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The Gillard Government

Yes the RED team are fantastic at managing the Australian economy.

The RED team treasurer must be very proud.

That can't be right we have the 'worlds best treasurer'.

Oh I know, it shows the spending on infrastructure, like UMM and you know that other thingey and lets not forget that thingamajig we built, you know the one. LOL,LOL,LOL

Oh hang on now I remember, we are spending a bit on new detention centres and there is quite a bit being spent checking out some pink batts in ceilings. There I knew I would come up with something.

You forgot the NBN

I always think this thread is misnamed, surely it's the Brown government not the Gillard government
You forgot the NBN

I always think this thread is misnamed, surely it's the Brown government not the Gillard government

No, it is the Green/Labor socialist left wing government in the grey area of communism.
For some time I have attempted to find a quote to sum up Julia Gillard and Labor.

'"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."

Sir Winston Churchill...
No, it is the Green/Labor socialist left wing government in the grey area of communism.

One sweeping statement deserves another.

(a) In a socialist state the people own the place collectively;

(b) In the current system, which defies a label, the few rich own it all and the ordinary people (the workers) pay the debts via taxation, utility costs, mortgages and rent. Its called private enterprise; and

(c) Communism is totalitarianism and is where the US could be heading the way they are going. So take care for what you wish for.

We are still the lucky country and the ballot box is not rigged here either. So be well pleased at where you are living. And,, we don't shoot at each other either.

The collection of the Libs., Labor and the Greens is the average of us.
We are still the lucky country and the ballot box is not rigged here either. So be well pleased at where you are living. And,, we don't shoot at each other either.

The collection of the Libs., Labor and the Greens is the average of us.

Well said explod, fortunately our worste government is better than most other countries best.
It is indeed a wonderfull place.
One sweeping statement deserves another.

(c) Communism is totalitarianism and is where the US could be heading the way they are going. So take care for what you wish for.

"Communism doesn't work because people want to own stuff." Frank Zappa.


"That some should be rich, shows others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise".
Abraham Lincoln
One sweeping statement deserves another.

(a) In a socialist state the people own the place collectively;

"Socialism is nothing but capitalism of the lower classes." Oswald Spengler

"If government could create jobs and raise children, socialism would have worked."
George Gilder
Well it didn't take Bob Carr long to get a dose of the labor foot in mouth desease.
Plenty of room in the goon show for another one.LOL

Well it looks like Bob's been to the Gillard school of denial.

I never said that and if I did say that it didn't mean that, that being said I would never have said that, if that being said was going to be re said.
Next question please.
I have watched the circus of Question Time (only for the comedy content) and am blown away by the amount of attention Tony Abbott gets.

Every time a minister is asked a question invariably his/her answer will contain an attack on Tony Abbott. The percentage of time they spend on this aspect is between 50% - 100% of their allotted time.

I have never seen such a concentrated fixation on one item by a Government. Surely they could make better use of this time.

Are we getting our monies worth or should Question Time be completely abolished as it serves no purpose in its current form.

These personal attacks by labor are becoming a bit over the top and from what I have read it is a ploy that Gillards P.R man from the U.K has introduced.
I can understand it may work there, but I think it will backfire big time here. Anna Bligh has tried it in Queensland, we will see how successful it was next weekend.
If labor are absolutely smashed, I think we will see an about face and Julia MK1111 will be rolled out
Reading the political discussions on these fora is like listening to Alan Jones but without the ads.
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