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Yes and those projects have a substancial supply lag. You dont just have to hammer up 4 walls and a roof.

Approval+Construction 2-5 years.
Anecdotally down my way, Frankston North new commercial/industrial area opened up over the last few years and its very slow, most still empty blocks and some built on over the last year still empty.

Dromana industrial estate sees the same story for a doubled area expansion three years ago, 15% built on and only half that number leased.

Those two areas, the only ones near to where I live, cannot be in isolation across the country,.....or?

For dear botty, I have a part of my SMSF invested in property. If you check back, I am not down on property, in the right times it is a good investment. The right time/s is the key and being able to pick them is the big one. However outragous up ramping can do a lot of damage to people trying to learn what is best.

I do become annoyed at self appointed ratbags who, it would appear, should not have been promoted beyond second hand car yard sweeper.

Frankston is marginal for everything, always has been...Dromana is poor man's Frankston, well actually its poor man's Mornington so even worse.
Frankston is marginal for everything, always has been...Dromana is poor man's Frankston, well actually its poor man's Mornington so even worse.

Whoever is building commercial down at frankston is thinking long term....20 years long term.

This "fall" puts construction at an average level.
Demand dictates that it "should" be above that.

Those two areas, the only ones near to where I live, cannot be in isolation across the country,.....

Perhaps an extreme.
The Industrial areas which have infrastructure heading their way will demand development and will not suffer as your example has. So Investors in anything should first look at WHY the investment is likely to remain in DEMAND.
Still here,

I choose to read daily, have a life and post when I feel strongly about something, rather than sit on here like a Nazi and post exerpts on Days Of Our Lives.

Since you are asking, having a fantastic weekend, scouring the Perth Property Market, seeing those desperate sellers, who got sucked in with the FHOG or into the dream that prices will continue to rocket.

Lots of sad and poor people out there, just the average family that can't make ends meet. It's unfortunate that I'll be pouncing on another property, at the expense of the rotting carcasses of the sellers.

Bliss and Glory here in WA, overpriced Houses, Sellers can't sell their homes, Real Estate Shonks / Agents getting out in droves.

Yep the bottom definitely fell out of Perth.
Dont know about that.
If that's the only time something I WANT is for sale then I will buy it regardless of market.
Well then, in the example I provided, the buyers also clearly wanted the property regardless of market and they're $4.5 million poorer 2 years later as a result. Perhaps just wanting a property regardless of price or market conditions is more about emotion than reasoned investment.

Relative to earnings years gone by ---no different.
Strongly disagree. Please review the graphs below and then tell me that debt and income relative to house prices is the same as in years gone by...

Just be sure to let me know when that is. Ill bet you wont be able to pick it.
I'll take that bet relative to cycles. Picking the exact bottom no, but close is good enough if your investment horizon is long enough. Evidence suggests that the U.S. property market has not bottomed yet but there are now some great deals to be had for the astute property investor there.

are they from DebtDeflation those graphs FXTrader?


professor robots
Hello Robots,
After reading that article you posted, I'm enclined to agree with you, on your opinion of Oz.

I know it might sound stupid, but I was watching [foxtel] a stand-up comedian named
'Chris Rock' do'n his thing at the Apollo Theatre in NY.

In his act, he joked about gun violence.
His comical idea was not to control guns, but rather make the bullets worth 5k a piece.
That way he joked, there'd be a lot less innocent by-standers.

Kind of makes sense.

while quite a bear on the RE market especially here in Brisbane (sorry prof robot), i am considering investing in a cheap city studio; the key incentive being the NRAS scheme;

What do you think that scheme (extra 9k/year tax deduction for 10 year vs 20% rent discount)?
On paper coupled with neg gearing, i end up with a cash positive return.

I hope this is the right thread for this.Please advise if i should create a new thread

Exactly what does the act of one murderous lunatic have to do with property prices bots?

Since you seem to confuse murder statistics with paradise have a look at these stats...

For murders per capita, among the safest places to live are Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Perhaps you should move to one of these paradises though they won't allow you to smoke the stuff you're on at the moment.


no, this is exactly the type of posting the thread should have instead of the pea-brain whacky tobaccie type posts that have flooded the property threads for over 5yrs now,

the problem i have with NRAS is it has to go through a manager, you cant do it yourself i believe which opens it up for fees fees and fees

if you are getting principal and interest paid off then thats a huge bonus

professor robots

interesting link and going by bots learned laborer unqualified brain then Greece and Indonesia are some of the best places in the world to live in.

>>>going to to buy my share of paradise. See you at the sunshine and lollipops
while quite a bear on the RE market especially here in Brisbane (sorry prof robot),

100% of my property is in brisbane, and even I am bearish on the brissy market.

Brisbane has been kicking along for quite a while when the southern states were snoozeing.

It would be healthy for brisbane to stagnate for a few years like it did for most of the 90's.

However whether it does nobody knows, I do feel however that brisbane could get caught up in any hype associated with movements in southern markets which could see gains continue, which will add to any speculative frothyness already in the market and see any even longer protracted stagnation (or falls) in future years. So I am definately not increasing to my brisbane holdings at this stage.
Congratulations Robots, .

After watching you get bashed by the property perma bears for 3 years it's great to see the melbourne stats I have seen this weekend have shown soild gains in your market down in melbourne.

The majority of suburbs up over 20% in 12 months.

...instead of the pea-brain whacky tobaccie type posts that have flooded the property threads for over 5yrs now,
Confessor Numb Nuts

Take a deep breath, stand in front of the mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The trash that comes out of your mouth is what denegrates this thread. 100's of posts about SFA.
yea drinking lates and watching seaguls, he always says the posters who oppose him dissapear while he remains on auto repeat, I guess to him its a victory.

Probably the others just grew out of that phase when they finished primary school and decided there is no point replying to little robot.
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