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The Gillard Government

There is more to come out at the end of May from the QC.

I now have this feeling that the "tentacles" of the HSU rorting will gain momentum, and possibly expose others.


I think your right joea.
Could be more to come and Julia is trying to distance herself before real issues make headlines. This can't be a good image to portray to the rest of the world. Having said that, I don't think that they give a s**t. Greedy unions at their best...

Labor has been quick to point fingers at everyone and anyone but themselves. And they still don't get it.

I thought that one of the key characteristics of a good leader is taking responsibility for your actions, good and bad? Well, apparently not with these clowns. It's everyone else's fault, not theirs... They are called the opposition for a reason.
I thought that one of the key characteristics of a good leader is taking responsibility for your actions, good and bad? Well, apparently not with these clowns. It's everyone else's fault, not theirs... They are called the opposition for a reason.

To be fair Swann did blame kevie for the polls (which is kind of like blaming themselves) but was quickly proven wrong.

Wayne Swan said at the time of the ballot that colleagues were "sick of Kevin Rudd driving the vote down" by "sabotaging" the party.
I find this comment absolutely astounding! I saw her saying it on tv and couldn't believe my eyes and ears. I'm sure most Australians would be interested to know that that's what the next election will be about.

Exactly right Startrader , Gillard making statements like this will not win her any more friends . And what is she really trying to say ? Is the next election going to be run on the perceived rich V's against the perceived poor.
Watching Greg Combet this morning , what an arrogant smug useless bastard he is, "it's Abbott stirring up a frenzy" "we have important reforms to put in place" "Julia Gillard is doing a good job" and so on ad nauseum,....
Have a look at the replay of Q&A at 12:30pm today (Tues) Burnsie, there's another of that ilk, a parliamentary secretary. These are the people around the PM, it explains much. In a dream world, all of them.
Exactly right Startrader , Gillard making statements like this will not win her any more friends . And what is she really trying to say ? Is the next election going to be run on the perceived rich V's against the perceived poor.

This is an old line which has no relevance these days.

They are getting very desperate if this is the only thing they can cling to and to run an election off. Dills.
Small business insolvencies have reached record levels with the number of companies placed into external administration in February at the highest level since the statistics were introduced in 1999.

Small business has largely been ignored (or attacked) by the labor government imo.
Small business has largely been ignored (or attacked) by the labor government imo.

I think the housing bubble is responsible for all this, people have huge mortgages taken out in the heat of the moment encouraged by Rudd and the housing industry, now they cant service those loans easily so they stop spending, retail declines , that puts more people out of work, houses get sold up, prices decline exacerbating the problem and the cycle repeats itself.

Try tell that to 95% of Aussies whos only, and number 1 investment is 'miracle housing'.
( just noticed my first post in 2 years )
Try tell that to 95% of Aussies whos only, and number 1 investment is 'miracle housing'.
( just noticed my first post in 2 years )

It's about to come back on them but not onto Rudd unfortunately who opened up the market to the Chinese who drove values through the roof with manic unrestricted spending.
He probably doesn't think about that much as he relaxes in a leather chair writing essays about his many acheivements while drawing a nice pension c/o you, the Aussie taxpayer.
Watching Greg Combet this morning , what an arrogant smug useless bastard he is, "it's Abbott stirring up a frenzy" "we have important reforms to put in place" "Julia Gillard is doing a good job"

I am a bit concerned about Greg myself. They call him "Mr. Fixit", because he cleans up they mess the PM and other MP's make.

It appears they keep him in a locked room with food, water, paper and a pencil. No other links to the outside world are allowed to distract him.

Every now and then they let him out for the media to interview. He has a few blinks(not a lot of light in the room), then makes a statement like, "yeah I am a bit suprised by the findings of the HSU report."

"Knock me down with a feather", why would he be suprised?

I think they all should be in jail, very few criminal get away with what they have and we pay them to do it.
Hence the continually falling polls for Labor. Today's Newspoll shows the government down to 27%.
The worst bit is that I shudder at the alternative. I don't find anything redeeming in Abbott and Hockey. Although Hockey is more palatable than Abbott, IMO.

It's interesting because my dear departed father, a life long Labor voter, always complained that he couldn't come at the Liberals because they had a 'born to rule' attitude. It's ironic that the Labor party are now the ones with the 'born to rule' attitude.

I really dislike the way Gillard justifies her policy decisions by saying in a slow and deliberate voice (does she think the electorate is deaf or a bit thick?) that she's doing it because 'it's the right thing to do', well you can say that about anything!! It's a subjective judgement, why does she thinks it's the right thing, explain your reasons please and we will decide if we think it's right or not!!! This is treating the voters with huge comtempt
The worst bit is that I shudder at the alternative. I don't find anything redeeming in Abbott and Hockey. Although Hockey is more palatable than Abbott, IMO.

McLovin they can put Richard Nixon in for all I care as long as Labor is out !
Hence the continually falling polls for Labor. Today's Newspoll shows the government down to 27%.

Yes I'm looking for a lower number next poll...complete humiliation and nothing less.

It's all about her, as they say "she just doesnt get it"
The worst bit is that I shudder at the alternative. I don't find anything redeeming in Abbott and Hockey. Although Hockey is more palatable than Abbott, IMO.

I have to agree. Being the smallest target hardly equals good leadership. Eventually they have to show their hand and I hope they don't come up trumps.
Libs front bench is very iffy for me atm.
I have to agree. Being the smallest target hardly equals good leadership. Eventually they have to show their hand and I hope they don't come up trumps.
Libs front bench is very iffy for me atm.

There's no doubt they wont be popular for too long because they will have to be rather brutal to get things back into order, but someone has to put things back together again once the waste has been stopped.

I don't think it's so much the housing market but rather sentiment and costs. Business and consumer sentiment is very low, and it just seems like one beat down after the other while labor is in charge. Red tape is out of control, IR needs a overhaul, FWA is a joke, there is no clear direction or stability in government and the unions are making life hard. Throw in business expenses like taxes, workers comp, wages, rents and elec all going crazy and it's not to hard to see why people just fold.
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