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The Gillard Government

I do think however that the amount of debt on housing has sucked the liquidity from the economy.

Baillieu just did away with the FHBG in Vic, a good thing really.
+1. I cannot remember a time when a government seemed so hell bent on creating massive disadvantage in the electorate while so insulting that same electorate with claims of their "great reforms". eg the carbon tax.
Their insistence on an unnecessary surplus is going to create additional hardship.
On Skynews tonight - the Gillard Government is demanding Christopher Pyne to come clean about his meetings with James Ashby.

A few media commentators speculated days ago that Ashby, a Liberal Party member might have been in cohoots with others in the Party.

But so what? Slipper's actions since the filing of the claim stand to be judged (and condemned) on their own. I'm not looking forward to how Gillard's tortured use of analogy is going to deal with this:

A line has been uncrossed?
The dark cloud is lighter for having filled my hyper-bowl?
Peter is not 'Pyneing' for James?

Gillard has shown she will use anything, no matter how small or possibly insignificant, in an attempt to make the coalition look worse than the massive issues facing her or her government.

I think the public at large (minus a handful here at ASF!) are tiring of her clear silliness and childishness. Kids think adults can't see through their silly games and fibs and it seems that Gillard still has the same childish delusions and refusal to pick up her own responsibilities choosing instead to constantly pass the blame..

So, now it will all be Pyne's fault...
On Skynews tonight - the Gillard Government is demanding Christopher Pyne to come clean about his meetings with James Ashby.

I am sure Pyne will be quick enough to comment. You first on the HSU, then me!

I like Kristina Keneally. She is one of the few Labor women with a touch of class and credibility.

On that score, Natasha Scott De-Good-Sort is better.

She's one though in which I would have to avoid political conversation.

Yes she's a looker too.

Saw The Iron Lady last night, amazing similarities between Gillard and Thatcher, I would be surprised if Gillard didn't watch it each morning before work.

Doc, maybe Kristina Keneally is softening the public up for a Gillard back flip on the carbon dioxide tax.
I can just see her on TV," I have listened to the people of this great Nation of ours and I have decided to abolish the carbon price in the National interest".

She'd look like a complete idiot if she did that.'

They should postpone it and make it an election issue that might work if they massage the Carbon lie enough in the meantime.
Saw The Iron Lady last night, amazing similarities between Gillard and Thatcher, I would be surprised if Gillard didn't watch it each morning before work.
Thatcher at least believed in something beyond office for the sake of it.

Can you imagine Gillard Labor reacting in the same way as Margaret Thatcher if faced with a similar situation in relation to it's soverign territory (Falkland Islands) ?

I couldn't see the Greens giving approval to anything like that for a start.
She'd look like a complete idiot if she did that.
She's long since given up on how she looks to the public.

It's how she looks to the Greens, Windsor and Oakshott that counts most to her.

That list might also have to also include Wilkie, again.

It was more that she was pig headed and demanded her own way, the similarity ends there.
She's long since given up on how she looks to the public.

It's how she looks to the Greens, Windsor and Oakshott that counts most to her.

That list might also have to also include Wilkie, again.
Yes, the Wilkie aspect has the potential to be pretty funny. If Slipper and Thomson are appropriately dealt with and disappear, she's going to have to curry favour with Mr Wilkie all over again, her hypocrisy laid bare.
It was more that she was pig headed and demanded her own way, the similarity ends there.

The only way Julia Gillard demands is the way that keeps her in office for another 5-minutes.
The phones must be running hot, I think she's finished, gone after the budget I would think.
Gillard Labor has been finished for a long time.

It's just unfortunate the electorate has to wait to bury the dead.
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