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The Gillard Government

Gillard is appearing on her own on this coming Monday night's Q&A.

I hope the ABC fills the studio with a proper cross-section of the electorate rather than stacking the audience.
Gillard is appearing on her own on this coming Monday night's Q&A.

I hope the ABC fills the studio with a proper cross-section of the electorate rather than stacking the audience.

I see that! It will be interesting to see how many tune in.
There's also this in the The Australian regarding the cost of solar schools,

While Labor's carbon tax will cost $23 for every tonne of emissions, the Solar Schools program will cost about $284 per tonne in an estimate that is likely to understate the "considerable" cost of the scheme, the audit concludes.

Disproportionately large injection of government money into a specific industry, same old story.
Gillard is appearing on her own on this coming Monday night's Q&A.

I hope the ABC fills the studio with a proper cross-section of the electorate rather than stacking the audience.
I wonder whether the leader of the opposition will get a look in on his own on Q&A.
I wonder whether the leader of the opposition will get a look in on his own on Q&A.

Barnaby Joyce was on last week or so, and Tony Jones asked Barnaby if Abbott would come on.
I do not think that Barnaby was aware that Juliar Gillard was to be on this week.
So we will see.
Swan and Gillard are indulging in a class war against the goose that lays their golden egg.
I wonder whether the leader of the opposition will get a look in on his own on Q&A.

The Coalition ignored repeated requests from the Insiders for anyone to appear for some time.

Seems Abbott only appears when it is all carefully scripted.
The Coalition ignored repeated requests from the Insiders for anyone to appear for some time.

Seems Abbott only appears when it is all carefully scripted.


Gillard, Swan , Combet and the rest of the motley crew of muppets have control of a lolly shop which they will spend and exhaust for socialist reasons, and when they are spent they will be cast in to oblivion.

The nation awaits the end of it all.

All is "entertainment" in between.

Labor will not come within coo eee of government for 15 to 25 years after this debacle.


I accept that but please lay off the hyperbolic predictions; I saw what happened with the NBN thread!
Labor will not come within coo eee of government for 15 to 25 years after this debacle.
They might be reduced to a formal coalition with the Greens, as the minor partner.


Sorry. For all practical purposes, that's the case now.
What about Q&A ?

I would assume that Julia Gillard will challenge Tony Abbott on Monday night, to come on Q&A."and face the real people", instead of just talking to his miner friends.
I would be prepared to say Tony Jones will put her up to it.

I will also be prepared to say that 10% of the questions to her will be answered, with another 40% being in campaign mode!
On top of that the other 50% of her answers will bash Tony Abbott.
I will be observing with pencil and paper. To note how many times she will phrase "doing the right thing! ...and "getting on with the job"!
Gillard is appearing on her own on this coming Monday night's Q&A.

I hope the ABC fills the studio with a proper cross-section of the electorate rather than stacking the audience.
Agree, if! However they'll be instructed to say they're Coalition supporters.
It will be all on the line on Monday night.
Julia has been in, boxing and games with the big silver ball.
Wondering if she will turn up in a track suit?
Agree, if! However they'll be instructed to say they're Coalition supporters.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who had this thought.
It's a joke when you look at the stats they put up about the proportions of the audience and their political leaning.
About as accurate as me saying I'm Green 100%.
She is the Prime Minister and I would expect she will behave as such. I think we should give her some slack and see how she performs.

Tony Jones, even though he is a Trot, will equally have to follow his journalistic rather than his political instincts, and give her a fair go.

I have discussed this with Tony Abbott, and he rightly points out that it is pointless him appearing on QANDA, as the viewers of this show have already made up their minds about voting intentions.

His parting words to me were.

" Garpal, mate, it is not about being popular, it is about doing the best for this great nation of ours"

It would be a very cynical person indeed who failed to love the new new Julia who knits cardies for babies. She made one for Penny Wong's baby too.
It would be a very cynical person indeed who failed to love the new new Julia who knits cardies for babies. She made one for Penny Wong's baby too.

Yes knitting for babies
Cheques in the mail
Emergency meetings re the cost of childcare

All very contrived

We'll hear all about working families on Monday and how a carbon tax will help them.
Gillard is RIGHT NOW giving a press conference at the ANU in Canberra.

What the hell are the guys doing behind her? PLAYING POOL!!

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