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The Gillard Government

Well it was just a matter of time before the "worlds greatest treasurer", had to get out his calculator and see how the dollars were adding up.
We will have a little excitement with the local elections, then it will be over to Wayne with his May budget.

In the meantime he has been to a new optometrist, for another pair of "magic glasses"
to make the figures balance. If they do not, it will be Tony Abbott's fault, or even faulty batteries(in the calculator).

Can somebody contact Wayne please and refer him to Tech/a, so that he could get second opinion by VSA on the bar graph associated with the above link.
Or am I being premature, because Julia will be back soon and she will be full of answers to do "the right thing for Australia".


Federal Labor have a secret weapon..........Abbott


No, I won't disillude you. You would then I take it, wager that the ALP will win the next election?

Oh dear - that's what Qld alp thought about Newman...

Do you lefties ever learn from your mistakes?

The don't sails, mate. The ALP are so bereft of fresh blood that when some old timeserving fart like Bob Carr comes up with a mantra to reinforce the delusion, they run with it.

I was down in Sussex St. last week and that is their belief. Then again they never venture much past the Marina or the suburbs, and rarely see regional or rural Australia.

Listening or watching the ABC is not good preparation for assessing the mood of the electorate with a Federal Election about to be called.

Tony has been seen person to person by a significant percentage of the population on his nationwide visits.

If we're to have the discussion about the supposed misogyny behind criticism of Julia Gillard, then let's have it in parallel with a full and frank disclosure of the rationale behind 'Abbott, Abbott, Abbott' chanting of Labor-Greens, repeated ad nauseam, though never fully explained.

As for me, I think Australian women have powers of critical thinking, analysis and deduction. They got it right on Anna Bligh, and they'll get it right on Julia Gillard.

No, I won't disillude you. You would then I take it, wager that the ALP will win the next election?


No I think they will be comprehensively beaten at the next poll but I would hope their numbers are such that they can mount an effective opposition unlike Queensland which now have all their eggs in one basket.

Thats a basket that comes very much unproven.

Most of the commentary I have read says Campbell Newman wont really make a whole lot of change in Queensland you simply don't have the means but some will at least feel good for a short time.

Look at WA where we have a Liberal / Nat government where living costs are going through the roof to a point where people earning $90K are winging about meeting the bills.

I'm no expert on WA, so am unable to comment but can I comment on the ALP "wipeout".

In Queensland the state election in 2009 was stuffed up by the conservatives and the ALP got back in. We quickly became further disillusioned with the ALP, their sleazy bits and their selling off assets supposedly safe from sale.

So at this election we needed to make quite sure that the LNP got in. which we did.

Now federally we have a similar package. A result in 2010 that has the ALP/Green coalition.

You can bet your bottom dollar that everyone in Queensland will vote to ensure the worst result for the ALP and Greens in the next Federal election.

And given the lead that NSW and Queensland have given, I would not be surprised if the rest of the country votes similarly.

That is the democratic process.

The ALP will be history for a generation.

I hope so.
On Peter Costello and his appointment to audit for the Qld government, I see today he has also come out and roundly criticised Wayne Swan's determination to see a budget surplus, mocking Swan in the way he used to.

Can we maybe hope that he has been sitting back, watching the national situation, and is now judging the time to be right to start making a political come back?
It's a bit over a year to the Federal election. This would be about right for him to continue sniping from the sidelines. Then the pollsters start once again asking the electorate "who would you want as Prime Minister: Gillard, Abbott, Costello?"

I reckon there would be a big part of the electorate who would plump for Costello:
Tony Abbott is unlikely to ever become really popular, so wouldn't the Libs be up for having another go at persuading Mr Costello to return as Leader?

Campbell Newman has demonstrated that one can become leader from outside of the parliament.

Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part.
Look at WA where we have a Liberal / Nat government where living costs are going through the roof to a point where people earning $90K are winging about meeting the bills.
Are they the same bills that Labor kept artifically low while in office, such as electricity ?

Also, who divided Western Power into 4 or 5 different whatevers with all the administrative cost of creating that many bureaucracies from what was originally one ?

Actualy IF, I feel sorry for you.

How are you going to watch the federal ALP ship slowly sink over the next year or so and keep that bottom lip up ?
Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part.

I'll dream along with you, Julia.

As far as Swan goes, I actually feel some pity for him over this. He was probably stupid to ever promise the surplus, but if he backed away from it now he would be crucified by the opposition. Politics - bah!!!
As far as Swan goes, I actually feel some pity for him over this. He was probably stupid to ever promise the surplus, but if he backed away from it now he would be crucified by the opposition. Politics - bah!!!

I hear on the grape vine that Labor have popped down to Bunnings and purchased a tonne of "Damp Rid" to help prevent soaking up the carpets and window curtains, for Wayne Swan's media speeches on the lead up to, and the Budget disclosures.

As far as Swan goes, I actually feel some pity for him over this. He was probably stupid to ever promise the surplus, but if he backed away from it now he would be crucified by the opposition. Politics - bah!!!

It was Costello that stuck us with the multi billion dollar black hole called the baby bonus. That's the first thing Swan should get rid of.

Actually it was the Liberals that run down our infrastructure using the utilities as a cash registrar to prop up their budgets, both sides have blown it, similar story around Australia still doesn't take away the fact that its under Barnett that we have run away price rises with the greatest boom every seen in the state.

All that and I still cannot go and watch the WCE at a descent stadium.

You lot will end up with Abbott now thats some thing to be sorry about.

And as for Costello I have changed my mind about his greatness, his articles that he writes continue to be some of the most shallow trash ever Julie Bishop can string together better pieces.

Keating was right Costello and Howard were just a couple of mugs that got lucky
It was Costello that stuck us with the multi billion dollar black hole called the baby bonus. That's the first thing Swan should get rid of.

And why hasn't he? They are trying to tax the hell out of this country with a carbon tax and yet pay women for unlimited babies?

If labor really believe that the environment is an issue, over population is something that needs to be addressed, imo. That's if they really do have any concerns about the environment. Any concern labor seem to have is about how to steal more money from workers, imo.

And, with unlimited baby bonuses, who is to say that boat arrivals are not breeding like rabbits? All at our expense? And yet they are supposedly fleeing from countries where they are already overcrowded? And then they want to bring the very laws they have supposedly fled from to Australia? And labor keeps supporting all this?

I do think baby bonuses should be restricted or at least given on a prorata basis and maybe cutting out entirely by baby number three.

And from the ABC Labor's seven deadly sins

and this from the Australian - yep, Bill Hayden:

Read more if registered: Hayden fears Labor's time has passed
About right I reckon. We all know it. Labor has become captive of an urban elite, union secretaries and back office careerists.
Mark Latham's lament on 'liar' PM Julia Gillard by: Staff Writer From: The Daily Telegraph April 02, 2012

"They can't possibly go to the next poll with Gillard. I mean, there's no way of unscrambling the egg, having broken an important election promise like this."

Yes, it's probably their only hope to change leaders, if the polls this time next year are just as bad.

The problem is to find a credible alternative. I don't believe it's Rudd, despite his supposed electoral popularity, he has too much baggage.

Smith or Swan are the only two I can see who have some credibility. If Swan brings the budget into surplus (which is a dubious goal economically anyway), he will improve his position, even though his charisma factor is non existent. That didn't stop Howard though.

He can always say he tried to talk Julia out of the carbon tax.

Swans a goose, no pun intended, and Smith is weak.

There's actualy no one on the front bench that's suitable.

Their only hope is to bring Rudd back at the last minute to capture the moment before people realise they didnt like him either.
I'd put Bill Shorten in tomorrow. Not because I'm a fan, but because he couldn't do any worse, and he might just grow into the job and win some people over. He needs enough time to do that.

The QLD election must have snuffed out any remaining hope that voters will forgive and forget with the incumbent PM.
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