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The Gillard Government

Reading the political discussions on these fora is like listening to Alan Jones but without the ads.

Tinhat, this is, I think, the second or third time you've made a sarcastic comment about the contributions to this and other political threads.
I've previously asked you to - instead of just tossing around criticism - make a genuine comment of your own about the current political situation.

That would be much more constructive than the continued sarcasm, wouldn't it?

If you're not willing to do that, then perhaps consider just ignoring the threads that so irritate you.
This week in politics could have a lasting impression on the changing of the "guard" in Australia.
It appears Qld will go LNP on Saturday.
A combined group of LNP states will go to COAG in April.
A combined union group comes out today stating they will keep the Qantas banner in Australia.
Smith announces he is going to buy some gear.
Gillard announces a skill package booklet of in excess of 80 pages, with 34 pages either blank or pictures. Gillard almost swallows her tongue when she is asked why she just did not publish a smaller booklet to keep costs down.

Campbell Newman releases a booklet on LNP first 100 days should they win the election.

Is the Gonski fiasco about a new Chairman, or attempting to butter up the board members to allow a short term loan to the Federal Government under Gonski.?
After all, if the Federal Government attempts to lift the deficit limit again(and parliament refuses) then they have to have a reserve supply from somewhere.

After all Peter Costello originally stated that Labor would attempt to waste some of the Future Fund on one or more of their spending sprees.
It is outrageous that the labour govt is claiming the credit for the 3% superannuation when in fact that the employer's will be paying the 3% plus 4.9% payroll tax in Victoria!

A company business makes $1,000,000 profit before tax. The tax is currently 30% or $300,000.

The employees payroll totals $4,000,000 which will increase 3% for the superannuation change from 9% to 12% and will result in additional payroll costs of $120,000 plus payroll 4.9% tax of $5,880 for total $125,880 additional costs.

By reducing tax to 29% will result in a saving of $10,000 ($300,000 reduced to $290,000).

This business will be $115,880 worse off ($125,880-10000 less $10,000).


Just more smoke and mirrors, by the time the Libs get in it will be too late to change much, just try and salvage something from the wreckage. As usual Labor have buggered everything they touch.
I mentioned with some interest about labors so called 'small business friendly measures' a few weeks ago. Turns out it was yet another labor farce.

This interview shows they either don't know their own policy, or are simply happy to lie about it.

Oh and the Small Business Commissioner
The sentence in bold sums up the labor government in a nutshell.
Yes, and they are all perpetuating this same myth - that the MRRT is going to go toward paying the increased super for all Australians. Wayne Swan has implied this and almost said it in so many words on multiple occasions, and it's probably why there seems to be pretty widespread acceptance in the electorate about the MRRT.

Mr Abbott can't say much because he himself is going to whack business for his ridiculous maternity leave scheme.
...Mr Abbott can't say much because he himself is going to whack business for his ridiculous maternity leave scheme.

Yes, that ridiculous maternity leave scheme needs to go, imo.

And yet, amazingly, rusted on laborites would defend such a scheme black and blue if it were a labor scheme.
Mr Abbott can't say much because he himself is going to whack business for his ridiculous maternity leave scheme.
Abbotts maternity leave just leaves a bad taste.
If labor actually threw some decent reform and planned direction up for small business I would have voted for them. But over and over again they have shown they are against, or do not understand small business and the self employed.

Bruce Bilson is the shadow minister for small business
Speech is here

Once again talk is cheap, but liberals have always been better in this area. I'm at a point now where I would donate money to libs campaign fund to help get rid of fed labor on this issue. There is a lot to dislike on libs front bench though, needs a reshuffle.

Gai Brodtmann: Labor Candidate for Canberra
Written by Gai Brodtmann
Monday, 02 August 2010 10:00

Like so many of us, I chose to live in Canberra. I first came here in 1982 to study at the Australian National University and I came back for good in 1990 to a job with the Attorney General’s Department.

I joined the public service because I wanted to contribute to improving people’s lives. Then, as now, I believe public service can make a difference in large and small ways.

I worked in several agencies before striking out on my own 10 years ago, setting up a small business developing and implementing communication plans for clients in the public and private sector.

Sounds like a small business employing one person/consultant!!!

Does anyone know how many staff Gai employed?
Mr Abbott can't say much because he himself is going to whack business for his ridiculous maternity leave scheme.

I don’t agree with Abbot’s maternity leave scheme because it’s too generous, but
it could be a smart move in the long term if you look at it as ‘social engineering’

Abbott won’t say it, but my best guess would be this… Abbott doesn’t want the
child birth rate of lower social-economic Australians outstripping those from higher
social-economic positions

If that happens then the there is a greater chance there will many more generations
on the government welfare i.e handouts, health, government-housing, Crime, Obesity…etc
This would be disastrous in the long run.

In a nutshell, birth rates from women/families that earn higher incomes need to
be encouraged.

And if this is the best way to achieve it then I’m all for it, as long as they find a way
of not hurting small business with more taxes and levies, which they can't.

Wouldn't you look at fixing up the problem at the bottom rather than throw money at the top FCS we are all Australians.

Nothing like a class war eh Frank.

Who is going to do the fighting come the next war the grunts certainly wont come from the top end of town.

As for obesity seen Gina or Clive lately.
The longer the Labor government makes us wait for the next election the more the rout will be like the Queensland result.
The longer the Labor government makes us wait for the next election the more the rout will be like the Queensland result.

Gillard will lie and smarmy her way from here on more than usual to try to get the public on side, she's got a year to lie her way to a better position, but she is so utterly incompetant with brains trusts like Swan (Goofy) and Albanese (almost simple) Crean (Slimy Simey) and the rest of them it will be very hard for her not to stuff up further.

We shouldnt feel too smug, can you imagine the mess that will have to be cleaned up after she's thown out on a hefty pension ?
I don’t follow Queensland politics very closely, but I understand one of the main forces behind the Labor annihilation was Bligh’s lie over asset sales.

It’s very obvious that federal Labor’s forthcoming decimation will similarly be due to Gillard’s lie to the electorate over the carbon tax.

I wonder if she ever feels any regrets over that? Perhaps federal Labor would still be in with a chance if not for that one single blunder?
The Labor Government should:

1. Keep Julia as PM
2. Keep the Carbon Tax going
3. Keep the mining tax going
4. Keep the NBN going
5. Keep letting plenty of boat people join our happy land.
6. Keep rubbishing Tony Abbott.
7. Keep blaming Tony Abbott for anything that might go wrong in Australia
(There is no reason why this could not be extended to encompass the worlds problems as well).
8. Keep lying to the electorate - they are use to it now and are ignorant.
9. Keep ignoring the state governments and threaten them if they step out of line.
10. Keep listening to the Greens - they have some great policies that will really benefit them.
11. Keep the world's greatest treasurer.
12. Keep recruiting old has-beens into the ministry.
13. Keep listening to the unions, they really have Australia's best interest at heart (and not heir own).
14. Keep your thumb on Australian business they are just like those nasty rich people
and can be milked and milked and milked.
15. Keep restricting the press with new rules so that they are all like the ABC and SBS.
16. Keep spending lots of money (it does not matter on what) - there is lots and lots of it.

This is a sure fire recipe for success. (honest - would I lie to you?)
The Labor Government should:

This is a sure fire recipe for success. (honest - would I lie to you?)

In Gillard's case "Success is going from one failure to another, with no loss of enthusiasm". W. C.
But her job satisfaction is based on implementing more taxes on the Australian voter,
because its the best thing for Australia.
So where does she think we live??

I see she's nicked off overseas to get away from the Qld disaster, scampered out of the place like the sneaky lizard she is........hey Julia GAME ON Julia ARE YOU LISTENING ?
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