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The Gillard Government

I see she's nicked off overseas to get away from the Qld disaster, scampered out of the place like the sneaky lizard she is........hey Julia GAME ON Julia ARE YOU LISTENING ?

She was taking about scorecoards the other day, I suggest she check out the one in Queensland
I see she's nicked off overseas to get away from the Qld disaster, scampered out of the place like the sneaky lizard she is........hey Julia GAME ON Julia ARE YOU LISTENING ?
You are trying to give the impression that her trip was organised only since Saturday night.

You spruik nonsense.
You are trying to give the impression that her trip was organised only since Saturday night.

You spruik nonsense.

No it was obviously organised in advance as she knew what was coming, you should try to think a little more before you spruik nonsense.
Well she's been cornered by the media and has had to answer some questions, she says "we have a lot of work to do" well when do you think you'll start ? you've had 2 years already.

Having a go at Abbott says he is acting like he has the election result in the bag, well derrrr

Says Abbott is negative, yeah well so are millions while you're still PM

Arrogant, blinkered, no change and there wont be.

I see the ABC tarnish has well and truly worn off and you have reverted to type

Well she's been cornered by the media and has had to answer some questions,
But I thought you said that she has "Nicked off overseas to get away from the Qld disaster, scampered out of the place like the sneaky lizard she is........?" Why did you pretend that she was somehow going to avoid scruitiny over there? Moreover, why did you pretend that her trip was organised to clash with the day after election? And, why try to influence your cronies with such nonsense? Why your predilection for mischievous comments?

Arrogant, blinkered, no change and there wont be.
Quite MrBurns, quite.

She did nick off overseas, far less exposure to the local media there than here, I didn't pretend anything and if there's any nonsense going on it's emanating from the losers corner, your corner, give it a rest you're finished
The longer the Labor government makes us wait for the next election the more the rout will be like the Queensland result.

Federal Labor have a secret weapon..........Abbott
Wow - I'm exhausted by all this to-ing and fro-ing about Gillard. Aren't there just 2 simple truths here?

First, "THERE WILL BE NO CARBON TAX UNDER THE GOVERNMENT I LEAD". All politicians break promises to do something, we know that. but when someone pledges NOT to do something, and then does the exact opposite (and tries to deny it), that just won't wash.

Second, to add insult to injury (whether we the electorate know it or not). This LIE is hoved down our throat as the work of a reforming government. Like we're supposed to be pleased and grateful to be taken for fools like that.

The biggest tragedy of all is I grew up in and was from the Labor heartland. If I'm thinking like that, what are the rest of you going to do with your baseball bats when you get the chance??

Federal Labor have a secret weapon..........Abbott
Oh dear. This is just so tired. If you can't come up with something a little more original, IF, might be good to just go away and meditate on why the Qld election was the wipe out that it was.

Second, to add insult to injury (whether we the electorate know it or not). This LIE is hoved down our throat as the work of a reforming government. Like we're supposed to be pleased and grateful to be taken for fools like that.
This is a really good point and something which irritates me no end.
It's as though they think we are so stupid and gullible we will actually believe she was acting in our best interests rather than focus on the truth that she was simply carrying out the orders of The Greens.

The Qld result has shown the electorate is just not that dumb, Ms Gillard.
You and I are as one here, Julia (is that just your 'stage name'?).

For all the carrying on about Abbott, which I think most of us can also see, I think most of the electorate realise they only get one chance every three years to say what they think and the number 1 priority has to be teaching Gillard a lesson.

Elections, by their nature, are ones where you cannot 'kill 2 birds with one stone". If the hung parliament has taught us all one thing, it's that.

So let them bang on all they like about Abbott. Everyone just needs to picture themselves in the polling booth, when given the chance to rub Gillard's face in it, they will take it. The whole 'fair go' thing dictates that Abbott should be given the chance as PM before we decide that what we're seeing now is all there is.

Kevin Rudd should just resign and take up a UN post somewhere so we can all get our shiny little pencils ready.
Slightly off topic, sorry, but I liked this comment in the Courier Mail.

Give the Greens their very own patch of the world to subsist on, send them food, and help them police and medicate themselves for 3 years, just for kindness sake, then let 'em live on Gaia's generosity.
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