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The Gillard Government

Thats right they're fixated on a surplus and what will be sacrificed will be very interesting.
That's what the Australian people have asked for in their judgement. A 'surplus'. That seems to be the sum of our understanding of how to get out of the GFC.
That's what the Australian people have asked for in their judgement. A 'surplus'. That seems to be the sum of our understanding of how to get out of the GFC.

I don't think the public gives a hoot about a surplus but Gillard and co think they
cant afford another broken promise
Bit late for that now
What has forced Gillard Labor back to the last line of defence ?

The obvious response is that the FWA investigation into the HSU will be sufficiently negative towards Craig Thompson as to warrant this shambolic retreat.

If this is true (and most of us think that there is no other explanation), then Gillard has told another white lie at her Sunday morning press conference when she was asked whether she had seen the FWA report and she said she had not.

In the overall scheme of things it's not a big lie, I suppose but it just shows that when deception is at the core of what you do, the lies just have to keep building.

You can't really cure this. The whole lot has to go and Labor just has to start again.
In the overall scheme of things it's not a big lie, I suppose but it just shows that when deception is at the core of what you do, the lies just have to keep building.

"The best liar is he/she who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way".
Samuel Baker (1835 - 1902.)

Julias' Manifesto:

There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead and I will cling to power no matter what I have to do or what it costs (Australia).
This government and the Independents(??) that support it are looking treasonous to Australia and Australians.

Australia is going down the gurgler just so they can cling to power - shame on them.
It's now not about us, not about Australia, not even about the Labor party it's about Gillard, a self centered selfish back stabber who will do anything to stay in power.

When she spoke of Thompson and said it was about doing the right thing and a line was crossed it was patently clear from her expression that she was mouthing the words but couldn't perceive of their meaning.
Nice article Joea. It takes the overseas commentator with no skin in the political game to tell us some home truths.

So the slowing in Australia has caught them by surprise. How do they think we feel! New taxes on production (MRRT) and consumption (carbon 'pricing'), yet our national debt is still spiralling into record territory. Not much talk of $900 for a plasma tv in this latest budget.

Is it any wonder shoppers have a recessionary mindset!
Mining magnate Clive Palmer to seek LNP pre-selection in Treasurer Wayne Swan's federal seat of Lilley
This is becoming farcical, it's better then any sitcom on TV.
Election mid year ?

Looking like it, she's not giving interviews today, probably seeing what else is left to keep her in the job, she may even alter the carbon tax implementation, let's face it no matter what she does she's finished and she's taken Labor down with her........not that there was anyone else to lead that dodgy pack of incompetents...

Election mid year ?
The election is a forgone conclusion but lets look beyond that, the good ship Australia is heading for the rocks and I'm not sure much can be done about it.
......she may even alter the carbon tax implementation......
I saw some speculation about this in the SMH late yesterday evening, but can't find it this morning.

Beyond the fringes, I suspect they're dreaming.
I saw some speculation about this in the SMH late yesterday evening, but can't find it this morning.

Beyond the fringes, I suspect they're dreaming.

I think you're right, she cant possibly back down on that now, she might however try to vary it to make it easier to swallow ???........but no, anything she does will be seen as a panic move.
I think you're right, she cant possibly back down on that now, she might however try to vary it to make it easier to swallow ???........but no, anything she does will be seen as a panic move.

Gillard can only try to vary it, but the attempts will fail.

Guess what - the Greens will flatly oppose (they would rather take their chances with a double dissolution threat from Abbott post-2014), and the Coalition will say the only variance they will accept is total repeal.

Wedged again like the Malaysia Solution fix.
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