadeth me beside the still factories.

She restoreth my faith in the Liberal party.

She guideth me in the path of unemployment for her party's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line, I shall fear no hunger for her bailouts are with me.

She has annointed my income with taxes, My expenses runneth over.

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life.

And I will live in a rented home forever.

I am glad I am Australian.

I am glad that I am free.

But I wish I was a big dog

And Julia was a tree.


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