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yeah, i am looking forward to making a bit more on my properties

and with petrol going down to a $1 and stable interest rates, alls looking good

add a bit of value to them over some weekends, utopia

professor robots

yeah, i am looking forward to making a bit more on my properties

and with petrol going down to a $1 and stable interest rates, alls looking good

add a bit of value to them over some weekends, utopia

professor robots

Really? Do you want 50 cents so you can call someone who cares?
and why cant australian places be more expensive than US, UK, France, or any other joint?

Because its not different here despite what the spruikers say.

House prices can't detach from incomes forever.

They learned that the hard way in America, UK, Japan, Spain et al

The only thing different here is the timing!
Here we go again .... Its the timing thing again .... Just you wait and see. Been waiting awhile now. How much longer to go? I am busting with anticipation ! !!
yup tis Mr Bots!

We love big knockers around here.... oh yeah... and Benny Hill

Damn your golden nads Mr Z. .... I have that stooopid Benny Hill theme music playing in my head now and a mental image of a dirty old man in a grey overcoat chasing some tart with big knockers ( o )( o )
hello muppets.....
spring is sprung, birds are singing, and life is looking good the drought has broken....nature replenshes herself, life cannot get much better than this......and now the news, those smart people that became millionaires, since the dreaded GFC commenced.....really who would have thought that would happen......
certainly not the property bears, they were beating the drum, prices falling 50% plus, and how they would make a killing......whoops, wrong again....
ps...actually being a millionaire is no big deal anymore.....considering how easy it has become......and remember those forecasts of melb house price median will be in the one million figure within a few short years......
being a multi millionaire will be the norm......
property and business makes some is the opposite to what all the bears were forecasting.. or more like wishing and hoping for on this forum....
wrong again, time after time..... I guess the morbid forecasts sounded comforting......but actually getting it so wrong, puts them way behind the line ball...again

actually its relatively easy to become a millionaire here in wonder everyman and his two dogs wants to get into the action and live here...

extract only......

But where the sharemarket was the great wealth creator during the resource boom from 2002-2006, property and entrepreneurship has become the chief avenue to riches since the onset of the GFC.

Capital city property prices rose upwards of 20 per cent in the 12 months to April 2009, elevating many Australians to millionaire status on their bricks and mortar alone.

Read more:
hmmm, wonder how many more will surface after the GFC mark 2 is past us....
it has another year or so to will test the resiliance of most, but its how one reacts and can deal with problems, that bring out the best in people....

its the innovators and people that work harder, take risks, and they do not follow the sheep....nor rely on a catastrophic event to bring them into line...


What?s noteworthy about the report is that India is among a select group of countries whose millionaire ranks (defined as people who have more than $1 million in investible assets, not including primary residence and consumer durables) are now above levels at the end of 2007, before the Great Recession.

Globally, millionaire numbers jumped 17% to 10 million people holding total assets of $39 trillion. Growth was strongest in the Asia-Pacific region, where there were just over 3 million high-net worth individuals in 2009 (up 26%) with $9.7 trillion in assets. The number of Asian millionaires overtook Europe?s tally for the first time last year, the report said.
"Capital city property prices rose upwards of 20 per cent in the 12 months to April 2009, elevating many Australians to millionaire status on their bricks and mortar alone."

You cannot eat bricks and mortar.
Kincella - a country cannot become millionaires from rising house prices. Rising overall house prices are not real wealth.
In all other Anglo Saxon countries, there is an open admission that house prices became, and are, overvalued and a resignation that at best there will be an extended stagnation of prices.

Is Oz so different?
Kincella - a country cannot become millionaires from rising house prices. Rising overall house prices are not real wealth.

Funniest thing Ive ever read on a forum.

overvalued and a resignation that at best there will be an extended stagnation of prices.

Its happened before and will happen again.
When it does hopefully people will see the signs and be better prepared.

Seeing Housing at a median price of 1 million is not so far fetched.
In 1963 a house was under 10K.
Wages will be over 100K and a good wage 200K Id say within 20 yrs.
Millionaires will be a dime a dozen and Multi Millionaires will be the financially secure with the wealthy being Billionaires.

The impossible isn't all that impossible.
Thinking outside the square seems more difficult for most.
In all other Anglo Saxon countries, there is an open admission that house prices became, and are, overvalued and a resignation that at best there will be an extended stagnation of prices.

Is Oz so different?

This time is different

Seriously though its as hard to see the bubble not busting and its just as hard to see what will trigger it.

Thought this was interesting

Stalling NZ economy threatens Australian recovery

New Zealand unemployment has started to rise again and house prices have started to fall. Rising bad debts in the New Zealand banking system overflow to Australia as most of the mortgage debt in New Zealand is owned by the Australian banks.
...and its just as hard to see what will trigger it.
A salient point.

Thought this was interesting

Stalling NZ economy threatens Australian recovery

I can tell you that the market here is not so rosy. Not catastrophically bad, well priced properties are moving in reasonable time, but there are quite a lot that need to sell, but can't get the price they need to come out OK, so these properties languish at "aspirational" asking prices.

If the economy deteriorates further, I can see some ever more desperate sellers chasing fewer and cagier buyers.

Analyst on the radio said that banks would like to lend more, but fewer are able to qualify for a loan.
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