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The Gillard Government

IFocus,the infighting you say is happeneing in the Coalition is a storm in a tea cup in comparision to what is about to take place in the Green/Labor left wing socialist Gillard governemnt.
After reading the attached link, we are about to see a catagory 5 cyclone as big as "Yasi" in the Lbaor Party and the warriors are very nervous.
My prediction!!!!!!!!An election before Xmas 2012.
What selling another $200 + bil of public owned asset's then claiming economic genius.

But you fail to mention the reason that assets were sold.

Wasn't it because the libs keep inheriting massive debt from labor governments?

This one will be no exception. I think it is part of their strategy to run the country into debt so the libs have to reign it back in which cripples their ability for new infrastructure, etc.

We need to G.R.O.A.N (Get Rid Of Alp Now) before they make this debt situation any worse which may force the sale of more assetts.

Mind you, the ABC could be a good one to go so that it never again provides tax payer funded propaganda for alp, imo of course.

If your interested in the numbers read George Megalogenis from the Australian (I don't and wont subscribe to the Oz) he is one of the few jurnos to run the numbers for both sides of politics.

Here he states the obvious

In the end its the world economy that decides our state of affairs not much else

As for adding value Abbott opposed company tax cuts but passed other measures from the mining tax and by all accounts with pass the budget go figure.
Mind you, the ABC could be a good one to go so that it never again provides tax payer funded propaganda for alp, imo of course.

The ABC is attacked by the extremes from both sides of the political and social spectrum which indicates to me that they do an excellent job not that I watch the TV much at all (Like Laurie Oakes I never watch Bolt its just pointless).

I think people have become so brain washed by private vested interests theses days that they just rant what ever is fed to them (present company excluded of course)
I think people have become so brain washed by private vested interests theses days that they just rant what ever is fed to them (present company excluded of course)

Ha Ha - I love this hypocrisy!

Come on IF, say a dozen good things about the Gillard government, so that we can work out whether you're ranting whatever is fed to you.

Now that's a real challenge, so don't let the 'present company' down!!
...I think people have become so brain washed by private vested interests theses days that they just rant what ever is fed to them (present company excluded of course)

lol...Gillard speaks on TV regularly sprouting her stuff. Her and her motley crew are putting voters off all by themselves it seems. No brain washing required...:

Most people here would read both sides of the story. I read both from Bolt and Oakes - even Grattan at times in an effort to remain realistic and get the story from all sides.

However, IF, I think you have said you don't read Bolt's (and presumably anyone else like him) articles? So how can you be properly informed if you are only hearing one side of the story? Is it actually you that is being brainwashed to stick with this mob and keep sprouting their propaganda?

Problem is, most Aussie voters can see straight through the propaganda. Much like a little kid who ate the chocolate and says he did not eat it. But he has the evidence all round his mouth. Aussie voters are good at telling truth from deception. Nuff said...
Mind you, the ABC could be a good one to go so that it never again provides tax payer funded propaganda for alp, imo of course.
Vehemently disagree, not that it would happen anyway. There's certainly some Left bias at the ABC, specifically Radio National, but that apart their radio network alone imo provides an excellent variety of good stuff. I'd go nuts without it.
I prefer radio to TV and commercial radio is abysmal stuff.

I think you do the population a disservice here. Most people are quite capable of observing the behaviour of politicians and drawing their own conclusions. Why should you consider yourself so brilliantly discerning but others not so?

Most people here would read both sides of the story. I read both from Bolt and Oakes - even Grattan at times in an effort to remain realistic and get the story from all sides.
Imo Michelle Grattan is usually perceptive and pretty objective.

Most of us have clear bias and this will filter whatever we read, rejecting those parts with which we don't agree.
Vehemently disagree, not that it would happen anyway. There's certainly some Left bias at the ABC, specifically Radio National, but that apart their radio network alone imo provides an excellent variety of good stuff.

+1 agree.
Do as they might to the ABC, if they interfere with Emma Ayres and the ABC radio Classic FM program Classic Breakfast - there'll be trouble.

I feel sorry for those rural listeners unable to receive this program.


Good on you Julia.

Very well put.

, specifically Radio National,

You're not wrong there, heard Fran Kelly inreviewing some Lib in the last few days (I forget who) and the tone of her questions was downright insulting.
Good on you Julia.

Very well put.


Yes well done Julia.

When the ABC is trying to avoid allegations of bias they put Chris Ulhmann on 7:30 report to insult the PM.

But some less discerning people confuse insults with "perceptive questioning".
You're not wrong there, heard Fran Kelly inreviewing some Lib in the last few days (I forget who) and the tone of her questions was downright insulting.
Burnsie, I've also heard Fran Kelly being very tough on Labor politicians.
When she took over the Breakfast program her Left bias was very obvious, perhaps because it was at the height of the climate change confected panic.

But in the last year approx I've found her more prepared to hold both sides to account.

It must be a difficult role for someone who holds their own personal bias, and very few of us are actually intellectually objective.
Yes well done Julia.

When the ABC is trying to avoid allegations of bias they put Chris Ulhmann on 7:30 report to insult the PM.

But some less discerning people confuse insults with "perceptive questioning".

And perhaps some people confuse refusal to answer a question with providing an adequate response.
Urlhman (how do you spell his name?) is in the role to get answers, so good for him if he gets tough when met with sustained evasion and mindless rhetoric.

Fair enough, I never listen to redio natonal and just caught that interview as it was replayed on TV, she was too tough and not in a clever way, just not a good interview.
Do as they might to the ABC, if they interfere with Emma Ayres and the ABC radio Classic FM program Classic Breakfast - there'll be trouble.
I like Julia Lester's weekdays "Drive" on Classic FM and 'Jazztrack' weekend evenings.

As long as he applies the same standard to the Opposition.

Is there a difference between "tough" and "rude" ?

Yes, there just is .
Now we have Bill Shorten coming out and denying rumours about something I know not what because no rumours have been reported Does anyone have the faintest clue what Shorten is on about? Why would he deny something that's not even been reported? Is this just a diversionary tactic, and how are we to know what he is on about when nothing has been reported . I keep up with the news but I am totally confused on this one...
I keep up with the news but I am totally confused on this one...

I am too . I saw mention of this on Insiders. Apparently there have been rumours circulating about the state of Bill Shorten's marriage which he found necessary to deny.

I had not heard anything reported, and the smarter thing to do would have been to just ignore the usual gutter level rumour mongering that seems to be a part of life in Canberra.
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