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The Gillard Government

Thanks Rumpole, glad I'm not the only one baffled. Quite bizzare.

I was a bit bemused as well, I think they should shut Canberra down and move all the politicians to Melbourne or Sydney so they can be more in touch with the real world, Shorten probably thought rumors were all over the place but as it turns out only in Canberra. If he wasn't confused about it all why would he do a big spread in one on the newspapers with his wife saying how happy they were.
I was a bit bemused as well, I think they should shut Canberra down and move all the politicians to Melbourne or Sydney so they can be more in touch with the real world,

For God sakes MrBurns do not let Gillard hear that comment, because she will immediately think, "look at all the jobs it will create". Add another $50 billion to the debt.

Shorten has eased back in the market and Simon Cream has moved in front of him.
Less think a minute, ...... Did not both Craig Thompson and Little Biily appear in the media with their wives of late. Interesting. In Thompson's case, I am not going to lie down statement!! In Shorten's case, if their is a vacancy for PM, (me, me, me).

Budget..., watch what is happening!! First Labor went to the budget with half a policy on NDIS and now cannot fund it. Why?
Because Abbott agreed to it and they rushed in to have it endorsed as a Labor policy.

Sydney Airport. Much huff about the second site. This was to put doubt in the minds of the voters on O'Farrel's ability to be decisive. Sorry in the latest poll Barry improves his support. O'Farrel is ensuring the site is the correct one.

Labor are using the latest Budget policy's to campaign for the next election in states where they got a hiding. (Attempting to prevent further loss of Federal seats.)
They are in damage control. The Budget is their last chance!!

I will tip a major upheaval in the Labor camp prior to the end of the current financial year.
...Sydney Airport. Much huff about the second site. This was to put doubt in the minds of the voters on O'Farrel's ability to be decisive. Sorry in the latest poll Barry improves his support. O'Farrel is ensuring the site is the correct one....

Slightly off topic, but relevant to your para above, Joea, and certainly not irrelevant to the Gillard labor government. I was looking for a recent carbon tax poll and stumbled across this one from yesterday re NSW from the Poll Bludger. Not sure about copyright so won't post the excerpt, however, O'Farrell is 48% vs. Robinson's 28% approval, and O’Farrell’s lead as preferred premier has increased from 52-15 to 56-14.

O'Farrell is obviously not doing as badly as laborites would perhaps like us to believe:

Newspoll: 63-37 to Coalition in NSW
I have no doubt the poor little thing was set Tony Abbott. And in the words of Anthony Albanese, Windsor etc. she is entitled to "the presumption of innocence."



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I have no doubt the poor little thing was set Tony Abbott. And in the words of Anthony Albanese, Windsor etc. she is entitled to "the presumption of innocence."

lol - yeah poor little thing - the same one who thumbed her nose at voters over carbon tax..

And without any proof that someone from the libs started the Shorten rumour, it is just as possible that an enemy of shorten within labor did so with the intent of blaming the libs...


  • 216144-120514-leak-cartoon.jpg
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And without any proof that someone from the libs started the Shorten rumour, it is just as possible that an enemy of shorten within labor did so with the intent of blaming the libs...
I still have no idea what the actual rumour was?
If it was something to be so concerned about, surely it would have been all across the news.
Sounds more like a confected ruse to divert attention away from Thomson and Slipper.
Sounds more like a confected ruse to divert attention away from Thomson and Slipper.

Oh really ? As if someone is going to draw attention to rumours about themselves and their marriage to take the heat away from people like Thomson and Slipper.

Get a grip Julia, you are slipping into the abyss.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation

What half of the people ? The unemployment rate is 4.9% , which in reality is full employment. No-one is "bludging" on anyone else in this country. All right, VERY FEW.
Get a grip Julia, you are slipping into the abyss.
I agree. I feel as though it's impossible not to slip into the abyss of despair at the political situation all round. Very little optimism to be had imo.

What half of the people ? The unemployment rate is 4.9% , which in reality is full employment. No-one is "bludging" on anyone else in this country. All right, VERY FEW.
Whacko! So meaningful when working for one hour per week counts as being employed.

Whacko! So meaningful when working for one hour per week counts as being employed.

Apparently that is an international standard in the measurement of unemployment to enable valid comparisons between countries.
I still have no idea what the actual rumour was?
If it was something to be so concerned about, surely it would have been all across the news.
Sounds more like a confected ruse to divert attention away from Thomson and Slipper.

I think the rumour was that he had made one of his staffers pregnant. (don't quote me)
Apparently that is an international standard in the measurement of unemployment to enable valid comparisons between countries.

Rumpy - rubbish, surely thats wrong.

Every night on the news people are losing their jobs, I know 2 insolvency people and they're flat out.

This country is going down the gurgler, just wait till the Carbon Tax hits........hopefully we have an election in time to stop it.
What a pair of frauds Windsor and Oakeshott are. They are concerned about Thompson"s behaviour but are wedged in to support him otherwise they go down the gurgler with Gillard. To get around this they are trying to get a new code of conduct to bring people like Thomson and Slipper to account.

What a joke. If Windsor and Oakeshott were representing their electorate's wishes, instead of propping up the government all the nasties would be thrown out in the ensuing election.
It's been done the same way for years. If you can think of a better way, call the ABS

Whats their number, I'll just suggest they should vacate the building they are in so it can be rented out to give some value back to the taxpayer instead of producing BS like that which is a complete and utter waste of time.

If they can work out how many are working one hour a week they should be able to work out how many are full time and how many work at least 2 days a week. That might do it.
Oh really ? As if someone is going to draw attention to rumours about themselves and their marriage to take the heat away from people like Thomson and Slipper.

Get a grip Julia, you are slipping into the abyss.

Tip off to the tent embassy based on lies about Abbott ring a bell?
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