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Confessor Numb Nuts

Take a deep breath, stand in front of the mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The trash that comes out of your mouth is what denegrates this thread. 100's of posts about SFA.

+1 to BigAl for telling it like it is.
+1 to BigAl for telling it like it is.

I gotta find his 'rules' for people t posting on this thread amusing

If he wants 1000 post min requirement and we work that on botty it'll probably come to this...

2788 post bots has made
99.9% are all useless trash

So by my calculations he's only made 22.88 post that had any relevance to this tread.
Even that is probably an over estimation
this forum is all about cyber bullying

the cyber bullies are out in force again......
you all gang up, to bash robots
thats your contribution....
and you pat each other on the back....

it is quite disgusting, from a readers point of view....
to see the personal attacks against any other poster
it shows you the posters in a very bad light
and a disgrace to the forum
grow up and debate the subject, not the poster
there is no excuse, its not fun, its simply cyber bullying

The man is a troll.

His post has no meaning, no contibution and he's a liar. The guy isn't a professor, he;s a joke.

This is not a chat room, no one cares about how the birds are or how the sunshine is - atleast do that in the general chat.

Put it this way. For arguments sake, if the housing market crashed and then I started making post like "HAHA I was right. I'm the best. Everything is looking great on my side etc etc" then that type of post contributes nothing and instigates arguments and hence I would be a troll, and so should be banned if I or anyone else does that....

You get my drift...
The man is a troll....

The "ignore" function works well and helps keep the blood pressure down.
Top right hand corner -> click on "settings" -> scroll down and click on "ignore" and then add the annoying member.

It works well. Those that like the member can continue to read every post. Those that don't can prevent it except for any quoted posts.

It would be nice if this thread could contain a more reasoned style of discussion on the property market without frequently being interspersed with frustration at the bot. I have the bot on ignore, but what's the use when others keep replying in frustrations?

I fear for the future of this thread if arguments continue to dominate it. Here is what Joe said when he reluctantly opened this current property thread:

Melbourne is already (anecdotally) the 11th largest city in the world by geographic area, and the services to outer established suburbs aren't great.
The current trend of virtually no growth in real terms in some outer suburban locales would continue IMO, with other desireable areas outperforming.

The ability to state governments to build infrastructure would have a large bearing on outer suburban/low density area property prices. I wouldn't be game to buy at the fringes of suburbia in our major cities, but then again I'm an investor and don't live in property I buy.

Useful post and reminder sails. Putting bots on ignore makes sense since he rarely contributes any useful information and he's just not interested in reasoned debate on the future of property prices in Aus but loves to stir with whacky statements.

Yes interesting, I wonder what the federal Governments Ideas are for expanding infrastructure, to cope with the forcasted rapid population increase?

If they do it too quickley, it could effect home prices in the short term?


Yep, loud and clear. Tried very hard over the years to have his wings clipped.

His contribution to "The Future of Australian property prices" has been to thwart any form of a common sense approach.

My emphasis is what I would hope is a prime objective of ASF and in most threads that is the case. For some time property discussion was closed down on ASF for these sorts of reasons. We need to just ignore botty and continue our discussions constructively. We do not want to lose this angle of the forum as property is one of the most important general investments at the right time for the majority of people.

Nothing at all on real estate results over the weekend in the newspapers in Victoria. And botty does not even report the clearance rates anymore.

Noted in a post above that Victorian Real Estate was up 20% for the last 12 months. The figures for the last three months will be interesting when they come out, IMHO.

Thanks for that. Bots now on IGNORE.

Now I can finally read the more sensible comments - from both sides of the argument
Yes interesting, I wonder what the federal Governments Ideas are for expanding infrastructure, to cope with the forcasted rapid population increase?
I don't hold much faith in either party - infrastructure stalled under Howard, and it seems a fair way down the list of priorities for Labour as well so I don't think too much will happen in the short term.

City infrastructure is largely a state government repsonsibility however, and I can only speak for Victoria when I note that both sides of politics are more into self-serving and point scoring than fixing proper problems. Vic ALP had over a decade and delivered a couple of stations, no new trainlines and no significant transport upgrades, leaving the train system unable to cope with peak demand. Libs traditionally invest little in infrastructure, although Ballieu is in the infancy of his govenrment and deserves some time to settle in.

The outer suburbs appear poorly planned and car travel is vital - someone who travels out to Caroline Springs often says the area is a nightmare with a single lane thoroughfare the main arterial inside the development, and residents couldn't dream of using public transport to the CBD for work unless they were willing to spend 3hr+ per day in travel time.

These lifestyle trade-offs will continue to be directly represented in house prices & growth stats IMO
Noted in a post above that Victorian Real Estate was up 20% for the last 12 months. The figures for the last three months will be interesting when they come out, IMHO.

I don't live in Melbourne. Does anyone know what has been driving the market there ? It seems that the Chinese are continuing to have an interest in the Melbourne property market.

Are the Chinese still well represented at auctions (ie. buying) ?

A CHINA-based developer is believed to be paying more than $100 million for what is the biggest development site put to the Melbourne market in recent years.


yeah thanks Kincella and mofra, i reckon you spot, bully boys

mainstream posters like those prevalent in the last 20-30 posts just cant accept other peoples opinions, simple

i believe Australia is Utopia, Paradise, the whitelight, the heartbeat of goodwill for planet earth

amazing, some have taken on my and 4 others vision and no doubt they not looking back, well done brothers

professor robots
It appears we have more than one financial tie to China.

Some food for thought...What would happen if these Chinese developers experience some problems in their own economy and/or forsee problems with our r/e market, at least in the medium term?

Would they be likely to 'dump' some of their investments, adding more 'supply' to a possibly stressed market?


dont know what the big deal is really, i keep the site ticking over while offerring those interested a step forward, another universe, a different space to the guy walking next to you

a euphoria which rushes through the body, i guess similar to the powers Bruce Lee was given, rush

professor robots
Just to let everyone know that I was being sarcastic with my post about property never dropping in price, only softening. I just wanted to make people aware of the importance in the use of language, particularly when it comes to real estate.

Media outlets rely heavily on real estate advertising and are therefore very hesitant to print negative stories about it. They don't bite the hand that feeds. But if you do see a negative story, the situation is obviously very bad and couldn't be ignored.

I work for a media outlet. Often we do real estate promo stories, like "hottest suburbs", but lately the cameramen have difficulty getting shots of anyone going to open inspections. If they do attend a couple of random auctions, they always seem to unluckily pick the ones that get passed in on vendor bids. Anecdotal, but alarming.

I also noticed the dicrepancies in the mainstream media's reporting of real estate figures. An article in the Herald Sun a few weeks ago stated that the market was booming because over 1,000 properties were up for auction over each of the next three weekends in Melbourne. They then printed the auction clearance rates on the following Monday. The result was about 450 homes out of the 800 up for auction for a clearance rate of well over 50%.

Sounds great. There is is in print so it must be true. But what happened to the other 200+ homes that were sposed to be auctioned?

If those 200+ homes sold before auction, then the clearance rate would be even better and I can't understand why this wouldn't get included. Or maybe it's because it was the other way round. An auction where no-one shows up or no-one bids can't really be counted as an auction, can it?

So as far as the media goes, good news real estate stories generate advertising dollars. Bad news stories don't. So if you read bad news, things are probably worse.

Yes Australia is paradise and I live in one of the best parts of it, would live nowhere else.

That does not mean we should not take care and also care of our fellows by being resonable in what we say and how we say it.

Loillies pops and roses are fine but the reality is that in spite of how god it is here and that we are reasonably insulated from the problems overseas that we still may be also having some problems. Silence is often golden but as just mentioned in the previous post by greebly24, it may too indicate some forboding for awhile with property.
Been to Zurich/Geneve i would move there compared to Melbourne or any place in Australia they do kick our ass in all terms.

But i would miss the nice weather

This is a thread questioning the future of property prices, if indeed prices did drop here then even if you where not effected your standard of living may drop(crime rate increases, ect)
This is a thread questioning the future of property prices, if indeed prices did drop here then even if you were not effected your standard of living may drop(crime rate increases, ect)

What, How can you justify that statement, how the hell would a correction in property prices mean Higher crime rate
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