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The Gillard Government

The ABC gives immunity to the Greens and as you say their ideology and polices should be exposed for what they really stand for in the political world.

As ex Senator Graham Richardson said on AM Agenda a week ago, "When the Labor Party stuff something up, they some how are good at making a bad situation worse".
The more air time Senator Brown receives, the more he exposes his woeful ignorance.
Where does this "far right" thing come from. I don't see any fascists around here.
We'll respectfully disagree considering the comments on this thread and others. I note a Pro-Hanson thread has sprung up as well
Would probably expose the spectrum of ideas from the good to the ludicrous (fixing/legislating bank rates would be a disaster IMO).

I note that Bob Brown is happy for an independant treasury costings process to take place in Vic, which makes the Greens more transparent than Ballieu in some respects.
We'll respectfully disagree considering the comments on this thread and others. I note a Pro-Hanson thread has sprung up as well

You ASSUME a PRO Hanson thread. What is PRO about discussing a current news item that poses a question? Let's just call it a discussion on Hansonism. It is there. It is not going to go away any more than the greens, Oakshot or Katter will vanish into thin air. It was not started as A PRO job.
Many of the views expressed by her would be favoured by many serving politicians. She bundled all them together and had the guts to say them. I don't agree with them all but, being the forum red neck, I must say that there are some that are spot on the money.
As I have mentioned on previous posts, an increase in the GST is not only neccessary but inevitable as reported by the OECD. Whether the Gillard Government will take heed or not, I doubt she has the fortitude to procede with such an unpopular bold step.
Her alternative is to raise tax revenue from other methods upon which voters would have no idea how it will affect the cost of living. Unavoidable costs which will have to be passed on from business.
We'll respectfully disagree considering the comments on this thread and others. I note a Pro-Hanson thread has sprung up as well

You will have to be comfortable with those of the left being termed Stalinists, Trotskyites and Socialist bastids then.

Just to even things up a little. :

(Actually, that's probably not too far from the truth )
The following came through on email so don't know if it is factual. If it is, there is something very wrong and would give further reason for the boats to keep coming. How can they need another $145 per week for hardship is beyond me and Aussie battlers and homeless would be absolutely fuming.

Does anyone know how to verify if these facts true?


  • Aussie Welfare.JPG
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You will have to be comfortable with those of the left being termed Stalinists, Trotskyites and Socialist bastids then.

Just to even things up a little. :

(Actually, that's probably not too far from the truth )
WayneL, are you new to this site? Anyone who doesn't sit on the right hand side of Ganghis Khan is labelled a sociallist
(Actually it's why I used the lebel in the first place - response rather than initiator)

I also note Gillard's speech imploring free trade has been ignored by the "reds under the bed" crew.
Nope, but it seems enough people believe this stuff to make demonising "boat people" a vote winner.

As I understand it until refugee status is granted they get nothing in allowances/support.
Anyone want to work out effective marginal tax rates after taking all the following into account ?
The way in which Family Tax Benefit Part A is means tested is complex to say the least, but the worst of it is for incomes over $94,316. A means test of 30% combined with a marginal tax rate on 38.5% (including Medicare) results in an EMTR of 68.5%.

But Wait. It gets worse with FTB Part B, potentially much worse.

For two parent families where the primary earner has an adjusted taxable income (whatever that is) of more than $150,000, there's no thin slices per dollar. It just gets chopped off whole.
Earn $150,001 (in adjusted taxable income terms ) and for that extra dollar, $ thousands could be lost depending on the number of kids and the secondary earner's income.
Nope, but it seems enough people believe this stuff to make demonising "boat people" a vote winner.
That might be over-simplifying the reasons why so many are unhappy about these people, Mofra.
I doubt very much that the majority who have concerns about the way they come to Australia necessarily believe they are receiving special financial benefits.

As I understand it until refugee status is granted they get nothing in allowances/support.
I think that's right. However, they're housed, frequently in motels, given medical and dental care. There is some reasonably understandable resentment in the community that our own homeless people don't have access to the same resources.

I don't have any answers. Can see all sides of this situation.
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