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The Gillard Government

Well over the last few days we have witnessed the message going out to the Labor union members. I am confused what the message was or if it is supposed to be a collection of the speakers.
Kelty appeared to have the integrity, Shorten pointed to the alternative way and good old Bob was there to teach them the words of the union song.

If the union members are as confused as the public, we can all understand why some of the major concerns in politics cannot be resolved.
Its simple, the driver is unnamed, the direction has not been finalised and they are unsure what vehicle to board. Because the destination is so hazy I will just go with Richo.(in the australian "Naked hostility is what the MP's faced". When they went door to door.
Fancy that

I'm bothered, distressed at times to see the viciousness in the electorate that awaits Gillard (including that which I sense in myself).

I've satisfied myself that it's not because she's our first female PM, or that she is not married to (but living with) the 'first bloke' whilst oposing gay marriage, has red hair, or speaks to us like we're in primary school.

So it's down to the broken promise. In that situation, would it remove the viciousness if she got on national television to make this broadcast:

My fellow Australians, it is time I came clean with the electorate. I was an ambitious and hard-working Deputy PM who allowed my own self-belief and my comrades' hatred of Kevin Rudd to take the opportunity to depose a first-term Prime Minister.

In retrospect, I should have been the loyal deputy to the end, and if we lost the 2010 election, sought to have become Opposition Leader at that time.

That election result panicked me and my self-belief into entering secret deals, with the Greens, Wilkie, the independents - anyone who would assist me in living my dream of being the first female PM elected in her own right (so I could move into the Lodge).

I honestly meant "There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead", but circumstances have conspired against me. For all my famed negotiating skills, I should have held out knowing that the Greens would never side with Abbott, and go back to another election if need be. But I didn't want to risk the dream.

So the rest is history, as they say. But here I am, before you, admitting to my mistakes and coming clean.

Now, moving forward, can we just proceed to the next election without all this venom against me?
...So it's down to the broken promise. In that situation, would it remove the viciousness if she got on national television to make this broadcast...

Stumpy, I don't think it would matter how much she backflipped now. She's had around eighteen months to show she is listening to the people. IMO, she has really blown trust now.

And, what about the memory of Gillard and her labor MPs dancing in parliament when they got carbon tax legislated against the will of the majority. Sickening.

However, I think there just might be dancing in the streets when she and her carbon tax are booted out for good.
It would be worth a try I suppose. But haven't we more or less heard it all before?
Remember the speech about 'the real Julia' where she told us we hadn't seen the real person but we would thenceforth? I don't recall anything changing.

Imo it's way too late for her. People are just not listening to her. The sense of outrage and hurt, exacerbated by the disgust at Thomson and Slipper has a momentum of its own. I can't see any action by any member of the government making any difference now.

The only thing the government has going for it, imo, is the public's lack of conviction that the Opposition will be their salvation.
Lloyd interviewed a number of victims whose lives had been ruined by the vast, swooshing wind towers looking over their homes. They found sleep almost impossible; they couldn’t concentrate; they had night sweats, headaches, palpitations, heart trouble. Their chickens were laying eggs without yolks; their ewes were giving birth to deformed lambs; their once-active dogs spent their days staring blankly at the wall. The damage, it seems, is caused not so much by the noise you can hear but by what you can’t hear: the infrasonic waves that attack the balance mechanism in the ear and against which not even home insulation can defend you. Its effects can be felt more than 10km away.

Inspired by Lloyd’s article, I went to investigate and was heartbroken by what I found. Until you’ve seen what it can do to people, it’s easy to dismiss wind turbine syndrome as a hypochondriac’s charter or an urban myth. But it’s real all right. Waterloo felt like a ghost town: shuttered houses and a dust-blown aura of sinister unease, as in a horror movie when something dreadful has happened to a previously ordinary, happy settlement and at first you’re not sure what. Then you look up on to the horizon and see them, turning slowly in the breeze . . .

Even more shocking than this, though, were my discoveries about the finance arrangements and behaviour of the wind farm companies. What we have here, I believe, is the biggest and most outrageous public affairs scandal of the 21st century ”” one in which the Gillard government is implicated and that far exceeds in seriousness and scope of the Slipper or Thomson sideshows.

At the heart of this scandal are the union superannuation funds that are using the wind farm scam as a kind of government-endorsed Ponzi scheme to fill their coffers at public expense. One of the biggest wind farm developers ”” Pacific Hydro ”” is owned by the union superfund Members Equity Bank. To meet its carbon reduction quotas, we’re told, Australia needs to build about 10,000 new wind turbines like the ones that have destroyed Waterloo (and dozens of communities like it from NSW to South Australia).

The figures are mind-boggling. Each of those turbines will cost about $3 million, which means $30 billion even before you’ve started building the power lines. And where’s this money coming from? The consumer, of course ”” mostly via tariffs whacked on to the price of conventional, fossil-fuel energy prices, in the form of payouts called Renewable Energy Certificates.

Note that wind turbines produce very little power. Because wind is intermittent, they operate at between one-fifth and one-third of their capacity, meaning they are erratic, unreliable and have to be fully backed up by conventional “black” (mostly coal-fuelled) power. Where the money is to be made is through the REC subsidy. A 3MW wind turbine that generates (at most) $150,000 worth of electricity a year is eligible for guaranteed subsidies of $500,000 a year. A ridgeline hosting 20 or 30 turbines generates very little power ”” but an awful lot of free cash for those lucky enough to get their snouts in the trough.

If the unions were merely exploiting government environmental legislation to milk the taxpayer it would be bad enough: but what makes the wind farm scam so scandalous are the public health issues. Why aren’t we more aware of these? Because there have been cover-ups on an epic scale. The owners on whose land the turbines are built are subject to rigorous gagging orders (from law firms such as Julia Gillard’s ex-company, Slater & Gordon); tame experts are paid huge sums to testify that there are no health implications; inquiries are rigged; victims are rehoused and silenced with million-dollar payoffs. The global wind farm industry ”” a cash cow for everyone from Labor’s unions to the mafia ”” is so massive it can afford it.

Meanwhile the rest of us lose. Communities are divided, landscapes blighted, birds and bats sliced and diced, property values destroyed, lives ruined to deal with a “problem” ”” anthropogenic CO2 causing “global warming” ”” which most current evidence tells us doesn’t even exist.

As a New South Wales sheep farmer fighting tooth and nail to stop a wind farm development near his beloved home told me the other day in trenchant style: “The wind-farm buiness is bloody well near a pedophile ring. They’re f . . king our families and knowingly doing so.”


You, sir, are a wind power DENIER!
Hi Glen,
Can you please start to put some links into your posts please....
As wind turbines are cropping up all over the world, I wonder why they haven't provoked an international outcry if these allegations are true.

I live within 10km from a wind farm and I've noticed no effects at all, nor has the issue been prominent among people who live nearer the turbines than I do.

Some evidence has to be produced to back up outrageous claims.
Hi Glen,
Can you please start to put some links into your posts please....

If you google "infrasonic waves", and research it for two weeks you will find!
Yes there is a problem 50%, versus, No there is not a problem 50%.

So it all comes down to research funds and business. "peoples health" and lives. Whats that?

No different to carbon tax. Just different sides fighting over the dollars.

More people will learn "that they are here on a fly by", but "god dammit" while you are here, you will live by the government rules and beliefs. The rules just vary slightly depending of which party is in power!!.
It is comprehensible that while we have people condeming this Gillard Government, and I might add it is well justified, they are also condeming the opposition lead by Abbott who may be the next Prime Minister before Abbott and his team have a chance to prove themselves.
If they do succeed at the next election, whenever that maybe, and they default on there promises or take us in the wrong direction, I will be in the front line to condemn and criticize them.
Until then, please give them a fair go.

I'm afraid I can't vote for a party whose stated policy of cutting government spending to the extent that they propose will take so much money out of the economy that it will lead us into recession, a la David Cameron in the UK.
Until then, please give them a fair go.

If you are referring to my comment, it relates to wind farms not the government.
Regardless of what government is in power it will be still be 50/50, as per the post.

In relation to the carbon tax, common sense will prevail with the coalition in power.
The debate on CO2 will continued to be discussed at the golf and bowls club, regardless of a complete lack of understanding by the public.
Gillard moves to $2.40 for PM. Rudd $2.50 and Shorten out to $9. at sportsbet on next election.
Fell asleep in front of the telly last night and got woken to the shrill voice of Gillard at question time.

You've got to hand it to her. She carries herself with supreme self-belief and arrogance and/or she just doesn't get it that outside of the chamber, she's just not well liked.

Not an ounce of humility. Still banging on about the clean enery future she's imposing on the electorate.

" A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul".
George Bernard Shaw.
Well she is going to be pretty active as "Paul" in Qld is only 23%.
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